Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

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Jeweled Nightmares
Category: Uncategorized

Eyes on the soft blue iridescence from the window Amora stared, not really seeing anything, lost in thought. The soft hue was from moonlight shining on the ancient ice that never melted outside. The windows were charmed not the shatter from the intense cold, all because she couldnt handle it, she had been born in warm spring sunlight, in a realm constantly in bloom. But one made sacrifices when one fell for a deposed Jotun Prince. As if he heard her thoughts the heavy bedroom door pushed open and Sven relaxed his lanky frame against the thick panel. His red eyes landed on Amora and her eyes moved from the window she had been gazing absently at to his reflection in her vanity mirror.

Her robe hung lax in the front and she crossed her legs, one thigh sliding over the other as she flashed him a smile in the glass. “Taken to stalking me?” she teased by way of introduction, as he had been gone the entire day. The green of her eyes practically glowed as she looked at him, seeming brighter, surreal in the reflection. His laugh was low, a rumble that started deep in his chest, and he sounded amused when he spoke, “I cant be faulted when you look so ravishing.” Her snort got another laugh from him as he pushed off the frame he leaned against walking into the room.

Coming up behind her his lips caressed the side of her throat, her smile shifting into something more feline as her eyes lowered slightly. From behind his back he moved his hand and sat on her bare thigh a diadem. Simple silver wound around rubies, the largest riveling the size like a newborns fist. They looked like blood frozen in snow, probably why Sven favored them, like a cooler version of his eyes. The weight of the piece was from the stones, the cool metal feeling like nothing against her skin. She lifted it before her eyes remembering when she had trapped the souls of evil hags within them. “You went for gaudy didnt you?” she asked him meeting his eyes in the mirror again. His slim hand took the piece from her hands, lips by her ear as he settled it on her hair, “For my queen, of course.” Amora rolled her eyes, his confidence that one day he would rule every world was both infuriating in his optimism and sexy in ways she never admitted for fear it would inflate his ego.

With the band now securely on her head Amora felt the flush of power rolling through her, the whole reason she had handled the old witches and trapped their powers within the stones. It made her smile and she rose from her plush vanity seat finger pressed to Svens hard stomach so he took a step back. Pulling at the ties of her robe she let the silk pool at her feet, smiling as she watched his eyes drop, scanning her bare flesh. She continued to poke him then, forcing him to take steps back till his legs brushed against their bed. With the pressure of all her fingers she pushed him so he would fall back onto the plush quilts Adorned in only the rubies she slid her body over his, thighs framing his body as he sat up, hands on her hips and lips claiming hers.

The fog started to shimmer over the scene, the usual waking from a dream painful as her mind tangled in the curse that gave her returned memories every night. It was hard, fighting through the heavy weight of feeling trapped, pinned down by a life she had forgotten long ago. But that was part of what Sven had cursed her with, dreaming of their memories, every night when she went to sleep her dreams could and likely would be overtaken by her long suppressed memories, and she had to fight her way out before she had to live through every scene. Some were normal, mundane, things with her sisters or even Sven when they werent plotting and doing wrong. But more often then not they were up to no good and to see herself as she was, with no checks on her ambitions and powers was sickening to Amora as she was now. The wolf that was her ex husband plagued her to relive her life at her worst.

Slowly she opened her eyes, stomach rolling deeply. It was an art, untangling herself from Thors long limbs to get to the bathroom in time to be sick, especially given how they would collapse to sleep still wound together, touching in the most intimate ways. When she was uncovered she slipped from the bed and padded through to the cool tiles of the bathroom, barely shutting the door to hide the sounds as she was ill. This was usual for her, she wouldnt worry Thor with something she wasnt able to fix yet. Her uncle Amroth had been searching for over a year for any way to free her mind of Svens spell and so far they had nothing that worked. Flushing her sick she went to the sink, cleaning her mouth before she washed her face. Patting still damp hands against her cheeks she willed the visions from her mind but one kept bubbling forward.

The crown from her dream. It hadnt been in her chamber in her home with Sven, she had looted all important things from that space, against her husbands wishes of course. But still, she had all the place had to offer locked away in her office. It wasnt here, she hadnt had it with her in her cottage in the mountains. But it was powerful, and only to her. She had slain the witches whos powers she trapped in the stones. The stones held their power, had enhanced her own. Hers that had been dampened since her father had used her and Loki to help imprison Sven in ice. She was slow in drying her face as she wracked her brain trying to remember the last time she had seen the diadem. But there was a sharp pain in her head, the aftermath of her daily nightmare.

Sighing she let herself out of the bathroom, checking on Sassa in her cradle before she slid back into bed with Thor. He had moved onto his back, arm over his face, low steady snores filling the air. She smiled as she curled her frame against his side, his warmth instantly relaxing her. Where Sven was like a wolf Thor was like a lion, and instantly she felt steadier, safer for being pressed against him. It was in that cocoon of safety her husband provided that she lay her head on his chest, fighting to remember where the jewels might be that could help her in protecting her children. Powers that were untapped and only open to her as the one who had committed the dark magic in the first place. He husbands heavy arm dropped to curl around her waist, and she smiled, pressing a kiss to his chest where she pillowed her cheek. She felt hopeful, that she might locate the jewels, as evil as they were they could help, to make sure the blue demon who brought war to their door didnt destroy all that she cherished. 

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