Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

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Age: 36
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Learning To Walk
Category: Uncategorized

The snow that coated the gardens was thick and fluffy and made Amoras stomach clench as she released the little hand she had held in her own. She had decided as Sassa went from barely standing to trying to run in quick succession that doing so outside might be best. Less harsh edges, less sharp angles, and with the snow an added blanket to cushion her bottom if she stumbled and fell. Though the girl had the blood of frost giants running through her Amora bundled her up, pants instead of a dress, boots she’d laced tightly, a coat that had a row of buttons she fastened with ease. A hat pulled down low over her dark hair so the only thing visible in the end was her face, a soft pale cheek on one side that faded into the pink and violet texture of a snakes scales. 

Sassa was the child she held the most, she kept her closer though by this stage of child bearing Amora had lost the fears of new motherhood. But this was different, not how she held Lif’s hand for fear he would run to far, or the way she hovered over Asa worried she might not hear her daughters cry. No Sassa was different, visibly different in a way that would make people cruel, harsh, unkind to someone, even one so young as her daughter was. So Amora held her on her hip whenever possible, she held her hand and tucked her close and Amoras bright eyes dared anyone to say something horrid where she might hear. Amora alone might not be a deterrent, she was small and after so long she was no longer considered the threat she had once been. But she was the queen and her king was a man not to be crossed, kind and fair but strong and unflinching in the way he protected his family, it was a fool who would try and stroke that anger from Thor. So she kept Sassa close and tried to protect her from the harsh realities of people at large.

So though she hated the snow, thought back to the days when her sons had been cut down in a heavy snow fall, she brought Sassa here now. People wouldn't watch her, wouldn't stare and she could giggle and stumble and practice. Amora had wanted to bring Alva along but she was shadowing Ingrid, her new favorite past time. So Amora let Sassa run through the snow, and chased her, and was chased by her. Under the gaze of her own personal guards she didn't worry for their safety, there was no shadow over their having fun. And what started as simply a softer ground to walk on ended in snow angles and building fairy mounds before the dormant rose bushes. Amora tried to teach tiny hands how to make snowballs that then ended up lobbed at the statues though not a single one connected. They ended their time outside in sodden clothes and pink faces, frozen fingers and bright smiles. Amora true to form lifted the little girl to her hip to carry inside, like erecting a wall of protections around her once again.

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