Terms of Service
Fandomain.org is a social website designed for roleplayers of various fandoms to have a Fun, Drama-free place to post Memes, Pictures, Fan-fiction, Videos, and to engage in Roleplay Writing, and Social Networking. Build a Kingdom, or expand an Empire, establish a Family or a Group of a specific genre, be it whatever tickles your fancy. To have a profile on our site, you must have created a 'Named' character, whether that is a canon character from fanfiction, or your own original character creation.

Fanfiction is a broadly defined term for stories about fantasy characters or settings written by fans of the original work, not the original creator. Any Copyright disputes must be settled in a court of law and may not involve Fandomain. We are not to be held responsible for the interpretation of any fans who use our site to express their creativity with their fandoms. We cannot be sued.

Original Characters : characters that are Created by an Individual Writer are protected by us from being copied or duplicated. If you created your character by Your Own imagination and ideas, then you are an Original Character.

Cannon characters such as Mythical or Historical characters, Comic book characters, Movie characters, Book characters, etc � are allowed to exist on Fandomain in multiplicity if they are easily found on Google or Yahoo type search engines. They are not considered original characters. For example : Batman, Superman, Super Heroes, the Greek Pantheon, Norse Mythology, Roman gods and goddesses, Movie characters, or any character that is pre-existing in any other source outside of the writer's originality, can exist in multiplicity on our site. We will not entertain a dispute about it. You did Not create them, they are Not original characters. Period.

This cannon rule also includes :Names, Concepts, and Geographical Locations that are easily found in Google or Yahoo Search Engines. Original creations of Steven King or any other published book or Media source will Not be acknowledged by Us as a Copycat by other roleplayers. The frequent complaining about something that you, yourselves did NOT originally create wins no favors with us. If we can easily find it in Google Search and find it to be from an already existing Public Source, then all further argument is Null and Void.

To Sum it up : If it is Not Your Original Creation and is Not an original Kingdom Name or original Group, the Admins of Fandomain will Not be drawn into a dispute about it.

The only exception to the aforementioned rule is : No exact duplicate of another person's profile is allowed when two or more similar cannon profile exist. The profiles must be uniquely and originally designed and should not look exactly the same as the others; otherwise it will be considered a copycat profile.

Roleplayers do Not own their default Playbys of Actresses, Actors, or Singers. Most can be found on Google or Yahoo or YouTube, and otherwise found on many Media Sites, including Wikipedia and other resource websites. We will dismiss all complaints, unless you can Prove that your Playby is an uncommon one.
Our best Recommendations are to Not add the doppelganger to your friends, do Not message them with threats, do Not harass them.

Disclaimer: Fandomain and its Admins are Not to be held liable or responsible for anyone's childish Insecurity over someone else coincidentally using their same Playby.
Our Suggestion is to Edit your Pictures by Putting your Character�s Name on it and making it Uniquely Yours. If anyone steals your edited pictures, then that IS a legitimate reason to complain. We will require Proof.

Erotica: We are not an erotica roleplay site but we will not restrict it as taboo either. We will not monitor how your character interacts with other characters, if you comply with a no Ooc (out of character) cyber-bullying protocol. We prefer not to have profiles that are explicit erotica; such as obscenely named profiles denoting explicit sex, or underage Rp whose Only theme and purpose is sexual promiscuity. These undesirable profiles will be flagged after 3 months of Inactivity and removed. Respectable roleplaying profiles have up to 5 years of inactivity and are excluded from our monthly cleanup of dead or abandoned profile.

How you Design your Layout is by your own creativity but We Do Request that any Pornography or Erotica is Set to Private so the whole world cannot see it. Please Set your Profile to Private and only your Friends will see it. If they complain, they have the option of unfriending you.

Nudity: We Tolerate Mild Nudity if it is Not done in a manner that which becomes Offensive to Others. Subtle Nudity is allowed as the Default image Only if there is no Clearly Exposed Penis or Vagina. Upper body nudity or a view from behind is allowed. You may Put a Star on it or be creative with your edits. If you have to use your imagination, then it cannot be ruled as being offensive. We are Roleplay Site for Mature Audience. We recommend all explicitly nude pictures be put in a Private Album to avoid offending those who are oversensitive to that type of material.

Please do Not Spam the Status Stream with Pornogrphic Images. It can be very offensive to your Friends. We do get Many Complaints from Friends Reporting other Friends. A Simple Solution : UnFriend Them.

Bestiality: We absolutely do Not allow bestiality or animal sex. Violators will be deleted and Banned from our site without a warning. The Only exception to this rule applies to Shape-Shifter type characters such as Werebeasts, Demons, Vampires, or similar Mythological Creatures that Also have distinctive Human form, as well as their Animal form.

Dispute Between Members: You are solely responsible for your interactions with other members of this site. We reserve the right, but are not obligated to monitor disputes between you and other members. It�s not difficult to ignore someone if you truly want to avoid drama. If you cannot resolve a conflict with another member and if Admin intervention is necessary, we will make a judgment call to what we feel is fair and unbiased. We hope that you all are mature adults and able to handle your own disputes.

OOC Drama: We prohibit any, and all harassment, bullying or drama from Other Sites (Including Discord) to be carried over to ours. We will Not allow other off-site drama to fester or escalate here. Whatever drama conflicts happens on other Rp sites is not a Fandomain issue to be resolved by us. Do Not be posting rant blogs over here with your hatefulness on, or from, another Rp site. There will No exceptions to this rule. We aim to promote a fun and creative writing experience, and provide our roleplayers with a drama-free environment. We reserve the right to delete any blogs, status posts, or profiles that intentionally brings other site drama to us.

Status Posts Each person is Responsible for what they Post in Status, and Likewise, each Person is Responsible for how they React to a Status post. Oftentimes a status is posted in a Generalized manner without Naming anyone, and there are always some who will think it is specifically about them. It happens, don�t take it personal.
Sometimes we all Need to Rant about Something or Someone. If absolutely necessary, then do it Once and be Done with it. We are not the Status Police and We are Not Status Nazi�s, however Persistent and Repeated Rants will Get our Attention and Not in a good way. If we have to Intervene to Keep the Peace, then a Verbal Warning may accompany it. Nobody wants to see that Noise. If anyone is offended by a Status Rant, they will be advised to remove the offender from their friends list.
If you Do name someone specifically in your status, or if you name someone in a Comment Response, then you Will be held Responsible for whatever Drama occurs. Everyone is Responsible for what they Post, and Everyone is Responsible for how they React. The simplest solution and our suggestion, is to ignore or else Delete each other off their Friends List.

Blacklisting: We define Blacklisting as: Public Humiliation or Group Bashing, Kingdom Slandering, or Bad Mouthing an Individual. Public = includes a Posted Status, Bulletins, Headlines, Blogs, or anything viewable by the general public. This does Not Include a Casual Mention of another Group, Kingdom or Family. We not encourage blacklisting, however there are many reasons why it keeps popping up as a concern.
We reserve the right to remove (delete) offensive Blogs or Bulletins at our own discretion.

If you are a Leader of a Group, or Kingdom or Family, you may Communicate your Rules and Preferences to your own Members if Done in a Non-Derogatory Manner.
Group Leaders Have the Right to Decide what is Best for the Drama-Free Success of Their Group, Kingdom or Family. If this Includes Not Adding a Particular Person or a Rival Group, then at Least Be Polite About it.
If You Deliberately Instigate Drama by a Rude or Insulting mention of another Group name, Then Don't Act Surprised when Drama Results from it. You Reap what you Sow.

If you Join a Group, or Kingdom, or Family, you should obey the Rules set by your Group Leader. If you do Not Like their Rules, then take the Dispute up with your Group Leader. If the conflict cannot be resolved, we will Recommend that you Quit the Group and Find Another, or else go Make Your Own Group and Run it Your Own Way.

Oftentimes, People leave Groups in Unfavorable Circumstances, or are Kicked out, Forbidden to Return, or to Associate with Other Group Members. Despite our best Efforts to Dissuade Rude Blacklisting, in this Case it is Inevitable and Impossible for us to control. Angry, Hostile Feelings are Not easily Suppressed. Many times, it's just a Heated Moment of Confrontation and then It's Blown Over with and Done. If it Happens Once, We Recommend that you Let it Pass, Shake it Off, and Move on. If it Continuously Happens and gets our Full Attention, then We Will Address it as an Issue.

Stalking your Enemy just to Spy on and Complain about what they Post is Not going to Win you any Favors with us. If you Deliberately Stalk an Enemy just so you can be Offended by Them, then that�s Your Own Fault. We will Take in Consideration all Aspects of a Complaint, and if Stalking is Suspected to be a Factor, then the Complaint will be Null and Void. It is a Well-Known Fact that Our Enemies visit our Pages More Often Than Our Friends Do.

It is Unacceptable to Message Someone who isn't in your Group, telling them who they Should Not Add. That is Rude and Disrespectful towards the Roleplayer. All Free Style Roleplayers are Free to Decide who to Add or Not to Add as a Friend by Their Own choice.

Private Messages should remain Private. We cannot monitor Private Messages, nor can we Control what is being Said in Private. Those who Share a Private Message with the Purpose of Exploiting Drama is Just as Guilty as the Person who wrote (said) it. The Person who Shares a Private Message has Violated the other Person's Right to Privacy.

Complaints If we receive too many complaints from an oversensitive person(s) who get offended about every little thing, no matter how miniscule it is, We will Simply choose to Ignore you. There is No Pleasing a Chronic Complainer, They will Never be Happy no matter what we Do, or what we Don�t Do. If you�re the type who gets butthurt easily over This, or That, and Everything Else, then expect to be ignored. Most of us have Real Lives outside of Roleplay. We do not have time to Nursemaid your Chronic Hurt Feelings.

3rd party complaints. Those who are not directly involved in a dispute between 2 other people will be listen to and taken at face value. If you are a drama seeking person who habitually gets involved in other people�s drama, we will simply advise you to mind your own business.

How you Roleplay your character is your own business and discretion, as long as it doesn't cause an excessive amount of Drama or Complaints. Storylines that involve incest, sadomasochism, or any other taboo type genre are Allowed IF within your own group or Kingdom. Your personal stories are your own freedom of choice as long as it is Not forced upon an unwilling person. Be careful when involving those outside your group with taboo genre. It can be complained about. Our only rule on this is: do not involve those who are not in your group, with your group policies and politics.

We are a respectable Roleplay Site and will we take whatever measures are necessary to remain respectable. That is our right to do so.

We have extended our Yearly Clean up of Inactive or Dead Profiles to 5 years. Currently all last login 2015-2016 profiles are being flagged for review and deletion. The Last login 2017 profiles will be reviewed for deletion by 2021-2022. The exception to this is Faceless, Friendless, and Nameless.

Any profile that remains Faceless and Friendless or Nameless over a period of 1 week Will be deleted as Spam. Every 6 months, we do cycle through the last date of activity and flag those who have No Friends. If you wish to Remain on our Site, Please take the Time and the Effort to Add some Friends, or Join a Family Group, and you will be safe from deletion for 5 Years. If you have forgotten your login info or password, please message us, we might be able to help you. We are being More than Generous to allow 5 Years.

Disclaimer: We are Not responsible for the Actions of any of our Users and all Users Agree to take legal Responsibility for their own Actions. By making a Profile on this Site you are Agreeing that you will follow all Laws and that you accept Fandomain is Not legally responsible for any inappropriate actions of any of our Users. Should we learn of any Users engaged in unlawful activities on our site, their profiles will be Deleted and Banned, and they will be Reported to the FBI.

Any issues not covered by these TOS rules will be dealt with by the Admins at their Discretion.