Czar Wilfred Von Hamburg HOF

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"No OOC drama no autoplay, no god moding, let events determine the stories (I prefer to write, not discuss plots)"
31 years old

Last Login: July 12 2024

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Wilfred the Wild is from the ancient Saxone and Suebian tribe. A tribe that settled down to become famous Westphalian Saxon Knights. The greatest swordsmen Europe had ever seen. However, before this took place, their liberation from the Franks happened by a young and talented warrior. A warrior who traveled far in the north to learn the ways of the Vikings : the berserker to be precise.

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Czar Wilfred Von Hamburg HOF has 327 friends.
 Talley "the Hound" Lasombra Elder (WOD) 
 Baroness Anastasia DeCobray 
 Ruthie Bloodmyre *hybrid* LIAR 
 Chief Redhawks Adams (AC-AE-LIAR) 
 Devi Orcus(TAK)(GSO)Queen of Chroniz 
 King of fyre- TFR--BvL- IDT- [backup] 
 Lady Lauren 
 Queen Desdemona Lust (KOED)  
  Hera ~ROTG~ 
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