FanDomain **

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64 years old
United States - 00000
Last Login: January 12 2025

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       FanDomain **'s Interests
Interests: Admin Note :
We do have a Shout Box to meet new people and have conversations Ooc or IC, but it′s not found on the Homepage. We did not want it distracting people away from actual creative writing. You can find it here : SHOUTBOX

We also have a public Forum section for those wanting to Blog open SL′s that the general public can be involved in. Currently, nobody has been using it. We just want to make people aware that it is available to all. PUBLIC FORUMS

The other Admin Page

Donations are accepted and very much appreciated.

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Movies We will not tolerate Drama from other RP Sites coming here to disrupt our peaceful community. Everybody has ex-friends, ex-lovers, ex-rp partners and long-time enemies. Everybody has their own personal drama; past, present and future. It doesn't matter who you are. We all have to deal with our own conflicts the best that we can. We don't always have to get along nicely with everyone else, but we don't always have to pick a fight with them either.

Promoting Drama is never a solution. There are no winners on either side. To be successful, we must move past the drama and don't let it muck us down. Roleplay is a fantasy place where people can escape their real life worries. Let it be a safe haven for yourself and for your friends.

We, at Fandomain are not interested in any other Rp Site's Drama. We don't care what you do over there, just don't bring it here. We reserve the right to delete or remove drama that is publicized.

"Happiness at a bare level is an extreme - just like sadness is. The goal isn't to be always happy or to be always sad - it's to be at peace"
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This used to be the Kingdom Directory Page but very few were interested in it and it was an effort to keep updated with the new groups, abandoned groups, disbanded groups. We redesigned this page to be a 2nd Admin page to handle the overflow of profiles and messages, so we can be helpful to those who require our assistance.

We also repost bulletins when we can, as we see them.

Video created by Amora {Yggdrasil Kingdom}
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       FanDomain **'s Friend
FanDomain ** has 3303 friends.
 FanDomain * 
 _Kingdom of Immortal Legends _KIL 
 {Yggdrasil Kingdom} {The Nine} RPG 
 Everlasting Deities ||FW|| 
 Club Scarab Fight Club 
 The Fae Realm 
 The Atlantis Kingdom (TAK) Gothic Horror, Greek Mythology 
 Kingdom of Camelot {FW} 
 The Sisterhood of Steel **SoS**  
 The Berserkers(Norse warriors){Yggdrasil Kingdom} 
 June Moone -CA- 
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