Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

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Age: 37
Sign: Gemini

Country: Iceland
Signup Date: November 30, 2014

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The Summoning Pt.1
Category: Uncategorized

The sun was falling behind the horizon, mountains rising up to cover the glow of the day. Amora had tucked her girls in, early for them, tired from a day spent in the early summer suns. It served her well though, because while Thor and their sons were busy making sure the spring rains hadnt done irreparable damage to farms and water structures she was alone to pour over her books. Books that had been taken from her mother and fathers collection when she left home, books gathered for her by Sven in attempts to please her while they were together and books now that she pursued, chased, bribed and stole if need be in the hopes one would give her an edge, a tool to protect her family. She was flipping through one such stolen tome now, the words burning her eyes as if something was pushing her away from taking in the information on the page. Welch, who had gotten the volume for her had heard whisper that it wasnt of this world, or any of the worlds that connected with Asgard, none of the nine realms that were known to them. It intrigued her, more then it should have, a glimmer of the old thirst for power in her eyes. She ignored the fire behind them, taking in the strange terms. 

“The cauldron, not something we say, use or have need of here,” she murmured flipping the page. There was tale of the seams of this world opening, and creatures pouring in from worlds unlike Prythian. “Prythian,” she repeated, knowing for certain this was not from their world, they had no such lands, in current or ancient tongues by that name. “If the seams between this world and another could be ripped, then why couldnt the ones between there and here?” she mused wondering if the this prayer for a cauldron was actually a weapon, one she could use to stop Sven and his armies of undead. The burn behind her eyes was one that got more intense, pairing with a throb at forcing her mind to work against the repellent magic that coursed through the book. This land had power, these pages said so, they had abilities that those in their own world either never had or had long since forgotten. Amora needed them, at least one of these beings to help them. So she closed the book easing the burn in her eyes as she rose to grab another book. She would simply rip another hole in space, and bring one of them here, one who could part with that world, Someone who was strong, the strongest, most powerful being they had. And then she would force them to teach her ways of beating an army of those who could not die.


Thor would never approve, he hated her impulsive nature, at least when it lead to decisions like this, that he would deem stupid and dangerous. Still she would do it, before he got home and could stop her, it was simple really. Once the being was here it couldn't be undone, the rip in space, from what she could gather was a one time deal with most beings, when it mended that was it. Those who were older then time, older then the world itself might have a chance to open that door again but for the queen of Asgard she only had the one chance and this world had what she needed, she could feel it. Without letting herself overthink what she was doing she sent one of their kitchen ladies on a hunt for a list of things she would need, anchors to this world that would help rip the door open between worlds. Amora while she waited worked over the incantation, making certain that what would pass through the door would be something manageable, strong to be sure but no beast or monster. Something like Thor, an Aesir, or like Amora, a Ljósálfar, something that could be spoken, to, reasoned with, and ultimately help them or be dealt with. She knew on some level she was being cold, but cold was what Sven did best and she had to do better then him if she wanted her family to win, to protect her husband and children from the beast she had once loved. 

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