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Fairplay in RP Battle- Toward A Style of Realism


Too often does it become a major issue in RP that there is not a major  unity in terms to how RP battle is done. While everyone has a vague knowledge of terms like autoplay, god mode, etc,  and then some even know T1,T2,T3,A1 and  freestyle,(my personal preference as a novella  and multipara writer) very few actually know the unified terminology(which I have covered this in my glossary of terms  on another blog post) and how to RP with propriety and logic. So,  let us think about things together and build  up a basic system .

Fight By Sequence

Typically speaking, all roleplay styles are based upon sequencing. The reason for this is twofold: 

1. The nature of  all written roleplay is turnbased-   While  a lot of things can go on in a  roleplay war, it is often  slowed down by the fact of needing both writers to write out their details.
2. The desire to mimic real time-  While these seem contradictory, the desire to mimic real time to the best of our ability drives our roleplay.   Sequencing is the best way to accomplish this goal by  mimicking  martial arts text which rely on sequencing.  Things are set up, movement is done, and one person counters until  the agreement of hit is made.  No one has to accept damage until there is damage to be accepted, and  this is reliant on things like armor, character strengths and weaknesses, reach, etc.  

Logical Sequences For RP Battle
Let A= Attack
Let P = Parry
Let E= Evasion
A+A(although this is risky and damage must be taken by a lack of defense unless there is armor which will be dinted up and weakened)
E+P(no attack may be made after two or more defensive maneuvers for it would be awkward and trip the person up)

And there may be any combination of these in response to different combos, and accepting input and securing output damage for  this is basic cybernetics. All inputs  generate an output, and all outputs generate a sequence.   if fighting in RP is based upon it, then it is a good  RP fight which is based in fairness.

Whether  Or Not  Details Are Needed For Proper RP battle

While many RP by  one liners, semipara and para by convenience and time restraints,  these are not  the ideal style for roleplay. The issue with these styles, despite their time efficiency, is  entirely the lack of  style or else the detail which is necessary for blossoming out a world. (For more information, see my writing on The Unity Of Writer and Character) As a result of no significant world creation, these  styles fall flat and rely upon trust.

  This is all proven by  considering interpretation.   The greater the details of the events, the less that things are reliant upon the mind to forcefully make up for the details. If the mind is forced to make up for the details, then the heavy chance of miscommunication breaks out and overwhelms the story.  When miscommunication happens ,a stronger likelihood of accusations of autoplay or god moding happens, and furthermore that  drama breaks out as a result. When the drama breaks out, the story ends without conclusion.

Writing To Avoid Autoplay 

Writing to avoid autoplay is a very simple matter. Too many people say they attack this other person here or there, but this particular voice is not good as it forces the action upon another and therefore autoplay. Instead, try this:

Ippo throws a punch toward Takamura's face.

Ippo attempts to throw a punch towards Takamura's face.

This is compared to  Ippo punches  Takamura's face.  It is demonstrated, then, that an attempt is made, but no conclusion is made. This allows one person to  respond to another and allows a mimicking of real time while   assuming the turn based nature of the story.

On Godmoding

 True godmoding is easy to avoid, but it is also easy to become accused of doing this.  Since people are not  very detailed,  it becomes difficult to judge the "right amount" of damage taken if  the character actually gets hit. It is advisable that anyone who performs a roleplay attack is able to  communicate the amount of force  assumed to the   attack and not  leave it to the imagination. 

Furthermore, the person receiving the damage  must be  careful to  put details on what may stop the damage from being as severe as intended.   Armor is one way, and  will keep someone in a roleplay battle longer, but there are other  manners like   closing distance to  stop the amount of force from being as generated( a boxer's trick), or  to use a shield and failing to   fully block as you return  a blow. Perhaps, movement is taken and  the  hit attacks a less critical area.

On The Death of A Character

Many people are afraid of their characters dying, but this is  irrational. They   do not know that they control the canon for their character, and  all RPs  which are  not to edit the biography of a character  effectively are not canon to the character. So, if a character dies in RP battle, then the character can be resurrected for another story.

On Over Powering Powers

Some writers  write "debuffs" to respond to  overpowering powers. In my opinion,  all major or heavy attacks must be saved toward the end for they are greater finishing moves. Furthermore,  it is more entertaining if the losing character can apply extreme force at the end against the  winning character's extreme force for an epic last stand.

In this way, an "over powered character" may be played: 

Extreme details are needed(For this cannot be stressed enough), and levels of power are to be put into place.  It is unlikely for an over powered character to be  without some sort of arrogance, and so the over powered character will not  use the full  force of power all at once. To this over powered character, fighting  becomes more of a  small thing which  is only to be tried harder when they are either annoyed with how difficult  things are being, or when they feel like showing off randomly.

However, if there is a debuff that is used, it must affect both characters and not just one.  If there is some magic crystal that prevents all powers and renders someone just  like a normal human being, then it should apply to both characters or  risk being  known as an over powered power itself.
On Taking Time

The last consideration is taking time into consideration. This is the only place where OOC and IC will mix. The time  as in in character time would relate to era and genre for a WW1 setting would not have laser beams, but it may have swords and clubs and all for the trenches.  A medieval setting would not have  machine guns, but perhaps  single shot  and inaccurate/highly unreliable  "hand gonne"  cannons and other early "muskets."

In terms of  OOC time, it is always important to keep an OOC communication that is civil and friendly.   That being busy is   communicated, and that time can be planned around things, and that all  posts are put in an easy access area like in a blog. The reason for this is because if someone has to work, go to school and do many other things as they  typically do:  stories can be forgotten and either discarded or  certain  earlier actions of a story that are relevant become forgotten.   This will either create an unfair advantage,  or cause  a forgetfulness that ends a story.


These are all pragmatic tips that some may have already known before, but this combination of them is needed.  I reject the idea of  stylistic sequence, but accept any number of sequences used so long as they are done logically.  I say all  we need is detail, and  more and more detail. Finally,  we need all the communication possible  OOC  in order that the flow of information  calms things down and stops all drama. Thank you for reading this humble article.

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The Unity of Writer and Character(writings in a newer concept of roleplay)

Roleplay is defined by the essential quality of playing a role other than the self. Playing a role other  the self dictates to think as one other than the self meaning the necessity of a disengagement from the self in itself. Disengagement is the cessation of thought into complete neutrality within the soul as it returns to its place as the lord over all reason, imagination, emotion/spirit and appetite. This is necessary for the idea of adopting a pseudo-soul by which the non-existant is in place of the existant, which is categorically where the self lies. The non-existant is   categorically the pseudo-soul in which is adopted when the writer and character become one in being through a hypostatic union. Hypostatic union being the unity of two substances(hypostases) or natures(physes) by which unites within one individual person(hypostasis for hypostasis means both substance and person) in which the two natures are kept distinct,but still existing within one and the same person which is termed a unity.

The first thing a writer must do to establish this unity is that the writer must entirely clear the mind. All real world things must be abolished, and the new world is put through the imaginative process of the soul into the eye of the soul within the heart and the mind of the individual being. The imagination becomes shifted and the creation of a new world and  new person within the framed context which exists dynamically within the world which exists only within the mind in itself.

This new world of the mind is accessed within the contemplation of things visually as the soul contemplates the divine symbols and archtypes and forms of things. Gathering the symbolism, forms, archetypes,etc allows for the sacrifice and forgetting of the self within the context of a new self which is the pseudo-soul applied within the  context of played role.

Accessing this new world also done by complete and total immersion into these things.  When the self is forgotten, the concept of the new world is put before the eyes and by the aforementioned contemplation,  guided imagination creates within the soul the movement of the pseudo-soul in the replacement of the real existing soul. This movement becomes the unity that is found between the writer and the character for the new soul  is the character and the soul itself is symbolic of the writer.

If one achieves this unity, the immersion takes place as an immersionism. Immersionism is defined as a style of roleplay which immersion is the very goal within the two writers as found in the metaphysical truths written above. Conceptually, an Immersionist does not  mereley create and play,but embodies the character and  builds by full immersion a story  through the interaction of characters.

Such a thing cannot be done within  the context of a rational discussion. Rational discussion is the enemy of  Immersionism, which is based in Neoplatonism,Surrealism and Peripatetic thinking as applied  contextually within the frame of a roleplay. Spirituality becomes the key, and the induction of the whole faculty of the soul must not be overruled by anything. By  discussing stories instead of creating stories, this conception is killed by the unnatural forcing of a story which  becomes unreal.

However, by following these principles, one may be able to fully create  a story, character and world build.  Since this is focused on the unity of character and writer, though,  other aspects of Immersionism will be covered in future writings. Let us, within all thought and the full exertion of the power of the whole faculty of the soul, create our stories and actually become our characters and not mere be content with the dyingness of dry roleplay.

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RP definitions+ Common Mistakes (RP 101)

RP Glossary

These are a few definitions to help anyone  who wishes to know the language of roleplay  to actually know the language of roleplay.

Autoplay: Autoplay is the act of  controlling someone else's character. This can be,but not limited to autokilling, the act of killing a character without the consent of another,  autoraping: having sex without consent of another and autowounding, forcing damage on someone else.

OOC:  Commonly known as Out of Character. Can be  displayed also as (( a statement in beetween double parentheses)). When it is done, and it is typically done in  the case of  a writing which is mostly in character, it shows that  the particular statement is uttered out of character. Some people ,wrongly so,  mix OOC  within their in character(see IC) comments  and claim that they're  out of character when they are not.

IC: In Character, this is usually used when  someone says OOC and goes back to the In  Character storyline. 

OOC Drama: The usually purposeful act of  harassing/bullying another roleplayer and causing  chaos that subtracts from roleplay

Meta-gaming: Lit. "All Gaming" or "Over Gaming." This is a common error in roleplay where people assume that  OOC known knowledge is  IC as well this gives an advantage to  someone unfairly in a storyline  such as knowing where an ambush is without sending scouts or  spies.

Style: Style is the  type of roleplay that is done in terms of  length.   This ranges from Oneliner to semipara to para to multipara to the novella.

God moding: God moding can be anything from not accepting   ANY  damage to creating an over powered character who cannot be defeated no matter what.

Common Mistakes in RP

Miscalculating damage. This is done either by the receiver or giver and its typically where  damage is  attempted, but  the person doesn't accept it to how it would logically be in a real life scenario. This is not autoplay or god moding, and this can be  corrected by a third neutral party being a judge in the storyline unless someone were to actually  do the research on history and medical science. This could be like someone trying to cut at armor, which may dent or something but allow the person to be killed.(especially true of chainmail, which cannot be  cut but only stabbed) 

Approaching with the intent of RP Sex. Some roleplayers  make the mistake of centering RP all about sex. This creates a scenario of no storyline  being done, and no cleverness  comes from it.

Expecting for discussion of stories. The problem with this is that creative juices cannot  be flowing if someone knows what happens. Roleplay is playing a role, and part of playing a role is full immersion.

Lack of research.  This is applied both to what has been said before and to characters in themselves. The failure to read about a character who you  intend to roleplay with or  even your own(in the case of  characters  borrowed/ not created) can lead to severe inconsistencies, and in RP battle: cringy acts are done. This can also lead to someone confusing a mean character with their author, who may not be mean.

Jumping to OOC.  This mistake is where you overuse the OOC option, and this interferes with a storyline. on top of creating unnecessary tension. Also, when people  respond to OOC dram with more OOC, this creates a situation where the OOC Drama wins and the cyberbully/harasser  wins.

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