Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

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New Beginings; Heilsa Hospital


Stepping from her carriage into a bright clear sunlight Amoras golden hair shimmered. Every curl that was twisted and pinned under her diadem had been done just so, artfully, so the queen of their golden city shown just a bright. It was a warm sun, one of the last they would have before winter set upon them so Amora was glad that the final large structural work had been completed on their new hospital. Asgard for all of its advancements had no need of such a large facility before. Their healers made house calls and in times of strife they were a solid people who easily made up field hospitals when needed. But as the last dregs of their most recent war hung like smoke over them Amora knew they needed something more stable. The hem of her dress made a soft snick as she walked over the large marble stones that made up the front entryway of Heilsa Hospital. The name wasn't present on any arches or doorways but that wasn't needed anyway. The city had been talking for months of the queens newest endeavor, everyone knew its name.

Amma, the palaces personal healer and the one who was Amoras right hand through this process came out to meet her. "It looks perfect," Amora told the older woman with a little smile, and Amma nodded her head looking back on the building like a proud mother. "It should be all ready to go for the large opening when the King returns." Amora nodded her head her smile a little softer and more wistful then before. Her husband, and some of her sons were off training dragons. It had been a good call to manage that all far away from Asgard, as a volatile dragon was a dangerous one. And given time to adjust to the idea her children would be riding dragons and perpetually in harms way she was doing better with the notion. Still she missed them and wished the Order of the Dreki hadnt taken them away for such a long time. "It will be nice for them to see this all completed. And we need never tell them I did this because their pets are dangerous, yes?" Both women laughed because it had been their ongoing joke, one that helped Amora to not stress too much about her family being in danger.

Ammas dark hair was not covered but as they walked into the building a small gathering of healers and apprentices were waiting to greet them with robes that hid their hair from view. Amma motioned to each one and introduced them to the queen. Amora in turn thanked them for their time and efforts in helping to bring this dream into a reality. The oldest healers who knew they would want to retire before long had signed on as teachers, so younger healers might gain experience both from working with the city at large but also such wise mentors. After the introductions one of the apprentices lead the two women around, showing them not only the spaces set aside for teaching but rooms for those very ill, triage stations for emergencies and a large surgery that they were all very proud of. "It really is something." Amora said with a smile, remembering a time when she had been Ammas apprentice for an outbreak of illness in the city. How far they had come in making something better for their people.

They ended in the classrooms again and Amora thanked their guide, Tove, with warm wishes to see her here soon as a full healer. When the two women were alone again Amora sat, no longer standing on pretense to the woman who had birthed all of her children. "I didn't think we would be able to pull this off. After the devastation Sven tried to rain down on us..." Her voice trailed off not liking to think of Sven for too long. Though his shadow would hang over them for a long while still. This and everything like it Amora did for her children, especially those who others might look on and see Sven's face. They would see her family for the kindness they actually lived and not the harsh rumors whispered about. This would help the people and she hoped buy her sons, who looked enough like their father to raise eyebrows, some good will as well. "But we did it. Gunner has completed the desk id asked of him for the front entrance. Its so beautiful, I don't know how he does it. Every little notch he cuts into wood is a work of art. And though Asa still isn't speaking to me her sister assures me she will be in to complete the mural in the front hall before her father arrives." Amora also didn't dwell on the rift currently ripped between their eldest daughter and them because she hated it, but didn't know or want to admit how to fix it. "Herdis also informed me the night court will be donating some books and instructors on fae medicines, which will help with the apothecary."

The queen rolled her ankles, the delicate gold heels strapped to her feet not the best for walking. But right now appearances were placed above comfort and the people needed to know they family that guided them all was completely put together. Stability was the only goal for Amora. "I'm headed next to the orphanage. Ill be talking with the children's caretaker to assure her everything will be in place so the children will be able to come here and be checked over by healers. Wellness visits will end up being the norm, and it helps the children as well as the students learning to care for them. Id also like to make sure there is a process in place for soldiers to come and receive the same kind of wellness visits. I've don't enough visiting the families left behind of our fallen soldiers to know it will be welcome. If we can build up a camaraderie here between our men and the hospital the rest of the people will trust that this place and its healers are nothing but help to them. "

The women spent a little more time just talking. They spoke over details for the hospital, Amoras own plans at the orphanage and the changes also to be made there. Then Amma checked after the queens own health knowing Amora never called for help for herself, that always fell to Thor to do. With assurances that Amora was well she rose and adjusted her dress, checking her hair, once again focusing entirely on the face she needed to show her people, the queen and not the sorceress. Again the older woman lead Amora out through the white halls, their heels clicking on the stone as she saw the hospital on the way out like a recovered patient might. That made her smile, an expression that was still on her face as one of her two personal guards stepped forward and helped her to step up back into the carriage. "We are heading to the orphanage now Ubbi," she told him receiving a quick nod in return. She spoke to Amma leaning out of the window just a bit, "If anything comes up send word to the palace. Myself or someone else will have it seen to right away. It would be nice to give Thors advisors something else to do besides harping... always so much harping with those old bores." Amora held Ammas hand for a moment before patting it and letting her go. 

She waved not only to Amma but the others who came out to see them go. Slinking back slightly into her seat so she was visible but not on display Amora cataloged in her mind all her stops for the day, and then her obligations at home. She kept herself busy to not focus on missing those in her family currently away, but it served her people just fine. So she made her mental lists and she smiled at the people they passed, waving when someone waved to them. She would see the all safe and cared for, she would ensure they were all taken care of. As their queen is was the least she could do. And in turn she could mother them, a feeling she had less and less of with her children almost all grown now. Amora re-calibrated her days work, making sure she fit in time to steal her little Alva from her tutors and have an adventure that afternoon. For as long as she could enjoy her baby as a little girl completely untouched by how harsh life could be, she would. After her decision her smile was a little bit brighter as her carriage pulled to a stop in front of the polished if old stone facede that housed the children of Asgard with no other place to call home. 

03: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Learning To Walk

The snow that coated the gardens was thick and fluffy and made Amoras stomach clench as she released the little hand she had held in her own. She had decided as Sassa went from barely standing to trying to run in quick succession that doing so outside might be best. Less harsh edges, less sharp angles, and with the snow an added blanket to cushion her bottom if she stumbled and fell. Though the girl had the blood of frost giants running through her Amora bundled her up, pants instead of a dress, boots she’d laced tightly, a coat that had a row of buttons she fastened with ease. A hat pulled down low over her dark hair so the only thing visible in the end was her face, a soft pale cheek on one side that faded into the pink and violet texture of a snakes scales. 

Sassa was the child she held the most, she kept her closer though by this stage of child bearing Amora had lost the fears of new motherhood. But this was different, not how she held Lif’s hand for fear he would run to far, or the way she hovered over Asa worried she might not hear her daughters cry. No Sassa was different, visibly different in a way that would make people cruel, harsh, unkind to someone, even one so young as her daughter was. So Amora held her on her hip whenever possible, she held her hand and tucked her close and Amoras bright eyes dared anyone to say something horrid where she might hear. Amora alone might not be a deterrent, she was small and after so long she was no longer considered the threat she had once been. But she was the queen and her king was a man not to be crossed, kind and fair but strong and unflinching in the way he protected his family, it was a fool who would try and stroke that anger from Thor. So she kept Sassa close and tried to protect her from the harsh realities of people at large.

So though she hated the snow, thought back to the days when her sons had been cut down in a heavy snow fall, she brought Sassa here now. People wouldn't watch her, wouldn't stare and she could giggle and stumble and practice. Amora had wanted to bring Alva along but she was shadowing Ingrid, her new favorite past time. So Amora let Sassa run through the snow, and chased her, and was chased by her. Under the gaze of her own personal guards she didn't worry for their safety, there was no shadow over their having fun. And what started as simply a softer ground to walk on ended in snow angles and building fairy mounds before the dormant rose bushes. Amora tried to teach tiny hands how to make snowballs that then ended up lobbed at the statues though not a single one connected. They ended their time outside in sodden clothes and pink faces, frozen fingers and bright smiles. Amora true to form lifted the little girl to her hip to carry inside, like erecting a wall of protections around her once again.

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Rolling her shoulders Amora looked out the window of her office with a weary expression twisting her slim features. It had been hours since her return from The Night Court and her arrival home had been met with anger and fear and immediately she had set on the path to sooth, shelving the work that waited for her. Thor had been beside himself, frustration over what their guest had pulled, fear at Amora and Herdis being gone in a flash, anger at the inability to do anything about it before Amora was returned book in hand that could be their salvation. She had set about reassuring him, they had gone over every detail she could glean from her short time there and then Thor had meetings with advisors, his brothers and their sons. She hadn't intervened in them but she had stayed close by, both to make sure he was ok and to allow him to easily see the same of her, even if Herdis not returning with her had his worry not dissipating. When she left him to their meetings it was outlining the places the new courts could settle to ensure there was no infringing on the locals, no pushing those already there out of homes. They had maps all over the office, and they had been deep in conversation when she had slipped out.

She knew that Thor would see that everyones needs were met, it was how her husband operated, now she had to do what she did best. Amora had first poured through the book Rhysand had given to her, finding the spell that he could do without thinking, and then found the instructions for someone who wasn't high fae. She certainly wasn't, and set about coping those instructions out on multiple sheets. One would end up copied into her own books, the ones where she compiled spells that might later serve her family in some ways. The second would go to Lif, her strongest child when his own powers were paired with the bulk of hers which he now wielded. The third for her uncle, who was the authority on magic for their family outside of Loki, and safely away from Asgard. Should something happen to her, knowing they might still wield the weapon to save them made her feel much better. She closed off those letters, putting them where they would be found if something should happen. Then she compiled a list of the things needed, herbs, a ton of them according to these instructions. She sent one of their ladies into town, needing more bulk then they had on hand with such rare strange herbs, not the types one might usually cook with.

Then she pulled down the tiara that Sven had fashioned for her once upon a time. Amora had massacred a village of witches, and trapped their powers in the ruby that dropped like a bloody tear from the silver circlet. Sven had taken the ruby and made her what he had claimed would one day be her crown for ruling all of the nine. She let the metal heat, warm enough that she could separate the ruby drop from the band and fastened it to a chain instead. With her raw power trapped in Lif she needed this to ensure she had the strength to pull off the spell. And even after that she would likely be weak, lucky if she could stand on her own. She would need to have others near her or risk falling into Svens hands. The ruby was heavy and when she fastened the heavy chain around her neck the tear drop settled between her breasts. It felt heavy and she was glad that she would use this thing now, here to beat Sven back and release the powers that she had trapped that had never been hers to begin with. A penance to be paid and if she didn't die because of it shed take that as some sign that turning around most of her devious ways had been a good decision.

When her lady returned with the bags of herbs she gathered them together and started to separate them into massive dosages. She would carry one on her persons. Amma would be given one, one in their personal kitchens and one in the main kitchens. Thor would have one as well, in case one was lost, or taken she wanted her bases covered. She gathered then together, sealing them in innocuous tea bundles, telling her lady to take them where they needed to be, and instruct everyone they were for the queen, utterly disgusting and should never be touched. Amora might no longer be known for her anger, but that didn't mean people didn't remember who she had once been. She had her lady shuffle off to make her delivers and then took her last copy of the spell and steps she would need to remember. She tucked away the extra pieces, locked away the book she had promised to keep safe for the high lord, and then she headed back to check on her husband. She would study every facet of the spell, until it was second nature, because she would give her family a chance to win this. Sliding into her husbands office she offered him the ghost of a smile moving to sit on the arm of his chair as he looked over the maps he had been staring at for hours. Taking a page from his book she leaned down, kissing his head. “This is going to work,” she assured him her voice muffled by his hair, her fingers twisting in the ends of those locks. Amora was sure of it, they would win this, she had complete faith in them.  

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The Summoning Pt.3

The Summoning Pt.1

The Summoning Pt. 2

Amora stopped short shutting her door behind her. Her reflection caught her eye from a place that she had no mirror. Turning she watched the heavy hem of her dripping skirts drag over the carpet. The mirror there was wide, a perfect circle, the metal frame a snake, eating its own tail. Ouroboros. That was an ouroboros mirror, one that had not been there before she opened the door to another world. Amora inhaled once deeply, knowing it was something she had pulled without meaning to, and knowing she would need to ask their new ‘guest’ about it when the time came. She continued to shut the door, brushing damp hair behind her ear as she continued on down the hall towards the deep rumble of voices. Her husband and sons were all there, and she braced herself as she entered the room.

They fell silent as she walked in, the faces all saying very different things. Her eyes caught though and stayed on Thors, who's instantly were weary, knowing she had dome something. His first expression had been worry, maybe panic. But Amora wasn't hurt, she wasn't crying, she looked like a drowned cat but she wasn't hysterical so he knew whatever it was, it hadn't been done to her but by her. She cleared her throat, “Boys, excuse us for a moment. Actually,” she added as they started to shuffle out, “Lif, I need you to call on Amroth and Loki for me please. And Zilch, reach out to Welch… we might need his help.” There was confusion in the expressions, but Zilch turned right away to go. Lif paused a moment, gaze flickering between Amora and Thor. “I… ok yea. Ill be right back.” Her eldest son, taller then her by a head, dark hair gleaming in the low light look concerned as he left the room.

“What happened?” Thors voice asked from behind her, the gravel in the tone sounded like it was caught between concern and weariness. “Are you ok?” he pressed, pushing to step forward despite what Amora was sure was a certainty that she was in fact the problem here. Thor had very good instincts and he knew his wife very well. He looked down at her, the way her dress hem was splattered with mud, the material clinging to her frame, her hair plastered to her shoulders and throat where it touched. His eyes scanned her, from foot to head and back again, his brow raising when she still hadnt spoken. “Im fine,” Amora assured him, her hand curling around the edge of his armor at his side, holding tight there, the warmth of his hard stomach contrasted sharply with the chill of her damp fingers. “Let me explain, all of it before you yell or get to angry to listen to the story,” she said, his eyes flashing because now he was certain she had in fact done something, something dangerous or reckless, probably both. Amora didn't begrudge him the expression, she knew he worried, he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and she was apart of that, a very big part. When he was in danger she worried non stop till she knew he was ok, so she didnt fault him the anger or weariness that her stunts put him in, even if she would argue to the death for the ability to do what she could.

“Ive been looking for a way to neutralize Svens army, its hard to pit our men against theres knowing his are already dead and ours can still die,” she began, starting in an open place, nothing that was news to him, to ease him into the tale. “Ive had Welch on the look out for anything that might help. In my wheelhouse,” she clarified quickly, “Any magic, any spells, any objects that might give us an edge. He found something, that ive been working to decode. And I did it. Its from another world, one with magic we dont have, or havent learned yet, and so we have something to learn here, something that can beat Sven, something to change the tide and make sure our children, this kingdom, the whole of the nine remains safe.” His eyes were on hers, chilled blue meeting swirling green, and she kept that eye contact as she explained to him what she had done, how she had gathered her supplies, went to the woods alone (His whole body tensed at this news but he let her continue) Her hand held to the armor, reveling in the warmth under the heavy plates of it as she explained how she opened the door, bringing the violet eyed man into their realm, then knocking him out and trapping him in the cottage. She ended on the mirror, and musing that maybe other objects of power found their way through but assuring him that the man with violet eyes could confirm they were from his world once awake.

Lif knocked behind them, peeking in the door to inform Amora, “They are both here, Loki looks a little put out because I didnt know what to tell him had happened...” The trailed off as if Amora would fill in the blanks but she didnt so he sighed, “Should I send them in?” Amora shook her head, “Ask them to wait please in my sitting room, we will be right there.” Lif nodded, the door clicking shut behind them as Amora turned to face her husband again. “I want them to help me ward a room here, someplace close, where I can learn what I will from the man, make sure hes contained while we do it. I dont revel in this, but im not sorry for trying to level the playing field before you find yourself on it.” Thor leaned in, hand at her waist tight with tension but gentle in touch as a kiss was pressed to her head. “Im going to order an increase in the guards while our ‘Guest’ is here” he murmured before adding, “We arent done talking about this, but first he needs to be secured.” Thor lead her back out to the sitting room, leaving her with her uncle and his brother to explain again and outline what they would need to do for her.

Hours later Amora wore a dry dress, her hair pinned back, looking the picture of a golden queen while she stood just outside a cell, adorned in luxury and comfort, with gold trimming out the white floor and ceiling and the four clear walls. The man with Violet eyes was siting up now, no longer bound, his expression cool and relaxed, almost bemused. “Im sorry our first meeting had to be so, crude. I hope your at least more comfortable,” she motioned to the room around him as if it were pure opulence and not also a cell. “I do hope you can forgive my urgency. But I don't have the time for niceties. I need your help, and I realize this puts this entire situation into stark perspective. But you have a queen ready to bargain with you for the protection of her world and many others.” Amoras voice wasn't a plea, it was firm, factual, being honest without being needy because no matter her need she wouldn't let anyone take advantage of her need now. Long solid limbs unfolded themselves as the man, all dark hair and bright eyes stood, walking towards the clear wall though he stopped a few feet back, his lean frame relaxed, like they were having a conversation like any other. “Well your Majesty,” he began, giving her the first taste of the sound of his voice, like thick velvet, he reminded her instantly of Loki. “Where I come a bargain is a very serious thing. As luck would have it im very sympathetic to the cause of protecting ones people. So we might just be able to work something out.” His hand raised for just a second like he might offer her a hand shake but remembered the barrier so instead slipped it fluidly into his pocket, “Im Rhysand, High Lord of The Night Court.”

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The Summoning Pt.2

Amora spent the next couple of hours perfecting the incantation that she would use when she split the seams between worlds. She broke long enough to feed her youngest, tucking her girls back into bed with Herdis watching over them. Amora always wondered that she was the most like Amora, strong willed, stubborn and unwilling to listen. Herdis jumped first and asked questions later, exactly as Amora was doing now. She knew that Herdis suspected she was up to something but she wouldn't speak reason, no thoughtful reproach from Herdis because given the ability she would do the same. Amora of course wouldn't want her to risk it but it was Amoras risk now and so she thanked her daughter, and left the babies in her care. She swept back into her office, a room set in the far back of their wing, away from where they lay their heads every night. The door was shut to the hall, locked to anyone stepping in without her say so. She murmured the words she would use, not letting herself need to rely on anything but her own memory when the time came. 

At that thought she looked at the clock that sat on her desk, tucked into the corner by her balcony. It was growing later, and if her lady didnt return before Thor did she would have to push this back, something she wasnt ready to risk. She pulled a satchel free from the chest along the near wall and started to fill it with what she would need. A trip to the market for one of the things she needed was taking forever but the things she had on hand she could prepare. As an anchor to her world she needed earth from each of the nine realms that made up their world. Amora had jewels from most that worked perfectly, rocks mined from every one of the realms that created their world save one. So now her lady sought out dirt from Hel, something she knew was available for those in Asgard who liked charms maybe more then they should and didnt mind tempting the fates against them. The dagger her husband had given her when he first trained her was strapped to her thigh, a hole in the pocket of her skirts making it easy to grasp should she need it. She also had a bow on hand, something she was actually good with but never needed. If her powers failed her after she opened the door she wouldnt have herself be entirely defenseless. 

Bow and the arrows that paired with it were strapped to the bag before a knock sounded on the door, a gentle pat that couldnt belong to anyone in her family. She whipped the door open, beaming as a small clay pot was held out to her. She squeezed the old womans hand, mouthing the words, “Thank you,” before she turned to tuck the prize into her bag alongside the jewels she would be using for her cause. The woman waited for Amora who told her to inform Herdis she would be back in under an hour and to neither worry or mention to anyone she was away unless directly asked. She knew Thor would be furious if he found her gone without her guards, but she wasnt bringing anyone along. Shutting the door she let the lock fall into place and then picked up the bag sliding it onto her shoulder. She scanned the room one more time, to ensure she would forget nothing and then in a wisp of verdant smoke she was gone from the room appearing miles away at the base of the mountains that were once her bedroom windows view. She walked past her old cottage and headed up into the woods, climbing past the rocks where Dagna would once lay out and sun. She had debated bringing the mountain lion with her but Lif might notice her gone and Amora couldn't afford that now.

Shortly past Dagnas favorite spot to sun was a clearing, unusually perfectly round, where no trees grew, but neither did grass nor flowers. No one knew why, but Amora thought a place where nothing from her world grew was a good spot to open the door to another. She set her bow and quiver at the northern point of the circle, where she would stand when she began the incantation. She then moved around, setting every element she had collected at even intervals around the circle. She moved as quickly as she could while insuring the runes she dug into the soil of Asgard were deep and clear. She would leave nothing to chance, there was no room for a mistake here. When she had completed the circle, ended with the pot of dirt from Hel she moved back to the northern circles point. 

Amora started her chant, something that felt foreign and heavy on her tongue, their own tongue mixing with the words from the book that had made her head throb painfully as she read. Her arms came to raise out on either side of her, palms pointed at the ground, where tendrils of light and smoke, tangled, the smoke from her hands, the light from the edges of the circle. Her own green smoke was met with a deep purple light, something that should have made Amora pause but she was committed now, and there was no way she would be going back, not now. Her pulse drumming in her throat, blood rushing to quickly through her veins she continued. Her voice grew louder, slipping more easily around the foreign words though she understood it no more now then when she first read it. Heavy clouds, thick with rain and bad omen swirled into view where she stood, this being the reason she chose this spot. Storms in the mountains that never reach Asgard were common place and she hoped nobody looked twice at it. 

Amora kept her chant, as the winds picked up, and rain started to pelt down on her, tangling her hair with the circled she wore around her head, making the layers of her dress heavy. Cold water cut down her bodice, the layers of silk clinging to her legs as she noted the circle remained untouched like the rain couldn't permeate the earth, the runes she had carves still perfect in the dirt. Lightening started to streak over the sky, and Amora winced at a particularly powerful boom of thunder, just before a bolt hit the tree sitting across the clearing from where she stood. The rain continued but the thunder and its counterpart faded off as the tree started to glow with the fire burning inside it caused by the bolt. Amora watched it, her chanting falling silent though the smoke and light still wrapped around the circle. 


The base of the tree started to split, the red glow of the embers that had once been the thick trunk of the tree bursting forward. The light from her circle faded, blinking out as the smoke was washed down into the ground by the rain. Amora braced herself for what would pour from the tree, and she was shocked to see it was a man. He was tall, black hair that splattered to his head as the rain continued to pelt down at them. His eyes were a bright violet, and he looked confused, alarmed, before a cool mask covered his features. For just a second she thought she saw the shadow of great black wings, gone almost as soon as they appeared. Amora held the blade strapped to her thigh by the handle with one hand, the other waving, so new tendrils of spoke, thick, resembling rope twisted and faded around the mans mouth and hands, his fingers locked together. He looked like he was trying to open his mouth, then move his hands, but both were locked under her control, something she had thought a fitting precaution.

“Im sorry we are meeting in less then ideal circumstances. In truth Id love to be inside, making a grand show of our palace and asking for your help kindly. But I dont have that luxury and since I dont know how powerful you are this is just a minor precaution.” She knew hands and were were needed often enough to shape magic to take his out of commission. “Im going to get you out of this rain, and tucked inside someplace safe, someplace secure. Then I will go and retrieve some help, eventually I will let you go free.” She didn't specify that she would be forcing him to help her, if force was required. Around the circle now the rain washed away the runes she had carved deeply, her burned jewels and shattered clay jar splattered with mud. “Rest now,” she said turning her green eyes on the man before her, waving her hand so violet eyes turned into the back of his head and he started to drop. A wind controlled by her cut under his legs, lifting the man that she used her powers to carry to her cottage. She moved him to lay inside, and locked the door behind her as she left, letting wards come up to shimmer over every door and window. She had barely turned to face the direction of Asgard again when smoke, green wisps of it were all that was left of her, Amora landing with a sopping dress back in her rooms at home. She didnt have time to hide her appearance, she heard her husband was back with their boys. So she pushed out of the room, stealing her nerve to now inform Thor of what she had done, knowing it would be met with much anger. 

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The Summoning Pt.1

The sun was falling behind the horizon, mountains rising up to cover the glow of the day. Amora had tucked her girls in, early for them, tired from a day spent in the early summer suns. It served her well though, because while Thor and their sons were busy making sure the spring rains hadnt done irreparable damage to farms and water structures she was alone to pour over her books. Books that had been taken from her mother and fathers collection when she left home, books gathered for her by Sven in attempts to please her while they were together and books now that she pursued, chased, bribed and stole if need be in the hopes one would give her an edge, a tool to protect her family. She was flipping through one such stolen tome now, the words burning her eyes as if something was pushing her away from taking in the information on the page. Welch, who had gotten the volume for her had heard whisper that it wasnt of this world, or any of the worlds that connected with Asgard, none of the nine realms that were known to them. It intrigued her, more then it should have, a glimmer of the old thirst for power in her eyes. She ignored the fire behind them, taking in the strange terms. 

“The cauldron, not something we say, use or have need of here,” she murmured flipping the page. There was tale of the seams of this world opening, and creatures pouring in from worlds unlike Prythian. “Prythian,” she repeated, knowing for certain this was not from their world, they had no such lands, in current or ancient tongues by that name. “If the seams between this world and another could be ripped, then why couldnt the ones between there and here?” she mused wondering if the this prayer for a cauldron was actually a weapon, one she could use to stop Sven and his armies of undead. The burn behind her eyes was one that got more intense, pairing with a throb at forcing her mind to work against the repellent magic that coursed through the book. This land had power, these pages said so, they had abilities that those in their own world either never had or had long since forgotten. Amora needed them, at least one of these beings to help them. So she closed the book easing the burn in her eyes as she rose to grab another book. She would simply rip another hole in space, and bring one of them here, one who could part with that world, Someone who was strong, the strongest, most powerful being they had. And then she would force them to teach her ways of beating an army of those who could not die.


Thor would never approve, he hated her impulsive nature, at least when it lead to decisions like this, that he would deem stupid and dangerous. Still she would do it, before he got home and could stop her, it was simple really. Once the being was here it couldn't be undone, the rip in space, from what she could gather was a one time deal with most beings, when it mended that was it. Those who were older then time, older then the world itself might have a chance to open that door again but for the queen of Asgard she only had the one chance and this world had what she needed, she could feel it. Without letting herself overthink what she was doing she sent one of their kitchen ladies on a hunt for a list of things she would need, anchors to this world that would help rip the door open between worlds. Amora while she waited worked over the incantation, making certain that what would pass through the door would be something manageable, strong to be sure but no beast or monster. Something like Thor, an Aesir, or like Amora, a Ljósálfar, something that could be spoken, to, reasoned with, and ultimately help them or be dealt with. She knew on some level she was being cold, but cold was what Sven did best and she had to do better then him if she wanted her family to win, to protect her husband and children from the beast she had once loved. 

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The Previous Year...

The Norse family over the last year (If anyone has any more manips of three or more members that i don't have or haven't posted feel free to send them along, ill put together a yearly family 'scrapbook' for everyone to look back on)

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Jeweled Nightmares Pt 2

The sunlight streaming into Amoras office was warm, and if she had brought the girls with her to work she might have opened the windows to cool the space some. She however had settled on something she usually hated, the nanny taking the girls for the afternoon. Her desire to be hands on in every aspect of her childrens lives had to take a back seat to wanting them far far away from what she planned to do on this day. She had pushed all of the furniture out of the way, nine maps on her floor, one for each of the nine realms thats made up Yggdrasil. Walking around each corner she set a match, all cool to the touch, the red tip sitting on the edges.

The charm she had worked on would show her where her old tiara was. If it was within Yggdrasils tendrils she would find it, and with it she would reclaim some of the power she had forsaken in locking her ex husband in his prison of ice. With the matches placed as she needed she started to chant, the spell she had gotten from her uncle because she was hesitant with Loki as her husbands worries about his brother grew. Thor knew nothing of what she was doing, he would try and forbid her and it would be treason when she ignored his orders. This was much simpler she told herself again as the chanting fell silent and the matches all burst into flame at once. Trails of fire started to lick over the maps, curling the edges till they were nothing but ash, some places burning away quickly, others slower, like it was closer to where her jewels were. Jotunheim and Helheim burned away almost instantly, the others slower and when the last one burning was Midgard Amora hovered over the image, watching as most of the map turned to cinder. The portion that was left was one she knew, because she knew those who called it home.

Unsure if that would help or hurt Amora plucked up the small bit of singed map debating. She could go herself, and risk Thor finding out, she could call on Welch, which might make it worse as Thor had no warm feelings for her oldest friend. Debating who she might task with retrieving the piece for her Amora paced her office, warm sunlight warming the air steadily, till she did push the tall windows open, letting a cool breeze slither into the room. It had been so long since she had touched the stones she had hidden powers in, so long since Sven had set them in the crown for her she she had forgotten his charm, one to warn them if someone had ever tried to find them, the soft glow that would permeate them when a locator spell was used.

Mo had crawled into one of her cubby holes earlier in the day and didnt have a single plan to leave. She had when she started studying at her mothers place of employ, started looking for sneaky spots to cut her classes and she had a half dozen that nobody knew about. She figured eventually people would stumble on one or two, but this place was long forgotten for a while so she had a chance to keep atleast half a secret which was what she wanted. There she kept books, some of the stuff she swiped, she made some pretty comfy with giant cushions she took from other places and they were never missed.

She was laying on a wide cushion, writing, not getting into any trouble which had technically been her aunts instructions, so she was pretty damn proud of herself. Tossing her hair back over her shoulder she arched her back slightly, grateful for the pop that came with it and for the first time in about an hour she pulled her eyes up from her paper. It was a random thing but instantly she thought it had been meant to be, because from a pile of items that werent really hers a soft ruby glow started to throb. Eyes growing wide she pushed up onto her knees, digging into the open crate and pulling out the offending object. It was a spindly crown, one that was tarnished and dingy, even the stones looking dull when she swiped it. But not now, now they were bright, radiant even, and glowing in a scary way.

Mo pushed back sitting on her heels, heart throbbing in her chest as she debated what to do. Ryan would help her hide it. But that would mean he would get into trouble too. That wouldnt do, and if she came clean to her mom her aunt wouldnt let her come to Egypt to work so that was out. She chewed on her inner check as she turned over in her mind who was close by. Her older brother and sister had been home because of babies, but Ben with a new born was a bad choice so she settled on Fortuna. She shoved the crown into her bag, pulling off her sweater and wrapping it around the thing so it didnt glow through the canvas. Then she crawled out through the passage from her hidey hole to the hall, bucking it for home. Her mother was thre and she had to distract her with babies, picking up one of her nephews and then dumping the poor boy before she could visit properly, giving her sister a look that clearly said follow me.

Fortuna had been sitting with her mother, chatting absently about Noel and Leon and Jon, because babies were on the brain lately. Still she knew to be cautious with Moira, her sister was constantly up to no good and in trouble often because of it like the look she now gave Fortuna indicated. Excusing herself with the promise of bringing back bottles Fortuna was drug from the hallway and out back, clear from the shadow of the house before Moira began to speak. “What the hell Mo, you could just ask for a word,” she had began, but was cut off by the story of her sisters thievery and now glowing haul. Fortuna pulled her hair back from her face as she listened, twisting the locks around her hand as she debated what was worse, the stealing or the getting caught now with it from someone outside their family.

“And putting it back isnt an option why?” she asked Moira who huffed in response.

“You think I didnt think of that? The place it was excavated from, all that stuff has been cataloged and crap. So I put this one back and they know I took it, be real who else jacks stuff around here?” Her hand slapped at her thigh absently and Fortuna had to stop her from hitting herself as the sound carried.

“Ok, so we get rid of it. Mom wont yell Arethusa wont yell, nobody has to know you seriously have an issue,” she said dryly, which under normal circumstances would get her an attitude from her sister but now got her a hug. “Wrap it up tightly so no light gets out. Put it in the bottom of my bag and put that up high enough no babies will knock it around. Ill take it home tonight and make sure its far far away by this time tomorrow. Try not to take anything else, I dont want this becoming a usual thing.”

Leading her sister back inside Fortuna sent her off with a little shake of her head, going about getting the bottles that she promised to return with. And when she did her and her mother had a grand time feeding and spoiling babies with affections. Though in the back of her mind now she worried about this tiara. Part of her knew she should just snitch. But she was also a girl kidnapped from this very house. If someone was looking for these glowing stones it was safest they were far far away. So she slung her bag over her shoulders when it was time to go. And dumped it as soon as she got home so she could get her sons squared away. After she stared at the bag wondering where the hell it should go when genius struck.

To Be Continued...

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Jeweled Nightmares

Eyes on the soft blue iridescence from the window Amora stared, not really seeing anything, lost in thought. The soft hue was from moonlight shining on the ancient ice that never melted outside. The windows were charmed not the shatter from the intense cold, all because she couldnt handle it, she had been born in warm spring sunlight, in a realm constantly in bloom. But one made sacrifices when one fell for a deposed Jotun Prince. As if he heard her thoughts the heavy bedroom door pushed open and Sven relaxed his lanky frame against the thick panel. His red eyes landed on Amora and her eyes moved from the window she had been gazing absently at to his reflection in her vanity mirror.

Her robe hung lax in the front and she crossed her legs, one thigh sliding over the other as she flashed him a smile in the glass. “Taken to stalking me?” she teased by way of introduction, as he had been gone the entire day. The green of her eyes practically glowed as she looked at him, seeming brighter, surreal in the reflection. His laugh was low, a rumble that started deep in his chest, and he sounded amused when he spoke, “I cant be faulted when you look so ravishing.” Her snort got another laugh from him as he pushed off the frame he leaned against walking into the room.

Coming up behind her his lips caressed the side of her throat, her smile shifting into something more feline as her eyes lowered slightly. From behind his back he moved his hand and sat on her bare thigh a diadem. Simple silver wound around rubies, the largest riveling the size like a newborns fist. They looked like blood frozen in snow, probably why Sven favored them, like a cooler version of his eyes. The weight of the piece was from the stones, the cool metal feeling like nothing against her skin. She lifted it before her eyes remembering when she had trapped the souls of evil hags within them. “You went for gaudy didnt you?” she asked him meeting his eyes in the mirror again. His slim hand took the piece from her hands, lips by her ear as he settled it on her hair, “For my queen, of course.” Amora rolled her eyes, his confidence that one day he would rule every world was both infuriating in his optimism and sexy in ways she never admitted for fear it would inflate his ego.

With the band now securely on her head Amora felt the flush of power rolling through her, the whole reason she had handled the old witches and trapped their powers within the stones. It made her smile and she rose from her plush vanity seat finger pressed to Svens hard stomach so he took a step back. Pulling at the ties of her robe she let the silk pool at her feet, smiling as she watched his eyes drop, scanning her bare flesh. She continued to poke him then, forcing him to take steps back till his legs brushed against their bed. With the pressure of all her fingers she pushed him so he would fall back onto the plush quilts Adorned in only the rubies she slid her body over his, thighs framing his body as he sat up, hands on her hips and lips claiming hers.

The fog started to shimmer over the scene, the usual waking from a dream painful as her mind tangled in the curse that gave her returned memories every night. It was hard, fighting through the heavy weight of feeling trapped, pinned down by a life she had forgotten long ago. But that was part of what Sven had cursed her with, dreaming of their memories, every night when she went to sleep her dreams could and likely would be overtaken by her long suppressed memories, and she had to fight her way out before she had to live through every scene. Some were normal, mundane, things with her sisters or even Sven when they werent plotting and doing wrong. But more often then not they were up to no good and to see herself as she was, with no checks on her ambitions and powers was sickening to Amora as she was now. The wolf that was her ex husband plagued her to relive her life at her worst.

Slowly she opened her eyes, stomach rolling deeply. It was an art, untangling herself from Thors long limbs to get to the bathroom in time to be sick, especially given how they would collapse to sleep still wound together, touching in the most intimate ways. When she was uncovered she slipped from the bed and padded through to the cool tiles of the bathroom, barely shutting the door to hide the sounds as she was ill. This was usual for her, she wouldnt worry Thor with something she wasnt able to fix yet. Her uncle Amroth had been searching for over a year for any way to free her mind of Svens spell and so far they had nothing that worked. Flushing her sick she went to the sink, cleaning her mouth before she washed her face. Patting still damp hands against her cheeks she willed the visions from her mind but one kept bubbling forward.

The crown from her dream. It hadnt been in her chamber in her home with Sven, she had looted all important things from that space, against her husbands wishes of course. But still, she had all the place had to offer locked away in her office. It wasnt here, she hadnt had it with her in her cottage in the mountains. But it was powerful, and only to her. She had slain the witches whos powers she trapped in the stones. The stones held their power, had enhanced her own. Hers that had been dampened since her father had used her and Loki to help imprison Sven in ice. She was slow in drying her face as she wracked her brain trying to remember the last time she had seen the diadem. But there was a sharp pain in her head, the aftermath of her daily nightmare.

Sighing she let herself out of the bathroom, checking on Sassa in her cradle before she slid back into bed with Thor. He had moved onto his back, arm over his face, low steady snores filling the air. She smiled as she curled her frame against his side, his warmth instantly relaxing her. Where Sven was like a wolf Thor was like a lion, and instantly she felt steadier, safer for being pressed against him. It was in that cocoon of safety her husband provided that she lay her head on his chest, fighting to remember where the jewels might be that could help her in protecting her children. Powers that were untapped and only open to her as the one who had committed the dark magic in the first place. He husbands heavy arm dropped to curl around her waist, and she smiled, pressing a kiss to his chest where she pillowed her cheek. She felt hopeful, that she might locate the jewels, as evil as they were they could help, to make sure the blue demon who brought war to their door didnt destroy all that she cherished. 

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Returned Memories

Buried under a dense fog of dreams Amora could feel her mind being yanked down into memories she fought all the time to ignore. Since Sven had come back to return them to her she was plagued as he had promised, when she dreamed it was of the life she had forgotten. Every thought, every moment, all that was erased by Odin and Owle was slowly coming back to her, much to her dismay. Being thrown back into a time when she was a much worse person left her bogged down by guilt when she woke, and that could only shadow her family in ways she would rather protect them from.

Tonights dream was a flash of a moonlit village, a tiny dwelling in Vaneheim where a clan had lived for generations. Pursuits of power had brought them here and Sven assured her this was a powerful clan, they would be just what Amora needed to increase her own abilities. The clan never grew in numbers but had persevered and on their ancestral lands, perfect for Amoras needs. Sven was there to assist her, but this was her task, her intent and he had no issue standing back and watching her work.

They had plans to command all the nine realms, and in order to do that they needed power. There was nothing easy about snatching thrones. So her kiss was lingering, biting and when she pulled back she smiled. “Make sure no one runs off,” she implored him, a finger trailing down his blue cheek before she started walking through the snow. She intended to use the weather to her advantage. As ice fell from the sky from storm clouds breaking up, letting a soft blue light color the ground she walked, knowing the patter of the ice that still fell would mask the sounds of her boots in the snow.

She didn't need to get her hands dirty, or not by much. At the center of a grouping of huts that made up the village she held her hands out before her. Green tendrils awoke from her out held palms licking along the bases of the huts and lighting them ablaze. She stroked the fires higher, and when the screams started she used those same green tendrils to hold the doors closed, so none could escape. She had no desire to see crying faces it would distract from her needs. So she closed her eyes focusing half of her energy on the flames and half on holding those captives in their fiery tombs. It took a while, between the last of the falling ice and the last screams dying off, but when all was quiet she looked across the field where Sven waited for her. 

Left to finish her ritual on her own Amora collected ashes from each of the dwellings that still smoldered in the crisp air. The tendrils of gray in the air were a mixture of smoke from the fire and fog from the steam created by the hot air twisting with the cold. It made seeing anything around her harder but she didn't mind. She used the ashes to cut runes into the slow, the dark coloring making them stand out. She used the same ash to mimic those runes on her skin, smearing them on her forehead and hands, one down the center of her chest ending just above her breasts.

The chanting that followed started low, and her tone slowly rose, the ancient tongues all but forgotten the path to magics now thought to dark for their worlds. Amora could feel the surging power but she kept at it, not wanting to waste of a drop of the potential she had unlocked there. So she chanted, and chanted, and as the sun started to rise she felt a trail of blood start from her nose. Knowing she had enough she wiped her hand across her cheek as she fell silent. There was a moment of focus and then she spread her hands, facing them up at the sky. She used those same powers, stolen from the people of the now extinct village to bring the clouds rolling back in, thick and angry, the icy starting to fall again in heavy painful little pelts. 

Amora could swear she felt the ice hitting her skin as she woke up, shaking, sweat beading along her skin. She rolled from her bed, careful not the jostle her husband and rushed to the bathroom being violently ill before she even felt the pangs of sickness. She sat on the cold tiles for a while, as her muscles worked through the shakes, goosebumps rising and falling on her skin. Her nightgown clung to her skin and so she moved slowly to change, feeling like she should shower before she crawled into bed beside Thor again. She took her time pulling free more silk to pull on, and when she slipped back into bed it was with the strongest urge to cry.

She wasn't that person anymore. Her lifes goals weren't just power by any means. She knew she had been power hungry before, but as her memories returned she recalled how truly horrible she had become. She had excuses for it all, anger with her father, sadness at her mothers death, Svens influence. But she had done all the horrible things all the same and no excuses made her feel like less of an impostor. Slowly Amora curled into her husbands side, pillowing her head on his chest as she tried to ground herself in the now. Now she wasn't cold, now she wasn't ruthless, unless faced with someone wishing to harm her family. She had been lost, cruel, fallen before. Now she was more, she wanted more and tried always to be better. No longer was she a young girl drunk off power and its pursuits, intoxicated with a man who wanted all the same. She curled against a man now who had all the power one could wish for, and was a better person then she could ever claim to be. It dint corrupt, it didn't harm or change him and as she pressed a kiss to her husbands chest she willed no more memories for that evening. She wanted those horrible images of the person she was to never plague her again, never wanting to see the look on her families faces if they were to discover what a horrible person she had truly been.

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