Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Fairplay in RP Battle- Toward A Style of Realism 2020-09-20 Introduction Too often does it become a major issue in RP that there is not a major  unity in terms to how RP battle is done. While everyone has a vague knowledge of terms like autoplay, god mode, etc,  and then some even know T1,T2,T3,A1 and  freestyle,(my personal preference as a novella  and multipara writer) very few actuall The Unity of Writer and Character(writings in a newer concept of roleplay) 2020-06-24 Roleplay is defined by the essential quality of playing a role other than the self. Playing a role other  the self dictates to think as one other than the self meaning the necessity of a disengagement from the self in itself. Disengagement is the cessation of thought into complete neutrality within the soul as it returns to its place as the lo RP definitions+ Common Mistakes (RP 101) 2020-06-24 RP GlossaryThese are a few definitions to help anyone  who wishes to know the language of roleplay  to actually know the language of roleplay.Autoplay: Autoplay is the act of  controlling someone else's character. This can be,but not limited to autokilling, the act of killing a character without the consent of another,  aut