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The first King of Sky: Rhöig ladayr Lonán

The first King of Sky was Rhöig ladayr Lonán 

“In the Beginning of the Kingdoms, the Rulers all resided in their own homes in the Center of the Kingdoms.  The Sky Kingdom Wanted to Be as close as possible to their element, So all buildings were made as tall as possible, reaching directly up to the Sky, and wide open.  The First Sky King had the first castle built in the center of the light half of the Kingdom.  The Sky King always preferred the light side of the Kingdom.  He treated all beings fairly, finding the good in anyone.  Everyone respected the Sky King, and there was little to no crime in the Kingdom without Him needing to discipline anyone.  Everyone enjoyed their place within the Kingdom, and received all they needed from the King as long as they asked.  Sometimes they wouldn’t even need to ask, and they would receive it simply because the King noticed that it was needed.
“Crops were built to the South near the earth Kingdom.  The central living area covered most of the light lands.  A forest borders between the sky Kingdom and the light wastelands.  The dark half of the lands was once full of civillains.  After the flooding taht destroyed the lands, and killed all crops the lands became a wasteland.  The King created lightning harvests as an offering to ladayr Ddraichen Imerer Taranis, who he believed to be the god who gave him the power to control lightning.  The lightning harvests created a plant known as the ‘electric daisy’ that grew around the harvest areas.  Eventually the captured lightning became a way to light darkness, and the harvesters lived in the lands, using the captured lightning for light to guide them.”

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Near Death Experiences and Destined Lovers - TFR StoryLine

Queen of Fyre and Earth 

Shee woke early as usual but felt completely drained after the long day before. Doing her normal routine she showered and dressed comfortably, then peeked in on her son to find Geneva in there fussing with him, her son of course taunting her moving around the crib and making toys fly at her so she could not dress him. An a amused smile lit her lips and she let them be letting her son have some morning fun. 

Making her way to the kitchen she hummed softly to herself, she may have been tired but was still in high spirits from the day before, that is until she walked into the kitchen and got a good look at the refrigerator door. How had she not noticed the night before, she knew all to well why but she was seeing it now. Right across the front of it was spelled out in dog bones covered with icing and chocolate syrup ′Fuck You Too!′ . 

How the damn things had stayed in place was beyond her but they were still there and she was pissed at the mess Melodie had made, but not only that but her pretty pie was all mushed together with strawberry goo slopped all over the counter, it resembled congealing blood. With a growl she left it all the way it way while making her morning coffee.

Cup in hand when made she sat at the table sipping at it plotting her revenge for that pain in the ass woman, god she was so defiant and didn′t have an ounce of humor in any of her bones, which she planned on breaking. But it was always said revenge is so very sweet, or so she had heard somewhere. 

King of Fyre and Earth: Having gone to bed earlier the night before, he had woken up much eearlier than normal. Even though he′d rested, everything that had been done the day before had drained him. He made his way down the stairs to get some coffee, hurrying past Lael′s room when he heard Geneva′s frustrated groans. She was sure to come to him for help if she knew he was awake. He successfully made it down the stairs though while she was distracted, and tilted his head at the mess in the kitchen. "Melodie didn′t like her goodies?" He said, making his coffee, and sitting down. "Wonder how long until I hear from Aidan about that." Just as he finished speaking, his phone chimed with a new text, but he didn′t bother checking it. "Not long apparently."

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She grumbled under her breath ...Goingtocrispyfryher... Her eyes moved to the mess that had been made, chocolate syrup had dripped and run down the door in streaks with sprinkles attached in various places. "Seems she did not...What is wrong with that woman? I mean really it was a joke, well sort of...Okay not really!" She finished off her coffee getting up for more coming back to sit once more and glare at the ungodly mess. "You tell Aidan she needs to come clean this up!" She was definitely not going to be the one to clean it, no one was, just Melodie and while she did it she planned to give her the tongue lashing of her life. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He held back the laugh he wanted to give in response to the suggestion of Melodie actually cleaning. "She won′t do it though. She doesn′t clean. Remember I tried to get her to be the maid before she became the messenger?"

Queen of Fyre and Earth: "Today is a new day and that Bitch will learn how to clean! Order Aidan to make her do it! She listens to him!" She said with a growl, her mind reeling with all sorts of ways to get even with her. 

King of Fyre and Earth: "Alright." He pulled out his phone to see the wall of text that Aidan had sent complaining about the situation. His oly response back was ′Shee says she needs to clean it up. NOT a request.′ He sent the text, and placed his phone on the table.

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: Huge smile on her face she walks into the kitchen with a wave of her hand. "Good morning Mommy-o, and Daddy-o!" stopping dead in her tracks her mouth made a big O shape. "Whoa, did you get a new decorator or something." She walked over to the counter looking at the mushed pie dipping her finger into it turning as she shoved it into her mouth sucking the gooey filling off her finger. "Not bad....not bad at all though it looks like it had a stand off with a bear....did you get one of those?" 

Queen of Fyre and Earth: As if her day couldn′t get any more worse than it already was her Son′s beloved mutt, Cherie walked in. She growled low, menacingly. "FUCK....don′t call me that!!! Oh MY God don′t be eating that either you have no clue whats in it!" Like she should really care right now if Melodie poisoned the pie, but she did not want to be blamed for her son′s Mate′s death either. 

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: She huffed only slightly and defiantly stuck her finger into it again scooping more into her mouth and smiled. "So your new decorator′s name is Fuck? Oh look her left his signature on your fridge, how cool is that?" 

Queen of Fyre and Earth: "I said STOP THAT! What are you part fucking fly or something?" She glared at her daughter in law, the mutt was truly a brainless wonder. "Why are you here? Where′s Del?" 

Tauer Torthta gwadher: The night before when He′d sent Melodie to get the papers from the King and Queen, he′d expected a little bit of taunting, but not the level that he had heard about when his wife came home. He was furious when he found out. He knew that the King was most likely still asleep, and sent a massive text complaining about the levels of torment his wife was taking things to with his wife. He went about his normal routine afterwards, expecting to not hear from the King for awhile if at all. Del had joined him for the morning routine, getting to listen to all the complaints to be had. When his phone went off, he looked at it in confusion. He growled, and told Del to take things over. He sifted to The King and Queen′s home. "Are you fucking INSANE?!?!?!"

King of Fyre and Earth: He kept his mouth shut while his wife, and cherie went at it, and sat back to drink his coffee. He thought about making a comment about Cherie′s brains getting fucked out, but decided against it considering everything. He was almost relieved when Aidan showed up, but couldn′t help smirking at the response he got. "That′s irrelevant." He responded, setting his cup down, and gesturing towards the mess Aidan′s wife had made. 

Queen of Fyre and Earth: Catching her Husband′s thought she turned her attentions away from Cherie to glare at him when Aidan popped in yelling which of course she retorted yelling back at him. "NO YOUR FUCKING WIFE IS THE INSANE ONE!" 

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: "Hi Aidan, where′s Del, isn′t he supposed to be with you?" She asked as if nothing was going on as she walked to the fridge running her finger along the chocolate syrup to taste it before opening the fridge looking to see what goodies she could find. 

Tauer Torthta gwadher: He looked over to the mess, and back to them. "You′re pretty crazy if you think she′s actually going to clean that up. You antagonized her. It′s your fault, and not hers. He glanced to Cherie, arching a brow. "I left him in charge of things while I came here to deal with these two." He gestured towards the King, and Queen. "I wouldn′t eat that though. I′m not sure it′s all chocolate..."

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: She leaned up looking at him with a huge pouty face. "You always make him do all the work...and it was chocolate..." She shut the door running her finger through it again walking back towards him holding it out. "You want to taste, it′s good!"

King of Fyre and Earth TFR- BvL: He wrinkled his nose at Aidan′s comment, and Cherie′s response. "She′s going to clean that up. Like I said, it′s not a request. Bring her here."

Queen of Fyre and Earth: All she could was face palm shaking her head listening to Cherie. She glanced back up looking directly towards Aidan as she spoke. "It was just a joke, she could have easily ignored it instead of making this mess...I Want Her To Clean It Up Right NOW!" she growled the last part out through gritted teeth then snapped at Cherie. "Why is it you are here Cherie?" 

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: Cherie leaned back against the counter licking the chocolate off her finger before crossing her arms. "Melodie sent a text stating there was to be a meeting held here this morning for the pack with treats served!" 

Dangeruese: Walks in the backdoor. "Sorry I′m late did I miss anything?". Looks around. "Seems I missed a food fight. You could have waited for me!" 

King of Fyre and Earth: He snorted a laugh, getting up to put his coffee cup in the sink. While he was up, he grabbed Shee a beer to bring back to her.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: All she could do was sit there in shocked silence, taking the beer from her Husband drinking half of it down. Her eyes narrowed at Aidan, her free hand clenching into a tight fist where her nails dug into the palm of her hand making it bleed. She was beyond pissed right now. 

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: Cherie smiled big seeing her friend. "Hey Danger...Um yeah like no food fight, but Mommy -O did get a new decorator named Fuck!" 

Tauer Torthta gwadher: He was well aware of the Queen′s anger, and knew with the pregnancy, her bloodlust had grown immensely. He looked to her hand, seeing trickles of blood flowing from her fist. He knew that she wouldn′t harm him fatally, but with her anger, it was unclear what she was capable of. "This ends now." He growled, sifting to grab his wife.

Dangeruese: Danger leaned in close to Cherie whispering. "Ummm i do not think that was the decorator′s name, and I get the feeling there is no meeting here either, well until now.". 

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: "You mean there is no food to be had?" She looked shocked at what she was being told, she skipped breakfast and was hungry. With a huff she turned leaning onto the cleaner part of the counter to pick at the mushed up pie. 

Jesse: After parking the truck, he came into the kitchen, looking around. "What... did I miss?" He asked, staying in the doorway.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She was completely exasperated with Cherie and her responses, her hand slowly opened a ball of fire forming within it to throw at Cherie, that was until she saw Jesse, she clamped her hand shut smiling. "Just a little Jesse, you mind grabbing me another beer?" Out of all the wolves she had to deal with he was the only one she favored for more reasons than one. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He looked to his wife, clearing his throat after her reaction to Jesse.

Dangeruese: Danger smiled when her mate came in thankful for his presence, it didn′t bother her one bit knowing that the Queen secretly crushed on him. 

Jesse: He looked to he Queen, and nodded. "sure sarlin′." He moved to the fridge, grabbing a beer for her, and taking it to the table before moving to danger′s side, and wrapping his arm around her waist.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She looked to her husband reluctantly and shrugged. "What? He was already standing!" She glanced at everyone there noticing Aidan was gone. "Where did Aidan go?"

King of Fyre and Earth: He shook his head, thankful for the change in subject. "He went to grab Melodie I′m assuming."

Tauer Torthta gwadher: After some arguing with his wife, he drug her back to the King and Queen′s house, and pointed to each of them. "This all ends NOW!" He said. "All this pointless fighting among each other just keeps getting worse, and one day someone is actually going to get hurt."

Dangeruese: She smiled leaning into Jesse′s side staying quiet knowing this was the calm before the storm. 

Melodie Minx-Carnell: She was not happy at all with her Husband as he dragged her off to the Queen Bitches house. Immediately upon arriving she flipped the Queen off hissing at her. "Fuck You Bitch! Clean up the mess yourself pick them bones off the fridge and eat them, one could only hope you choke on one in the process!". She ignored everything her husband had said and was ready for a fight.

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: Cherie stopped eating finger midway to her mouth when she heard Melodie. She picked up the pie moving to the open back door to watch and continue eating making sure she could escape quickly enough into the yard. 

Queen of Fyre and Earth: Flames danced in her eyes, and her hand opened forming a ball of fire which she quickly threw directly at Melodie the flames bursting over the bottom of her dress burning quickly. She was standing now the chair having rocked back and over onto the floor as she stalked towards her to literally strangle her. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He stood, grabbing his wife′s arm, and pulling her against him. "Aidan′s right. This needs to stop." He whispered into her ear calmly. He looked to Melodie. "Threatening your Queen is punishable by death. No matter your position, I suggest you remember that since this will be your only warning."

Tauer Torthta gwadher: Aidan made rain fall in the entire kitchen to put the flames out, and turned his bright blue eyes to glare at both King and Queen.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: Shee glared back at him her hair dripping water down into her face, but things were far from over no matter how sweetly her husband spoke to her. Her eyes turned an obsidian black, the room seemed to grow darker by every second that passed. In an almost serene voice she spoke low and soft. "Punishable by Death!" She broke free of her husbands grasp throwing her arms up causing roots to explode through the wooden floor which slid up along Melodies legs surrounding her pinning her there against the counter. One pointed directly at her face waiting to thrust forth through her skull. A wicked smile curved her lips as she stared at her, one motion, one whispered thought and she was dead. 

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: Cherie slowly back out the door, turning away from it all to sit on the steps, she did not want to see her friend die.

Dangeruese: Danger buried her head in Jesse′s chest whispering to him. "Do something!!!". It was a small whiny plea.

Melodie Minx-Carnell: Besides being all wet now she was bound, struggling to be free, but it was of no use, something was different she couldn′t even sift away. All she could do was glare back at the Queen knowing if she spoke it would be over for her.

Jesse: Watching everything unfold was surreal. It wasn′t until he heard Danger′s plea that he knew that it was all really happening. He moved forward, standing between Melodie, and the Queen. "These roots remind me. I brought you a gift. Let′s go out into the garden, and you can show me where y would like them. It′s a beautiful garden, I′d hate to put something in the wrong spot, and mess it up." His tone was calm, and sweet, completely sincere. He just hoped that it was enough to break through to her.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She was about to strike just when Jesse stepped between the deadly vine and her target, Melodie. All she could was stare at him. She tilted her head ever so slightly listening to his voice, blinking her eyes a few times, color slowly bleeding back into them. "You brought me flowers?" She asked almost curiously letting her arms, and hands fall back to her side. She more than liked Jesse and could never hurt him, just as she would never bring any harm to her Husband. With a shake of her head she turned to go outside knowing Jesse would follow. She didn′t say anything else. The deadly vine dropped to the floor, as well as the ones containing Melodie in place. 

Melodie Minx-Carnell: It surprised her when Jesse stood between her and her death, but wasted no time when the vines loosened sifting off to her home, knowing well enough Aidan would follow with a new fight to be had over things. She had no regrets and would do it all over again if given the chance to. 

Jesse: He smiled to the Queen, and nodded. "Yes, I brought you a whole truck full of flowers. I saw the lillies in bloom, and thought how lovely they would be in your garden. I got day, and night lillies." He guided her out to the truck to show her the plants that he had brought.

Dangeruese: Danger did not like Jesse putting himself in harm′s way, the Queen was different some how after the last battle she had with what they were told to be a Forrest God in the Far Realm. Thankfully her affections for him we′re higher than her need to kill. Something she would have to remember. She collected Cherie from outside. "Come on we need to clean up."

King of Fyre and Earth: He was relieved that Jesse had intervened, but more than a little annoyed at how he had gotten her to stop. Once she relaxed, he knew Danger and Cherie would take care of the cleaning. He would take care of the vines while Jesse distracted her.

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: Cherie got up off the steps going back inside with the empty pie plate sated for the moment. Her eyes widened at the bigger mess, but without a word walked to the fridge starting to pick the plastered on dog bones off of the door collecting them in the empty pie plate. Taking one she took a bite out of it holding it out to Danger. "Oh my god, taste this it′s delicious!" 

Dangeruese: Danger wrinkled her nose. "Huh no thanks, you know those are actual dog bones, right?". She was scrubbing the goo off the counter continually spraying more cleaner to get the dried sticky mess up. It looked as if a massacre had taken place on the counter.

King of Fyre and Earth: He wrinkled his nose at Cherie eating the dog bones, and looked to Danger without saying a word. He moved to where his wife had been standing, and closed his eyes to focus on the vines. He was sure that Jesse would have to do some patching up in the spots the vines had shot out from, but for now, he just wanted to get rid of the vines. It was a bit of a strain, and took more focus than it normally would have since he was still recovering from the day before, but the vines retreated back into the earth, and disappeared while the girls cleaned.

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: She shrugged back at her. "So...They still taste good!" she popped the other half in her mouth as she finished picking off the rest, borrowing the bottle of cleaner from Danger to spray the front of the fridge with, towel in hand to catch the drippings, she didn′t want to have to mop too. 

Dangeruese: Danger finished cleaning up the counter washing her hands and moved around the counter to Ba′al touching his arm lightly. "It looks good, but you not so much. I think you should sit down. Can I get you anything? I′m going to be here awhile while Jesse plays out in the garden.". 

King of Fyre and Earth: He felt Danger′s touch, but didn′t look to her. He nodded, and made his way back to the table. He watched Cherie cleaning. "I′ll be fine. Yesterday just took a lot out of me." He rubbed his temples, looking to her. "Not sure how I feel about leaving them alone though."

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She was thrilled with the new flowers Jesse had brought over, they were perfect in every way. She thanked him kindly, everything else forgotten about. Her only focus at the moment was Jesse helping her with the new day and night lily′s. She lead him out into the garden to show him exactly where she would be wanting them planted, insisting she help him with it all, even with his protests that she didn′t need to be helping him. 

Cherie Ravien-Topliss: Cherie finished cleaning her part and looked towards Danger and her father in law. She debated on whether or not to leave, but she had other things to tend to. "I′m taking the goodies with me, I′ll return the pie plate later on after Del get′s home." Without another word she took the pie plate filled with smothered iced dog bones and left out through the front door. 

Jesse: He was happy she liked the new flowers, and was more than willing to plant them himself. she wanted to help though, and he would not stop her if that was what she really wanted. He liked he change in her mood, and wasn′t going to do anything to bring the anger back.

 King of Fyre and Earth: He shook his head at his daughter in law, trying not to laugh at the fact she was going to be eating actual dog bones. His attention turned to Danger. "You want some coffee while we wait?"

Dangeruese: Danger heard Cherie but her focus was on Ba′al. "Jesse will be fine with her, Shee likes him, so it′s safe." After she said it she chuckled softly. "Maybe they should worry about us instead!" She teased trying to take his mind off things. She went over making him a fresh cup of coffee, loaded with sugar and creamer just the way he liked it, grabbing a pop out of the fridge for herself, bringing it all back to the table to sit near him and visit. 

King of Fyre and Earth: "That′s what I′m worried about." He said, unable to hide the small smile that formed when she mentioned having to worry about them. "It′s been a really long time though. Is there really any reason to worry anymore?" He smiled while taking the coffee. There were moments that he missed her, but he′d been good about behaving himself.

Dangeruese: "Maybe too long?" She questioned taking a sip of her pop looking at him with a smile. She was always willing if wanted to, and she would not mind if Jesse strayed in return with the Queen. It seemed fair enough to her. Now if it was anyone else she would have no problems ripping the woman to shreds, but Jesse knew of her dealings with the King, and did not fault her for it. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He shook his head. "You saw how she reacted to something as small as a mess in the kitchen. I don′t want to put you in that kind of Danger." He smirked a little, and took a drink of his coffee. He was tempted, very tempted. He knew in the end it would not be a good idea though. They had talked about an arrangement in the past, but never actually officially agreed, and with how jealous they both got...

Dangeruese: "Danger is my name!" laughs softly winking at him. "I saw, and know what you mean, but I think it would be different now, you know with having Jesse around. He wasn′t in the past, but now...." she didn′t need to say more but to only let him think on it. She had missed their time together, it crossed her thoughts a lot as of recently. She hoped that maybe he would consider it, she already knew that Jesse had a thing for the Queen but would never act on it unless he was given permission. 

King of Fyre and Earth: "She is pregnant now, so right now would be the best time for her and Jesse to have a little fun." He said, still not fully liking the idea, but it was fair with what was beginning to run through his mind. "Have you seen my office recently?" He asked "It′s really big with a nice sturdy desk." He grinned. "We should call them in, and see what they think."

Dangeruese: Danger grinned getting up from the chair going to the door calling out to Jesse to come inside for a moment. She turned back to get a few beers out for Jesse and the Queen, holding one up to Ba′al as she grabbed an extra for herself. "Office huh, with a Big sturdy desk?" she asked playfully hoping his wife would agree to things. 

King of Fyre and Earth: "Very sturdy." He smirked, taking the beer offered, and pushing his coffee aside as they waited.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: They had just finished unloading all the flowers from the wheelbarrow in all the appropriate places in the garden when she heard the mutt call. She groaned in protest looking at Jesse. "Do we really have to stop now?" 

Jesse: He shrugged at the Queen. "It sounds important. Better to go see now before we get started than when we′re down in the dirt." He turned to head into the kitchen again, taking one of the beers, and leaning against the counter. "What′s going on darlin′?" He asked curiously.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She followed him not liking having to stop, but he didn′t seem like he would take no for answer as he turned and walked off. Entering behind him she arched a brow seeing a beer set out for her and looked between her Husband and the Mutt before picking it up and opening it taking a sip. "So what was so important now?" She had took notice that things were cleaned up once more but her wood floor was a mess. With a sheer thought of what it looked like before it was fixed. She had to have things in order at all times. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He smiled at his wife when she came in. "Well. Danger and I were talking." He started, watching as the floor was fixed. His attention returned to his wife. "Remember when we talked before about possibly making an arrangement with Jesse and Danger?" He paused, gauging her response before continuing.

Jesse: He took a sip of his beer, listening to what the King had to say. He looked to Danger, and back to the King. "Are you suggesting a swinger type of arrangement?" He interrupted, looking to the Queen for only a moment before quickly looking away. "Because I don′t think I would mind something like that."

Queen of Fyre and Earth: Before she could even respond Jesse spoke up, his response to it all surprised her. She closed her husband out of her mind completely so she could think things over without him getting glimpses. Finishing her beer she got another opening it taking a long wig of it before setting it on the counter looking between them all. It seemed like it was fair enough, she knew of her husbands affair with Danger before but he had not been with her since, that she knew for a fact. They had also discussed this very thing long ago, but she really thought he had been kidding, now she knew he was not. She almost wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn′t stuck in another fucked up dream. Taking a deep breath she carefully replied. "I guess I wouldn′t mind, it seems fair enough...." she trailed off looking at Jesse, then back to her Husband making sure he was really okay with all of this.

King of Fyre and Earth: He watched her carefully, surprised that she agreed. "It seems fair to me too." He nodded, letting her know that he was alright with it all. "With you being pregnant already, it′s the perfect time too. It wouldn′t be a concern."

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She thought over what he said and nodded. "True, one less thing to worry over. So with that settled Jesse and I are off to go back to the garden!" It was a statement, but she was still testing the waters, reaching for Jesse′s hand taking it into her own, her gaze though never left her husbands, wanting to make sure he really was okay with it all.
12 min. 54 secs ago.

King of Fyre and Earth: His eyes never left her′s, letting her know through their connection that he truly was alright with it all. He didn′t want to dwell on the thought of it though, and once they were gone, he downed the rest of his beer.

Jesse: He was surprised by the agreement, expecting more of an argument. He followed the Queen out to the Gardens though, letting her guide him.

Dangeruese: Danger smiled blowing a kiss to Jesse before he walked out, turning she looked to Ba′al a wide grin on her face. "So you ready to show me that Big sturdy desk of yours now?" 

King of Fyre and Earth: He couldn′t help but grin at Danger′s comment once they left. "Oh absolutely." He stood up, taking her hand, and guiding her to the office. The door shut behind them.

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Visit to Bllaidh voun Lluache (TFR- FK-EK- BvL)

Queen of Fyre and Earth: Shee had woken early stretching as she sat up on the edge of the bed. Looking to her still sleeping husband a soft smile curved her blood red lips as she reached over brushing her slender fingers through his hair lovingly. Only then did she move to go shower and dress for the day. 

With a final sweep of the brush through her hair she left the room going to the nursery to tend to her son, Lael. Upon entering she found him to be awake and playing quietly with his stuffed wolf happily chewing on it′s left ear. "Good morning my little prince, you ready to get up?". The wolf was tossed to the side with a squeal of happiness. Before he could move she quickly settled him in place to change his diaper and dress him. 

The two headed downstairs to the kitchen where she quickly made coffee, and put together Lael′s sippy cup along with a bowl of fruit and honey cheerios. While he picked at his food she drank her coffee thinking over what she needed to get done, randomly talking to him about it all getting gurgled responses and slurping noises while he ate.

When Lael was finished she cleaned him up along with the small mess he′d made and refreshed her coffee before collecting him to go to her study to work. Coffee placed on her desk she settled him into the small gated area near the full length window to the solarium tipping his bucket of toys so he could pick and choose what he wanted to play with. Giving him a quick kiss on the top of his head she turned away to go sit at her desk and review the papers and documents that Diana and Aidan had left for her to go over and sign. 

Glancing over some she quickly signed them, setting aside the others she would actually have to read thoroughly. Picking up her mug of coffee she warmed it within her hands as she sat back watching her son put new hand prints all over the glass window. Sensing she was watching him he turned his head flashing her a fangy smile as he carefully moved from the window grasping the edge of the railing to the pen he was contained in moving quickly so he was closer to where she was. Reaching out with one hand his wolf levitated to him which he quickly grabbed by the ear tossing it at her. With a laugh she picked it up tossing it back in next to him. 

"You′re not supposed to be doing that, but it′ll be our little secret, okay". She winked at him moving to go get more coffee quickly, only to return finding he had moved a very large book from the book shelf. Taking the book from him she picked him up moving to sit in the rocker near the window. "Okay you convinced me, we′ll read a story.". His hands clapped happily as he settled against her. Opening the book she began to read. "The ancients, which we know to be of a dragon line, told the Queen of All that she needed to control her two children, they were the light and Dark,........"

 King of Fyre and Earth: Waking earlier than he had been lately,he stretched out on the bed, running his arm along the sheets of her side of the bed.  They was still a bit of warmth to them.  A smile curved on his lips as he thought about her.  He sat up, running a hand through his hair before getting up and beginning his morning routine.  He grabbed the first set of clothes he could without even looking at them.  Everything he owned was either black, or would match with black, so it never mattered.  He went in the bathroom to get ready for the day.  It turned out, the clothes he had grabbed were a faded pair of jeans, and a long sleeved bluish grey shirt.

Once dressed, he headed down into the kitchen for coffee.  On his way to the kitchen, he heard voices coming from His wife’s office.  He smiled brightly when he heard her reading the story of the mother, and the siblings.  He grabbed his favorite cup, and prepared his coffee, grabbing a fyre fruit to eat with it once he made it to the kitchen.  He walked back down the hallway, her voice distant at first, but the closer he came to the library, the more clear it became.  With his hearing, he could have focused, and listened the whole time, but he knew the story well enough himself that there was no need to.  He stopped in the doorway, leaning against the frame to quietly listen.  Lael noticed him though, and made a happy gurgling sound, and waving his arms before returning his attention to the story.  He smiled at his son, and moved into the room to take a seat, and listen to some more of the story.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: Her attention was only taken from the book for a moments time when her son began to fidget happily in her lap, seeing her Husband she flashed a fangy smile before continuing reading the excerpt about the Light Queen ad libbing. "Now you see little one, you must take care of those fangs of yours, or the Light Queen will come and collect them for herself, they are worth a lot in your Father′s world, so we must always make sure to brush them three times daily!" She glanced to her Husband smiling as she continued to speak. "Hear in our human world she would be considered the evil tooth fairy, and if she tried to take your teeth then your mommy would have to make fairy dust of her like she did with some of your Great Aunt′s in the past for messing with your Daddy!" She shut the book setting it aside picking up Lael′s sippu cup giving it to him as she adjusted him in her arms to lay, while she rocked the chair smiling. "Isn′t that right Ba′al?" she asked with a small chuckle. She motioned her head towards her desk. "Aidan left papers for things on the rebuilding of The Blhaide Lands, I didn′t read through them yet, just barely gave a quick look over. Wasn′t sure what you had wanted to do, but it looks like today we need to pay a visit there to tend to a few things....Maybe a family outing? Since Geneva was not here this morn....possibly a picnic? While we tend to things and see how it is all coming along?" Lael had fallen asleep in her arms. She took his sippy cup setting it back aside before standing with him moving to the pen to lay him on the pillow mat set to one side, turning she moved to her Husband to steal a quick kiss, looking into his eyes hoping he would agree to what she had suggested for the day. 

 King of Fyre and Earth: He watched her with Lael, smirking when she talked about the light Queen.
“I have a special arrangement with her too, so if you’re too naughty with biting I can sell them to her!” He added, sitting back in his chair to sip on his coffee as she spoke about the papers, and the plans for the day. “Sounds like a perfect idea for me.” He said with a nod. “Aidan’s been bugging me to go there, so it would be a good idea to check in on things.  Picnic sounds perfect.”  He set his coffee down as she lay Lael down for his nap.  When she kissed him, he returned it eagerly.  The morning was never complete without a kiss. “We can pack a basket, and get ready while he naps.” He said, reaching up to run a hand through her hair lightly.  His eyes brightened just from the closeness of her, a smile forming without him even realizing it.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: He was the most handsome man when he smiled, well he was always such a thing to her no matter what. She flashed a smile of her own giving him another quick kiss. "Glance over the papers in the top packet and I will go put together a basket with all we will need for our outing with Lael! Enjoy your coffee, I will be right back!" She didn′t give him a chance to say another word but moved from him and out the door down the hall to the kitchen to get everything they would need. She wasted no time setting the basket out, then collecting some bowls to add fruits to, and meats for others, and some for the cheeses. She set two loafs of fresh french break into the basket along with the filled bowls. She added two bottles of the light grape fruit wine, as well as a container of a special fruit blend she had made herself for Lael. Satisfied with it all she hauled the basket off the counter back down the hall to her study setting it next to her desk with a smile. She could hardly wait to go, but Lael was still napping for the moment, and how could she not take advantage of a little alone time. Slipping into his lap moving the papers to the side as she did so she laid her head on his shoulder nipping at his neck playfully, purring to him. "So what do you think? Do the added costs for supplies look okay with you....and ignore his petition to expel the pixies from the lands, I will tend to them when we get there myself!" The little pesky things had grown on her over time almost to be endearing, but it did not stop her from eating them when she wished to. It was no different than what the mortals did here eating the moo moo cows, and little piggies and such....the pixies were her favorite delicacy, it had just taken her quite some time to learn to control their voices in her head every time they were harvested for food. Now that she had the hang of it, it no longer bothered her. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He nodded, and picked up the papers when she left. He drank his coffee while reading them, and set the empty cup on the desk when he finished. He set the seeds from the Fyre fruit into the cup when her finished that as well. When she came back in, and took the papers, he wrapped his arms around her. A soft purr rumbled as she nipped at him, his eyes brightening once more. "I think there are ways of doing it a bit cheaper, but I′m fine with the plan as it is. Minus the. Pixies that is. With you control I ng them, they′ll be a perfect addition to the land." He grinned. "And a lot easier for when you crave snacks." His hand rested on her stomach gently.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She smiled brightly as he touched her stomach, their newest little one growing stronger by the days that past, or weeks? The time difference in worlds effected her greatly it seemed speeding up the pregnancy each time she sifted back to the human realm of things. She didn′t mind though being excited by having another child, it would be good for Lael too, so he did not grow up an only child, well not that he really was the only one, though just to have someone around the same age. Setting the papers on the desk she sat up a little more. "So true Mon Roi, we do need to make sure I can have my snacks no matter where we are, besides they will help keep the darker area in the lands in order so it is not over run by the other creatures we have brought over to in habit the area there as well." She glanced over towards Lael when he stirred in his sleep some before settling once more. "I′ll sign off on the papers noting the pixies stay put......We only have a little work to do there, some of the rare plants brought over need tending to still, seems even with all the nourishment from the soil I revived it is still lacking in some of the nutrients and minerals needed to survive. It shouldn′t take long since Aidan left a map noting the few small area′s on it that needed to be helped along. That man is something else yanno, always on top of things, too bad that mutt of his wasn′t useful like he is!" She admired Aidan, not only because of all that he did, but also because he was her Husbands long time friend. Such loyalty had to be admired, on the other hand his wife was a pain in her ass. She kept a special box of store bought dog bones handy to taunt her with when she did come by. Those moments were highlights of her day. 

King of Fyre and Earth: "very true." He smiled, rubbing his hand lightly along her stomach as he spoke. He was very hopeful of the future, and couldn′t help wondering how Lael would react to his younger sibling. Del and Raina had been at each other′s throats from birth on. Hopefully the little age difference would make them get along better. The closest he′d ever had to a sibling was Aidan, and they had gotten along well enough. Aidan had been by his side for every important moment, and he knew he would remain with him for the rest. He smiled when she talked about everything. "That′s why I keep him as my right hand." He said, always finding her rivalry with Melodie amusing.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: His gentle touch caused her to purr softly, she could never get enough of it, it soothed her just as his voice did. "Is it too early to tell still, or are you able to now?" What would only have been a month in a half in the human world if she had stayed there instead of spending time in the Earth, and Fyre Kingdoms as of the last few weeks causing things to speed up to where she was actually in her third month now. Ba′al had this skill where he knew things, one she could not help but love. With all they had going on such a thing would come in handy so they could prepare early for the new little ones arrival, figuring at this rate with their being away in his realm so very often the baby would wind up arriving in August if she had calculated it all correctly. She often wondered if all the different powers she had taken in had something to do with it as well. A visit to see Yvonne was due to find out if such things were effecting this pregnancy the way it was, besides she had a gift to drop by for her as well since her own little one was due any time now. 

King of Fyre and Earth: When she asked, he turned his focus to her stomach. She was beginning to show, but not very much just yet. His eyes closed, and he focused. She was further along than she normally would be, but still very early. He focused intently, smiling softly. "We should start looking into boy names." He said, looking up to her, his hand still on her stomach.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She had been watching him intently as he focused, waiting to see. Hearing what she said she was thrilled, a wide smile curving her lips so her fangs showed fully. "That′s perfect! Lael will have someone to actually play with....not like Raina and Delron, those two were a nightmare, always at each others throats. I would have sworn that Raina would have killed Del at times!" Images of her two oldest twins flashed through her mind..... Raina locking Del in the closet for hours or days on end casting a spell so no one could find him, Del duct taping Raina and shoving a pillow case over head stuffing her under his bed in hopes she would suffocate before anyone noticed she was missing. She shook her head with a chuckle. "We can hope for the best right?" Just then Lael stirred from his nap. Kissing her husband quickly she stood. "You mind changing him before we head off? I forgot to do one small thing! His bag is in the corner with all that is needed for now and later on." She smiled a twinkle a mischief dancing in her eyes as she left him to change their son. IN the kitchen she took out the box of dog bones, arranging them on a decorative plate adding icing to each one, some with sprinkles, others with chocolate drizzled on top. Grinning she carried the plate back inside setting it on top of the one packet of papers that she quickly signed off on noting the Pixies stayed put. Then she scrawled out a small note to set on top the dog bones. All it said was...With Love, Shee! Smiling leaning on the desk she waited for her Husband to finish up with Lael.

King of Fyre and Earth: He returned the kiss, and nodded. When she got up, he moved towards the area Lael was in, and picked up the boy. "No spraying daddy this time." He said, laying the boy down on the desk to undress him. He made sure to aim down. He′d learned his lesson in the past. He changed the boy quickly, finishing just as she came back into the room. He hugged lael against his chest as she set the tray down, and arched an eyebrow. "What′s with the cookies?" He asked, knowing whot they were for, but still curious.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: Smiling wide flashing her fangs she answered more than happily. "Dog bones decorated for Melodie! I′m sure she won′t like them and will go into the kitchen to take something else so I left that lovely Strawberry Pie on the counter with my personal message on it for her!" She was thrilled with all she had done. It also helped that she was able to easily bake the put together pie right in her very own hands, something which had taken her much time over the years with her Husbands help showing her how to control that fire ability she had. "Did I forget anything?" asking she looked around picking up the basket she had made for the day out stepping in close to her Husband holding their beloved son.

King of Fyre and Earth: He couldn′t help but snicker, and shake his head. "You′re so mean to her." He had seen the pie when he′d gotten his coffee. His free hand wrapped around her waist, and pulled her close. "I don′t think so, but if there is anything, we can easily come back and get it."

Queen of Fyre and Earth: "I am not mean....just playful!" she flashed him a smile but her eyes said differently. Melodie and her fought tooth and nail when given the chance, or as the humans would said they were like oil and water even though they were both a type of Demoness, Melodie being the younger of the two of them. She always prided herself on that fact and used it to her advantage when needed going against her. The men though did their best to keep them apart if they were not around to try and control them. She kissed his lips softly as she sifted all three of them to the Bllaidh voun Lluache.

King of Fyre: He returned the kiss, smiling when they arrived. He looked around at all the changes that had been made to the lands so far. "It′s coming along great so far." He nodded towards the remains of the Fires of the south. "I should go down into the Volcanoes, best way to revive them is from within." He turned back to her and smiled. "You two can get set up near the forest, and start there while I am down in it. We′ll use our connection to work each other through it all."

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She frowned only slightly but nodded taking Lael from him. She hated having to part with him, but through their connection it wouldn′t be so bad. "Okay, I can do that. It would be easiest that way anyways, specially having Lael with us." She took Lael′s bad setting it on her shoulder leaning into him to give him a kiss before going. Picking up the basket arms full she smiled. "Amin Mela Lle Mon Roi!" she opend the connection with him letting her love for him flood his mind, like a winds gentle loving caress before sifting herself and their son to the other main location, her beloved dark forest which she created in their new lands. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He handed Lael, and theb bag over, returning the kiss, and reaching up to caress her cheek. "Amin Mela Lle Ma Reine." He said feeling her love for him as the connection opened. He sent his own love for her through the connection as he sifted himself into the empty volcanoes. the air was warm, but not as warm as it should have been. He rolled up his sleeves, and dropped to his knees. His eyes closed, and his focus turning to the land. His body grew warm, the heat being pushed down to combine with the earth beneath his hands. His fingers curled, digging into the soil, expelling more heat into the land of the volcano.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: As she set the basket and diaper bag down she felt him in her mind pulling the information from her on how she nourished, and flourished the lands. He gave her visuals of what he was doing and she encouraged them. She quickened her pace setting her fingertips to the ground to urge vines and tree like limbs to burst forth from it, growing a sturdy wood like ivy fence pen to set Lael within. She pulled his bag of toys dumping them in front of him then moved closer to the forest stepping out of her sandals. She shifted her feet in the soil throwing her powers into it, all the while keeping on eye on her son. In her mind she focused on sending all the excess heat from the area to her Husband to use, while replenishing the much needed nutrients and minerals in the soil. She could feel the sigh of relief from the surrounding plants, and pushed more power into it all so it would spread out further into the surrounding area. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He felt a surge of heat through the connection, and pushed it into the land, bonding it together with the earth. the air around him began to grow warmer. Flames danced in his irises as his focus continued, draining his own heat into the land, and funneling the excess heat that had escaped when the volcano blew, back into the land. The blackened soil began to waken, the heat, and fire from within him reviving the volcanoes, and kick starting them into a renewal stage. He didn′t even notice that his feet , and knees had begun to sink into the ground. The rocks began to glow with heat, soon the magma would be forming. The earth below him was growing soft with the warmth, opening itself up to him.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She felt the shift through their connection, his heat caressing through her mind looking for more, which she gave to him pulling harder drawing the heat from other areas directing it all to him sending it beneath the ground to where it all belonged. Her eyes intently watched over their son who stood at the edge of the pen watching her back with his own inquisitive eyes. It gave her an extra burst of joy to see his interest one she used as she threw her arms out to sides of her drawing in more power from the elements which she commanded as her own here in her realm of things. Areas of soil bubbled with life as new sprouts of the needed vegetation formed quickly. She commanded the dead in all forms, and she used this to her advantage with the rebuilding of the desecrated lands left behind. Her beloved pests chimed with glee feeling her presence and she could feel them racing to her from the darker areas of the forest. She pushed harder driving her powers even deeper to hurry things along, it needed to be done before the pixies showed themselves, her son could not be left unprotected with her focus on the matters at hand. The little ravenous pests listened but might take advantage of things, they were never to be trusted. She passed that information along to Ba′al through their open connection, urging him to hurry or she would have to stop for awhile to tend to the over sized toothy mosquito′s, which is what she thought of the pixies. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He caught the thoughts of his wife, his focus becoming more intense as he pushed the heat into the land, and the rocks as fast as it was being sent to him. The rocks began to melt, magma forming. He sent a thought to her, telling her to let go, and take care of Lael. With the Magma formed, he would be able to regain some strength. He pushed himself into the soil, letting it take him fully, pulling strength from the earth, and reviving himself along with the volcano. Throwing himself into a volcano for a lava nap was how he would usually recharge himself, and revive his powers when he felt drained, this would be no different other than the fact that he was the one creating the lava this time.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She sent the word NO back at him, refusing to let him be alone in the task at hand. The two had worked hand in hand on the whole rebuilding and forming of the lands. She could hold her little pests at bay for a little longer. She could not help but smile at their son as he sat back down trying to dig his little feet into the soil, she could almost swear she felt a flash of power from him, but her attention was turned to what he did next. She threw forth all the power she could into things now, she could feel it surrounding her fully like a hazing light, strands of her hair starting to stand, or was that the waft of air from fluttering wings coming from behind her. Either way she had to stop what she was doing for her song had just clasped in his tiny hand a chunk of soiling and was bringing it to his mouth to eat. Everything seemed to stop as she moved, her own motions a graceful glide to where her son was, but it was too late as she picked him up. The handful of dirt was being spit out all over her. "LAEL!" She groaned wiping at his mouth, then hand sitting down onto the ground, pulling his bag close to get a wipey out to clean him off more thoroughly. "That is not for eating little man, and you could have waited a few more moments until mommy was done." Her voice was soft, cooing to him lovingly. The pixies came in a swarm surrounding them, their wings giving off the noise like the swarm of massive amounts of bee′s , but it was their chiming that trilled even louder. With a wave of her arm them all dropped to the ground, small grumbles could be heard as they moved restlessly watching her. She set Lael back in the make shift play pen, then turned to glare at the massive amounts of pixies scattered all over the place. "You all stay put...I get your happy to see me, but do not ever rush me like that when I am with my son!" she scolded her voice like a whip lashing at the little multi colored mass of creatures from the Fae Realm. "I am going to set up things now, and then we shall have a long discussion, I already hear your gripes, but you know the rules already and you have over stepped many already given the little bit of freedom I have given you!" Without another word she started to set up for the picnic to be had when her husband joined them all.

King of Fyre and Earth: He could feel her focus shifting, but the connection remained open. A small smirk formed as he caught images from all she saw, and heard her scolding the pixies. He used the remaining power that she sent to create enough lava to envelope him. His clothes burned away, but he knew he could create more with just a thought, not that she would mind if he joined her without clothes anyway. He cleared those thoughts from his head though, and kept his focus on reviving his strength from the heat of the newly revived volcano. He had no idea how long he rested in the lava, only that it had been awhile. He emerged from the lava, and the volcano itself once he was fully recharged. The rocks under his feet glowed from the heat that radiated off of him. He walked along the newly woken land, spreading the excess heat, and sending what he did not need into the other volcanoes to wake them. Once his heat returned to a normal temperature (Still warmer than a human, but not as hot as it had been), He focused on forming clothes again. His eyes returned to Hazel, leaning toward the green as he sifted to His wife, and Son. "Well, it′s hotter than Satan′s balls there now, so there will be plenty of heat for them to begin building the power plant." He smiled, and looked over the picnic she had set up for them.

Queen of Fyre and Earth:  She smiled wide when she saw him appear hearing the good news. She motioned for him to come sit near her, then glared at the grumbling pixies still stuck chittering around on the ground. "Sorry for having to go so soon, but Lael was eating dirt, and as you can see, the few pixies I left here have gained in numbers. Now I know why Aidan was complaining." she flashed an angry stare at the beginning small group she had set in place, the younger ones still skittered about unhappily. It wasn′t bad that they multiplied so quickly, in a sense it was a good thing, but had been instructed not to do that until everything was replenished and running smoothly. They had disobeyed her, and by rights she should fry all their tiny pixie asses to snack on right then and there. She sent that visual to them all as a warning and a gasp could be heard before they all silenced. All you could see was their forms with the shiny colored lights they emanated from their bodies. Each had wings that looked like tattered leaves, attached to tiny little shriveled bodies, with over sized roundish heads, teeth like tiny sharp razors and wide big eyes, of course all in various colors. She smiled once more to her husband. "Before you sit snatch Lael up to join us, so we can eat, I′m starved!" The whole thing took a lot out of her, and she quickly closed the connection down between her Husband and herself before he caught that little factor, She didn′t want him telling her she could not help with things because of their new little one coming along draining her as well as the work they did together. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He grabbed Lael, and carried him over to the picnic area before sitting down.  He felt her close the connection down, and sat beside her.  His hand rested on her stomach as Lael crawled towards her.  “Didn’t take too much though.  He’s still going strong.”  He could feel the life of the baby still strong within her, unharmed by the massive amounts of power that had been traveling between the two of them.  “So what all did you bring?” He asked, realizing how much of an appetite he had worked up as well. The pixies had caught Lael’s interest, and he turned to crawl towards them.  The tiny little Prince was caught by his diaper before getting too close though, and pulled back towards them.  His displeasure for this diversion was very well voiced in the shrill screech that erupted from his tiny body.

Queen of Fyre and Earth:  She scolded herself metnally for not closing the connection between them sooner hating that he had caught her thoughts, but at the same time relieved by what he had said. "I was still good to do more, just had some distractions...." she waved her hand towards the pixies, then chuckled softly as he stopped Lael in his tracks. She pulled him to sit in front of her, then moved the basket closer pulling things out while she spoke. "I brought two loves of french bread, pepperoni, samalmi, grilled steak, ham, and turkey all sliced up along with various slices of american, provolone, and swiss cheeses, and of course light fruit, fyre fruit, light grapes, watermelon, melon balls, and cantaloupe, some crackers as well." everything was placed out of Lael′s reach, which he was groping for each bowl set out. She gave him a piece of the light fruit to such on before pulling out their specialty light grape wine, handing a bottle to Ba′al to open as she refilled Lael′s sippy cup. "I don′t think I had forgotten anything......" she didn′t get to say much more before she smacked the top of a pixies head with the tips of her fingers as it reached to steal a piece of meat. "No!!!! That is not yours! Behave or you will wind up being the main course here shortly!"

- He took the wine, and began to open it, tossing the cork at the pixie attempting to steal the meat.  Lael laughed gleefully, and swatted at the pixie.
“I know baby, we did a lot already, and the days not over yet.” He said, looking out to the pixies. Before pouring some of the wine for each of them.  It was still strange to be so comfortable around creatures he’d been trained to fear for so many centuries. “They’ve really multiplied.  Must be all the orgies they keep having.”  He handed the wine to her, and grabbed a piece of light fruit.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She took the glass sipping at it thinking over what he said. "I could always curse them so that the males die off, their little peckers exploding inside of the females once they mate...Maybe then they will be more careful and do as they are told!" She flashed a wicked grin at them all hearing their little gasps at what she said. She plucked the red one closest to Lael holding it up before her as she spoke. "You my little treat are going to be good and let my son hold you, if you so much as nick him with your teeth or anything else I will eat you alive....Pixie sushi in it′s finest form!" with that said she handed it over to her son while it protested, but it stopped chittering once her son grasped it in his tiny hand clutching tight. "Now, Now Lael, be gentle, not so tightly we don′t want to kill it yet...." She coo′d winking at the struggling pixie which stilled at her threat. "So what more do we have left for today Love?" she asked of her husband curiously popping a light grape into her mouth washing it down with the same sweetness of wine she had made from them. The flavor burst through her relaxing her whole body, it was a euphoric feeling, quite intoxicating if too much was consumed. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He couldn′t help but smirk as Lael grabbed the pixie tight, and began waving it around triumphantly. He looked to his wife again. "Well it looks like most of this area is almost fully finished." He looked towards the land, Lael tugging at the wings of the pixie in his grasp. He chewed on them a bit, tugging more when the pixie chimed in pain. "The main goals at this point are to get the land ready in the Fires of the south for the power plant, and along the coast for the docks, which we′ve almost finished. Then the forest area was another so we could begin prepping the land for regrowth. Lia and Ronan will come later, and help with the water, refilling the lakes, and rivers. Phase two will be the central land for the farming and living areas." He took a drink of his wine, and ate some of the light fruit.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She had eaten a few slices of meat with some of the bread she sliced with the blade she kept in a sheath on her thigh, all the while listening intently to what her husband was saying. "Well with before we will have to check other areas, I put a blast of power hopefully to fix a lot of the issues that still remained, but if more need work we can do that after we relax for a bit." She gently pulled the pixies head away from her son′s open mouth. "Lael, no eating the pixie, I was not serious on the sushi part...yet!" She took the pixie from him along with it came a loud protest which she hushed handing him a chunk of the bloody meat she had brought for him. "Lia, and Ronan only need to help replenish the water throughout since some of it evaporated from the excess heat we just evenly distributed through out the lands. The coast should be simple enough, and the rest is just building and forming the crops which should be easy enough, Aidan has started some of it already, not long before everything is finished!" She smiled at him, her happiness showing within her bright emerald eyes, thrilled with all they had accomplished together.

King of Fyre and Earth: He took some of the bread, meat, and cheese to make a sandwich while she spoke. He nodded when she mentioned all that had been accomplished. "Aidan has plenty of experience with farming through his Father′s farm, so that should not be a problem for him. The heat problem fixed should make the rest a lot easier now." He raised his glass to her and grinned. "We′ve accomplished quite a lot in such little time. Might even be ahead of schedule."

Queen of Fyre and Earth:  She raised her glass tapping it against his own. "To our new lands, may they flourish and prosper just as our love for one another has!" Her eyes were sparkling as she looked into his, they had been through so much over many years, and now the effort and time it took was paying off, in many more ways than one. She knew deep inside the lands were better now, she could feel it, like a soft humming that vibrated from the earth into her, a song in itself if you added the soft rustle of the leaves and the movement of the tree′s, and shrubs as well as the soft sound of insects, and other life they had brought here, even the pixies seemed lulled chiming softly now, even if they were only just behaving because of her threats to them. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He smiled wide, his eyes brightening. “To our new lands.” He said, taking a sip of the wine.  “The future is looking bright for our new lands, and our love as well.  Everything has lead us to this point in time.  I wouldn’t change a moment.”  He looked to the pixies, calmly, and peacefully settled, and behaving.  It was such an eerie sight, yet it calmed him for some reason. Lael was even munching happily on his bloody meat, gnawing at the tender chunk.  He leaned in to kiss her quickly before sitting back to enjoy his food, and the peace that they now had.  It was strange to believe everything they had been through over the years, and how far along they had come.  How many years had passed?  He’d almost lost track, but he still remembered it all like it was yesterday.  He cherished every moment.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She sipped at her wine before setting the glass to the side, one of the smaller pixies scurried over holding it upright for her. "Little suck up!" She teased it playfully only to get a soft chiming in response. She picked quietly at the food enjoying herself, specially his stolen kiss that he had given her. She secretly hoped all the fresh air would knock Lael out when they finally returned home for the night so they could have some private time, more of his kisses were needed. Absentmindedly she reached out to touch his thigh, she needed to feel him, just as she needed to feed to survive. Though now she did not need to do so as often as before, she packed that into the back of her mind as something else to ask Yvonne when she went to visit. How much had everything really changed her? She shook her head not wanting to think of it all. Night time was creeping in slowly, but the soft luminous colored glows of the pixies helped keep a certain ambiance about things. It felt peaceful, like home. "Will we build a home of our own here as well to stay in?" She asked randomly knowing they had not spoken of such a thing. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He smiled at her touch, enjoying it. He caught her thought, and smiled. He hoped they would have some alone time too. It was very much needed. When she asked about a home, he tilted his head in thought. "I hadn′t given that consideration. Wouldn′t be a bad idea though. We have a strong connection to the lands now. It′s close to the portal too. Would be a good idea. Which part do you think?"

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She gave him a hopeful grin as she answered. "I was hoping here, close to the pixies so I can keep them under control, if that′s okay with you?" She tensed slightly, pulling her hand from his thigh to take her glass of wine once more from her little helper taking a sip of it as she waited for his answer. It felt right to her, to be so close to things, specially here, it had more of herself in it, well everything did, but here especially. The pixies had grown quiet, all was still just as she had become, it was almost like it all fed off her emotions. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He smiled, and nodded. "Here sounds perfect." looked towards the forest. "It′s beautiful here."

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She handed her glass back to the pixie leaning over to hug and kiss her husband happily. Lael looking up between them making happy noises. "See Lael is happy too Baby!" Even the pixies seemed to chime cheerfully. She turned her attention to them, her voice soft, but her words a threat. "With this you will be behaving from now on, any more you produce will be harvested for food, only yous get to stay, I will give you a safe haven of your own for when it becomes havest time, unless you become naughty pixies, you will be eaten just like the rest!" She snapped her fingers happily with a laugh. 

King of Fyre and Earth: He hugged her, snickering at what she said to the pixies. "mmm Pixie caviar. Think the babies taste like veal?" He teased, glancing to the pixies. The chimes hinted at their displeasure of his comment.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She giggled sitting back looking to them. "Guess we will find out when they become naughty...." she reached for her glass only to find the pixie holding it with it′s head in the potent content. She snatched the glass with one hand, the wing of the now drunken pixie in the other holding it up in front of her letting her glamour drop to show her true form. Her long snake like tongue coming out to wrap around it′s head only to slowly slide off tasting it. "Shall I eat this wicked one?" she asked her eyes turning luminous, a small fire dancing within them as she looked around at the others who hushed immediately upon watching her every move. She looked to her husband her fangy smile wide as she asked his help. "Mind roasting this one a little bit Baby?" She chuckled evilly holding it out, it′s little shrieks making Lael cry. Annoyed she tossed it to the side into the bushes. "Go collect it, and all of you go away! Head my words in times to come or I will fry all of you!" she growled at them, picking Lael up, her glamour falling into place as she coo′d to him softly, his tired head resting on her shoulder. "I think we are done for the night Ba′ mind putting the lids back on the bowl packing things up?" 

King of Fyre and Earth: He smiled wide at the sight of her true form, her tongue coming out to taste it. He was more than willing when she asked him to fry the little fucker for her. He′d barely gotten to light up his palm when Lael began to cry. He clenched his fist to extinguish the flame, and nodded to his wife. "Yeah I can handle that. Go on home, and get him settled. I′ll take care of things here, and meet you at home. He gave her a quick kiss before beginning to gather everything from their picnic. He placed the cork back in the wine, and drained his own glass before putting it away.

Queen of Fyre and Earth: She dumped her glass off to the side as she spoke. "I will wait, I do not trust the little pests when I am not here with you." She really didn′t think they would harm him, but she was not going to take any chances. She watched him gather up everything packing it away in their own bag and basket. Only when he had it gathered up did she move to him, sifting them safely to their home to their house once more. They appeared in the kitchen. She moved from him to get the special bottle she reserved for night time from the fridge for Lael, moving back to him as she heated it stealing a small kiss. "Pick what you want for private time in our room, and I will get him settled down for night Baby!" 

King of Fyre and Earth: He put everything in the basket, and once they sifted home, he returned the kiss. When she told him to pick for private time, he only put away Lael′s stuff, and kept the rest of the basket for bedroom time. He took the basket upstairs while she settled Lael down, and he waited for her to come to the bedroom.

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Silent dreams of the past (Complete)


The full moon bathes the Earth with its luminous blood red glow, and the shimmering stars dance magically in the purple, black night sky like shiny white diamonds. Tonight, the Earth is dappled in a blood red moonlight. The wind howls, the trees sway, My heart cries. I want to feel again. I run into the night, and as I run, the gnarled branches twist out from the shadows to reach me, the trees bend to brush, and caress my face, the roots curl to trip me. I stop, and find the earth covered in a thick layer of darkness. The wind now whistles, threatening shadows surround me, moss drips from sickly dark trees like decayed flesh. The earthy smell of beginnings, and endings. Tears course down my cheeks silently. Tonight, I scream. I let go. My loud cries pierce the air. I get up, and burn the dying leaves just so I can feel something. The flames leap into the night devouring tree by tree in the searing heat like a starving beast. Within seconds my sanctuary is engulfed in flames, the sky is blazing red now, it is beautiful. Spark me up, ignite my soul, just like this fire, just so I can feel something, anything … and as I watch the burning of life silently, the green shrubbery is burnt to crisp, thick smoke fills the air, shrouding its surroundings in darkness. The night passes, the stars pale as dawn comes, and I walk towards the trees on the edge of the forest, they seem eerily friendly because their twisted, blackened limbs spread wide, as if to welcome me with an embrace, one to welcome me home where I belong.

Shee sat up screaming from her continuous nightmare throwing the pillows from her her as she backed up against the headboard. Her son's cries filled the silence. Shaken she moved room her bed to go tend to him, wiping the tears that streamed down her face. In his room she went to the crib, changing him, and then snatching him up cuddling Lael close to her as she sat in the rocking chair, new bottle in hand singing him the hauntingly familiar tune stuck in her head. One that seemed to intertwine with her nightmares. 
19 hrs. 6 mins ago.

It seemed rest was not to be hers once more. The horrid dream had come once again, the same, yet different. The gnarled limbs reached for, but this time it was not a caress, or embrace, this time those blackened, burnt limbs reached with intent to hurt her. The branches clutched at her arms trying to draw her closer. The putrid smell of decay was overwhelming. She struggled screaming her dislike of being touched by such a foul creature. Breaking free her arms were scratched badly, turning she ran through the forest which burst into flames as she passed through . A fiery trail lay behind her, she was alone, so very alone, the emptiness filled her, a darkness spreading from the inside out. She cried out in pain, her screams drawing out the whispers of the wind . 
She woke, her face wet with her tears, her body shaking badly. It was then she felt it, the pain. Looking down at her arms bloody scratches ran down along them. Quickly she moved from the bed to the bathroom and clean up. She would need to find clothing to hide her arms until they had a chance to heal, as well as using some heavy cover up to hide the dark circles that were forming under her eyes. She needed to figure out what was happening to her, and soon.

Queen of Fyre: She spent a long time in with Lael, he seemed all she had lately. She had gotten him back to sleep and laid him down in his crib. Instead of leaving she stayed making herself comfortable in the rocking chair, it was as if she was standing guard over her child. Maybe it was his room with its dark forest theme that made it feel so ominous, whatever it was she just could not leave. 

King of Fyre: Waking with a start, he looked over to her side of the bed. The sheets were still warm, so she hadn't been gone long. His hand ran along the fabric as he stretched, and sat up. There was a feeling that something was wrong, but He wasn't sure what. He made his way to Lael's nursery, knowing He would find her there. His arms crossed as he watched her a moment before entering. "Something is bothering you isn't it?" He asked softly, approaching her lightly.

Queen of Fyre: She hadn't even know she was being watched so when he spoke she screamed jumping up turning quickly towards his voice. "Ba'al! " she hugged herself hoping it would help stop the trembling. She thought about what he asked as she bit at her lower lip, then nodded. "Somethings not right, I can't explain it, but I feel it deep down inside of me to the very core of my being. I'm afraid Ba'al. " never had she admitted such a thing, but he needed to know how serious she was.

King of Fyre: When She screamed, He moved quickly to Her. The tone of Her voice made him frown. He could tell something was wrong, but He didn't know what, or how to figure it out. He moved to kneel in front of her, resting his hands on her knees. "We'll figure it out, you are not alone. I won't let anything happen to you, and I won't let anyone hurt you." His own tone was very serious, His eyes on her's.

Queen of Fyre: She stared back into his eyes as he spoke trying to assure her of his being able to help keep her safe. Fresh tears began to fall asleep she shook her head deciding to show him her arms. She pushed the sleeves up on her shirt and held out her arms. The scratches were now very red, and infected. She wasn't healing, and she hadn't a clue why. "I don't think there is a way to keep me safe, specially when this...." she gestured to the scratches on her arms. "Happened while I was sleeping. " 
58 min. 11 secs ago.

King of Fyre: When She pulled the sleeves up, He took Her small wrist, and examined her arms carefully. "We should see the dark Queen then. Maybe she will have an idea, or at least be able to tell us why it's happening. Unseelie have power over dreams, at the very least, She could offer added protection." His eyes met hers once more, his hand reaching up to cup her face. "Next time you sleep, I will go into the dream with you so you aren't alone though." He leaned up, brushing his lips against hers, and exhaling a healing breath, hoping that it would at least help the healing process slightly.

Queen of Fyre: His lips were so very warm, as was his touch. When had she become so cold? She hadn't noticed the change within herself. Dropping her gaze from his looking to her arms, they didn't look any different. Something was very wrong. "It didn't work Ba'al, it didn't work. ....What's happening to me?" Fear had crept into her voice for the very first time. "Call for the Dark Queen, ask that she hurry. Please. " she was shivering uncontrollably now. "Can you please help me back to our room, I want to lay down. " she wanted to go back into her dream alone while he was busy, she couldn't stand for him to be hurt too if he joined her.

King of Fyre: He stood, pulling Her close to Him. He lifted her to carry her to their room, and set her down on the bed gently. "I will return with the Queen. don't go back alone." He told Her firmly, knowing her too well.

Queen of Fyre: She pulled him close kissing him softly whispering against his lips. " Hurry. I can't promise you anything with as tired as I am. Make sure someone keeps an eye on Lael too please." 

King of Fyre: He returned the kiss, letting it linger. "I'll hurry. I'll bring Geneva to watch over Lael too." He remained by her side a moment longer before sifting away to find the Dark Queen.

Queen of Fyre: She was alone once more. Her mind racing trying to figure out what was happening to her. Turning onto her side she curled up closing her eyes to rest. She tried her hardest not to fall asleep, but it was of no use, she was too tired to even try. There she was again, back in that drastic forest. She screamed as loud as she could as she raised her arms shaking her fists. "What do you want from me, tell me. I demand it of you!" The wind howled in response, lightening streaking the sky. There was no blood moon, no Shiny stars gracing the purple blue sky. It was pure blackness, evil itself. This evil wanted to hurt her, and she needed to know why.

The Dark Queen: Arriving to the room once the King came to her, She saw the queen asleep on the bed. The wounds on her arms were bright, and clear. She sat on the bed gently, caressing the Queen's hair, and closing her eyes, entering the nightmare with her. "Your Husband sent me ahead because He was worried you would fall asleep. He had to track down the guard to watch over your child."

Queen of Fyre:  Shee was surprised when the Dark Queen joined her. Hearing of the guard she snarled. "Damn woman is never around when needed. Ba′al needs to stay with him. " she looked at the woman. "Can you feel it. It drains you. You shouldn't be here, it wants you gone!" The scratches on her arms weeped continuously now. She had gone to her knees burying her hand in the dark soil to try and draw strength from it. There was none to be had, we′ll least not for her. She screamed in frustration throwing her hands out setting the creeping trees that slowly crept closer ablaze. Standing she looked at the Dark Queen before running off down that horrid trail, repeating the what happened in the dream over and over, heading into the clearing where a lone house stood engulfed in flames. "You need to leave this place, leave it now, it′s coming."

Queen of the dark: "I am not leaving you alone here." She stated firmly, looking around their surroundings to see where they were.  It seemed to be the dark forest.he looked down when the Queen stooped to push her hands in the soil. "There are no nutrients to you.  There is only death." The dark Queen spoke the words, but they were not her own.something had taken hold of her.  Something powerful. She shook off the hold, and grabbed the Queen. "I am not leaving without you!" She said firmly, attempting to pull them both out of the dream. 

Queen of Fyre: She woke up screaming pulled from the dream by the Dark Queen .   "I told you, it didn′t want you there, it wants me, but I don′t know why."  she lay in bed shaking violently ,  a fever had come over her, though there seemed to be no warmth to be found.  The infection was spreading , things were not boring well for her.

The Dark Queen: The dark Queen lay beside her, pulling her close against her to share her warmth. She knew she needed to go to the forest to find the source of these dreams.  There was no other way she could think of.  She had never been powerless before.  Not to anyone. 

Queen of fyre: She lay limply in the woman′s arms crying softly.  Her whole body ached, she barely had the energy to move anymore .   Closing her eyes she tried to sleep once more, she needed to find answers.  Sleep evaded her, she figured it was because the Dark Queen was so close .  She had to find a way to convince her to leave.  

The Dark Queen: The dark queen was not leaving.  She knew how much this woman meant to the King, and the realm in general.  Soon though, the King returned.  He rushed to the side of His wife, laying on the opposite side of Her."There is nothing I can do for her.  She is in the grasps of a powerful source. I need to go to the dark forest, and see if I can find out more." The dark Queen said, disappearing a moment later. 

Queen of Fyre: "Ba′al ! "  His name was a soft whisper .   She knew he was there with her, he was her strength, her reason ,  besides their children ,  that she wished to fight all this.  She was very parched, and not trusting her voice she talked to him telepathically .   "Would You mind making my favourite tea, please?"

King of Fyre: He captured her thought, and nodded, giving her a soft kiss before getting up and heading down to the kitchen.  He filled the pot, and put it on the stove while He gathered the special infuser, and tea that he had gotten for her.  He hoped that she wasn′t falling back asleep while He was down here.  He didn′t want her going back alone

Queen of Fyre: She gave a small wane smile as he moved to go make her some tea.  She was so blessed to have him.  While he was gone she tried to figure out what was after her, something not even the Dark Queen, herself, was not able to combat.  Her mind was reeling a mile a minute going through things, yet she still could not piece it together.  That feeling of being pulled under was back stronger than before, she could not resist the pull of it.  She whispered softly before going under knowing Ba’al did not want her to go alone once again.  “I’m sorry Ba’al….”
 There she was back I that forsaken forest once more, the ominous tree’s reaching for her, their snarled roots disturbing the dead black soil in an attempt to burst free to snatch at her feet.  “NOOOOOO!!!!!!”  She screamed.  The wind picking up howling back at her as if in answer.  She took in her surroundings, but as always there was only one way to go, so again she ran down the path avoiding the decrepit tree creatures which wanted to retain her from what she saw as her only way out. 
 Coming upon the clearing she saw the house, and like always it was engulfed in flames.  A thought occurred to her, so she ran towards it to enter.  It was what Ba’al always did to obtain power, and strength, as well as heal him self.  She hoped the same would work for her.   She took one final glance back towards the dark forest of her dreams; it seemed so much closer now, without hesitation she stepped into the burning house.  Reaching out she tested her theory, nothing burned, or blistered.  With a small sigh of relief she stepped further in drawing on the flames trying to heal her self as she looked around.  The flames seemed to engulf her as well, it was a weird tingling feeling as they seemed to dance, and lick at her skin.  It was then she heard it, the entity was there just outside.  She took one more glance about realizing it was her home that was in flames.  Tears began to run down her face when the thought of her son being trapped in his room came to mind.  Turning she screamed at the dark creature that taunted her within her dreams.
 She was sitting up in her bed screaming, as she cried uncontrollably as she came out from her dream on her own this time around. 

King of fyre: He had almost finished making th tea when He heard her scream.  There was absolutely no hesitation, and He dropped the cup in his hands before running upstairs as fast as he could.  He rushed to her side, checking her for fresh injuries, and making sure that she hadn’t been harmed worse than she already had been before.  “What happened?”  He asked, Geneva rushing into the room soon after him.  She began rambling about the pixies, saying how they had gone into a frenzy, and then she heard the scream, so she was coming in to check  on everything.  He quickly dismissed her ramblings, and explained the situation.  Geneva walked over to the Queen, looked at her arms, and the infections that were branching off from the cuts.  He noticed that the scratches seemed to have healed some, but were still raised.  The infection was still spreading.  He spoke with Geneva about the infection in their native tongue, asking if she knew any poisons that could be doing this to the Queen.  Geneva was the poisons expert, so if anyone would have found an antidote, it would be her.  They finished speaking, and Ba’al turned to his wife. 
“She needs some of your blood.  She might be able to figure out what the poison in your system is. Some of the infected blood.”  He gathered the bandages that were full of the blood, and infected oozing, and handed them over to Geneva.  She grabbed all of them, and hurried off to look and see what she could find with the poison.  He gave her one more quick kiss before standing up.  “I’m going to grab Lael, and bring him in here with us.” He whispered, getting up to head into the nursery.  He glanced at the pixie trapped in little glass balls above his crib, their cries and screams powering its movement.  The mobile was still for the moment, the pixies fast asleep. They must have worn themselves out in their excitement at his wife’s screams. He picked up the small boy, holding him close as he carried him into the room to lay on the bed between them.

Queen of Fyre: She nodded to her Husband watching as he left the room, only to return minutes later with their son cradled in his arms.   She was sitting up more alert than she had been since everything started.  Her weird theory in her dream seemed to have worked, even if it was just a little bit.  She hoped Geneva could figure out what had been released into her system.  With Lael now in between them she inspected him thoroughly to make sure he had not been hurt, why she had such a need to do this was a mystery to her.  Lael fussed as she checked him, and all the while she spoke incessantly to her Husband.  "It′s getting stronger Ba′al, I can feel it when I am in my dream.  Even now I feel it′s presence.  Oddly enough I took a chance in the dream, stepping into the burning house, it was ours you know, but the flames seemed to help heal me a little bit, as well as giving me strength.  I have to avoid sleep for as long as I can, I′m really afraid of what may happen if it pulls me under again.  I felt it′s deathly smile when I had thought of Lael trapped in the burning house."  She stopped fussing over their son, and looked up at him then.  Her fears showing clearly in her eyes. 

King of fyre: He watched her with their son, resting his hand on the small boy’s stomach gently as he listened to her speak about the dream. “You think that means something?”  He asked curiously.  The thoughts in his mind were running wild with every possible thing He could think of.  “We’ll find out what it is, and we’ll stop it.  You know I will always try my protect you in whatever way I can.” He looked down at their son, who was settling back down, and gave a small yawn. “Even if you are ten times stronger than me.  It’s something from my world.  A world I brought you into, and I will not stop looking for a way to free you from whatever it is.”  He looked back p to her, so she could see in his eyes that he truly meant what he had said.  He stayed there with her, refusing to leave her side until her fell asleep, Lael curled up on the bed between them still.

Queen of Fyre: She did not sleep, she sat there watching over them, afraid of her very own dreams fearing for their safety.  When Lael woke she immediately picked him up taking him from the room with her to the kitchen to get a bottle for him, and to make a pot of coffee for her self.  Settling into her chair to feed him she spoke softly to him.  "Looks like it is just you, and me Lael, your Daddy is fast asleep."  Her son′s wide eyes stared up at her, as he sucked down his bottle.  "Your Daddy is a very good man, you know that?  A silly one thinking your Mommy here is more powerful than he is, I can′t even fight off a simple infection it seems."  She kept talking until he had finished, burping him, then changing his diaper.  When he was once more fast asleep she settled him into his bassinet set up in the kitchen.  She helped herself to a huge steaming cup of coffee, and began to pace the house thinking.  None of the pieces of this evil puzzle fit together that she could figure out. 
 Two pots of coffee later she stopped pacing the house hearing the rain begin to fall.  She decided to help herself to a beer.  Quietly she sits drinking a beer staring off out the window watching the rain fall.  All the while her mind races, churning over ideas, and plots on what to do next.

Queen of Fyre:
Quietly sits drinking a beer staring off out the window watching the rain fall. All the while her mind races, churning over ideas, and plots on what to do next. 

 King of Fyre: Comes down for his coffee, sitting down beside her. "Morning Ma Reine"

Queen of Fyre: Leans over kissing him. "Morning Mon Roi."

King of Fyre: Smiles, and returns the kiss eagerly. "So what should we do for the weekend?"

Queen of Fyre: A wide smile curves her blood red lips showing off her fangs. "Do you really have to ask Baby?"

King of Fyre: His own smile widened. "ok I should probably be actually asking what foods we should stock up on in the bedroom since I'm sure we won't be leaving it."

Queen of Fyre: "Potato." she blurts out not thinking as her eyes scan over her list of things to accomplish.

King of Fyre: an eyebrow arched at the choice, and He looked towards her list. His foot hooked around the leg of her chair, pulling her closer to him.

Queen of Fyre: As he pulled her closer her head snapped around in the opposite direction scolding the thin air. "Can you voices just shut up already, potato first, then we take over the world later!" smiling brightly she looked back to her Husband, setting her to do list on the table. 

King of Fyre TFR: "Who are you talking to?" He asked, thoroughly confused by the comment.

Queen of Fyre: She jacks her thumb up motioning off to the other side of her. "The voices of course .... don't you hear them?" Her head tilts slightly looking at him curiously. 

King of Fyre: He shook His head. "No...." He focused to listen inside of her head to see if He could hear what voices she was talking about.

Queen of Fyre: "I can't see how not, they are very loud today, and bossy too!" nods sure of herself. "Now about that potato....You got one?" 

King of Fyre: "I think there might be one in the pantry?" He said, still very confused on what exactly was going on. "Why do you need a potato?"

Queen of Fyre: "Oh good.... to change the light bulb of course." she answered sitting there calmly smiling at him, as she randomly scratched at her infected arms that seemed to itch. 

King of Fyre: He reached out, taking Her hands, and lacing his fingers with her's so she couldn't scratch anymore. "How about we go out today?" He suggested. After what they'd found out the other night, He had an idea that He wanted to try.

Queen of Fyre: She looked down at their hands now realizing what she had been doing. Hearing his voice she looked back up. "Go out? What about my potato, I need it!" she said panicking.

King of Fyre: "We can pick one up from the earth Kingdom. the best ones grow there."

Queen of Fyre: She cocked her head to the side pursing her lips slightly before speaking. "Your not trying to trick me are you?"

King of Fyre: "Trick you? into what? you said you needed a potato, the best ones always grow in the earth Kingdom."

Queen of Fyre: "You didn't answer my question, are you lying to me? What makes the Earth Kingdom potato's better than potato's here...Hmmmmm?" 

King of Fyre TFR: "Why do you even need a potato to change a lightbulb?" He asked.

Queen of Fyre: "Why do you keep answering my questions, with questions? Hmmm? and I told you why I needed the potato, it's to change the light bulb!" she tosses her hands in the air exasperated. 

King of Fyre: "Because I don't know what you're talking about. What benefit does a potato have to changing a lightbulb? Do you need a certain kind of potato? there's a lot of different kinds you know. Red, whit, yellow, purple, russet, sweet..."

Queen of Fyre: Huffs unhappily now, an evil glint dancing in her eyes now. "I don't care what color the potato is, I just need one! Not too big, but not too small, kind of thin, but yet perfectly rounded!" growling she turns her head from him her voice raising slightly. "I told you not now, taking over the world can wait, it's all about the potato right now, so go away!" She looks back to her husband frustrated now. "Don't you know anything about changing light bulbs, you need a fucking potato!" 

King of Fyre: "I can honestly say I've never changed a lightbulb with a potato." He responded slowly, watching her carefully. His concern for her sanity was growing.

Queen of Fyre: "Well how do you change a broken light bulb, Huh? You need a potato, that's what you need, it's all about the potato!" her temper was rising quickly, and she had begun scratching at her arms again the more agitated she became with things. 

King of Fyre: "You didn't say it was broken." He said calmly, taking her hands once more. "There's got to be one in the pantry. Diana brought a bunch of fruits and vegetables after the falling of the veil. She said we needed to get ready for thanksgiving. She wants to put the veggies in the shape of a turkey as a replacement so we don't kill one."

Queen of Fyre: "Why else would I want to change a light bulb?" as the rest of what he was saying sunk in. "You can't make a turkey out of vegetables, you need a turkey, a good big fat one, dead preferably cause I am not chasing it around through the house again." 

King of Fyre: "they do burn out." He said, smirking a little at her comment. "I will let you tell her that one. She was pretty adamant."

Queen of Fyre: "It didn't burn out." she drags him over to the refrigerator opening the door pulling her hand from his motioning towards the actual broken light bulb with the sharp edges. "See it's broke broke! You stuff the potato on it and turn to unscrew it so you don't cut yourself, like I did!" she shows him the fingertips of her right hand which are all sliced up. "See!!!! Bad to use fingers, need potato!" she frowns then. "I will tell her that I am not eating any kind of turkey if it is not a real one, veggies, and tofu do not count!" 

King of Fyre: He followed her over to the fridge, and looked in. "Ok, that makes sense. carrot might work too. Or cucumber. they have tougher skin." He looked at her fingertips, and frowned.

Queen of Fyre: "Carrot is too hard, and a cucumber is too soft on the inside...Potato's are just right!" she exclaimed crossing her arms to hide her fingertips, and the red infected welts on her forearms. The infection was traveling upwards, but at least not as quickly now, nor were they oozing anymore. "I'll fix it later when we get Your SPECIAL Potato! Are we going now?" she was staring at him her foot continually tapping on the tile floor making a clicking sound to show her impatience. 

King of Fyre: He moved to wrap his arms around her. "Yes. We can go now." He kicked the fridge shut with his foot, and sifted them away. He didn't take them to the earth Kingdom though. He took her to Laire Ando.

Queen of Fyre: They appeared in an unknown place. A frown curved her lips as she glared up at him scolding. "Where are we? This is not the Earth Kingdom! Did you forget how to get there or something?" she smacked at his chest moving back to get a better look at where he had taken her. 

King of Fyre: "Laire Ando." He said, moving closer to her. "The Dark Queen can't do anything because she is connected to he darkness, and a servant of the dark sibling. Who better to help fight a powerful dark being than a servant of the light sibling?

Queen of Fyre: She looked back to him frowning even more. "I don't think we are going to find any help here.....unless your willing to trade your teeth, and I happen to be very partial to my fangs, and teeth!" she retorted having heard the tales.

King of Fyre: "I have jars of teeth in the warehouse. I can make a deal with them with the winery too, and the club. I have access to a lot of teeth, and they know that."

Queen of Fyre: sighs as she rolls her eyes remembering the jars of teeth in the warehouse, along with all the other oddities he collected as well. "Fine....if you think it might work...." she huffed slightly not feeling as optimistic as he was. "Let's go see Esmerelda so she can hand me a pair of ruby slippers to click together three times whenever I want to go home from my dreams." she spat out completely being sarcastic about the whole idea of it. Her mood shifting once more, becoming agitated, she began once again to mindlessly scratch at her arms.

King of Fyre: He took her hand, ignoring her sarcastic comments. He took Her towards the portal, knowing that the Vakha would have to make an appearance soon.

Laire Ando Vakha: "arltad!" She exclaimed, seeing the couple appeared out of nowhere. She approached them quickly, realizing who they were when she got close enough. She stopped in her tracks. There was a dark aura rolling off of the Earth Queen. "What have you gotten yourself into" She asked, approaching cautiously now. Her voice was melodic, her movements graceful. "My name is kerrilie by the way, not esmerelda." She looked to the Fyre King. "Why have you brought such darkness to the light realm?"

Queen of Fyre: "Esmerelda, Kerrilie...who cares? Can you just hand over the ruby slippers, and if you can spare a potato that would be really great!" she flashed her fangs at the woman taking a step closer without even knowing she was doing so. Her hand reached out, the dark sickening lines in her arm seeming to throb. Her hand stopped mid air, and she shook her head snapping venomously. "What do you mean What I Have Gotten Myself Into?" Her eyes blazed with a dark fire, her temper rising quickly now. "Don't you speak to my Husband that way, you keep it up, and I will drain you where you stand!" the woman's voice grated on her nerves, and she wanted nothing more right then than to kill her. 

Laire Ando Vakha: "I care!" She responded back with an annoyed tone, but remained perfectly calm as the Earth Queen ranted, and threatened her. "You kill me, and you will never be free from the grasp of the dark forest." She nodded towards the wounds on her arms. "You crossed the forest, and they do not like it." She looked back to the Queen. "Now. Do you want help or would you like to threaten me some more and see where that gets you?"

Queen of Fyre: "I did no such things!" she snarled snatching her dagger from it's sheathe on her thigh taking another menacing step towards the woman. "How dare you accuse me of things. I have had enough of you, and your musical voice." another step closer, as she decided on how to strike. Her eyes were turning black, the infection spreading the more she was angered. The eerie red lines started gracing her face. 

 King of Fyre: He noticed the change in his wife, and moved between the two women. His hands resting on His wife's shoulders, keeping her firmly in place.

Laire Ando Vakha: Once She saw the darkness in the Queen's eyes, and the lines spreading to her face, she knew that there was nothing she could do. She raised a hand, sending a blinding flash to the Queen's brain, filling Her with pure light for a moment before disappearing to the safety of the light.

Queen of Fyre: She screamed in frustration trying to move past her Husband, then screamed once more in pain, her dagger falling from her hand as she clutched at her head falling to her knees. She tried to breathe, but the air just wasn't making it into her lungs fast enough. When she was finally able to open her eyes she was confused. She didn't know where she was, or what was going on, and her arms itched horribly, as well as them aching. 

King of Fyre: He fell to his knees beside her as she crumpled in pain. He checked her over, making sure she was alright before pulling her close against him, and sifting them back home to their bedroom.


Once back at home she was highly confused with what had happened through out the day. Her Husband sat her down on the bed checking over her once more gently caressing her cheek before sitting besides her beginning to explain the events of the day. She sat quietly listening to all that he told her. At one point she got up, and began to pace the room, walking out to check on Lael with his new guard which apparently her Husband had ordered when Geneva took some of the bandages she had worn, then hurried off to analyze them in hopes of finding a cure for whatever it was that had been injected into her. She reappeared in the room when she was satisfied that her son was okay, only then did she catch her reflection in the full length mirror on the closet door. She started to cry, turning going quickly to her Husband sitting down beside him once more. He sat for hours comforting, and talking with her trying to help figure out what was trying to take hold of her through her dreams. Finally they lay down together, and she pretended to sleep waiting for him to drift off. Once he had she slipped from the bed once more to walk the house restlessly, repeating her ritual of two pots of coffee extra strong to keep herself awake. 

The time came when she could drink no more, and helped herself to a beer noticing the broken light bulb. Setting her beer down she retrieved a potato from the pantry, slicing off the tip of it, and then forced it over the broken end of the bulb in the fridge. As hard as she tried, she could not get the damn thing to turn; the only thing she succeeded in doing was wasting a potato. With a snarl she threw it across the room, and used her fingers instead, slicing the tips once more, but she didn't care, she worked at the thing until she was finally able to get it loose enough to unscrew it, tossing it's remains across the room to join the dead potato on the floor. She sucked at her fingertips for a few minutes to clear them of her very own blood that graced them, then picked up her beer taking a long swig heading to the table to take her seat as always, staring out the bay window at her dying garden, getting lost in thought. 

King of Fyre: Waking in the morning, he looked over to her side of the bed. She wasn't there. He heard the noises downstairs, and got up to head down and check. He saw the potato on the other side of the room, and looked back to his wife. "Take it the potato didn't work?" he said, heading to the coffee pot as isual, only to find it empty. He turned to look at her a moment more. She must have been up all night. "I thought maybe we could go to the capitol today. They mist have something in the Queen's library about whatever this is that is tormenting you."

Queen of Fyre: Being lost in thought she did not hear him come down from upstairs. Hearing his voice she was startled from thought, spilling some of her beer on her self. Setting the glass on the table she looked at him annoyance could be seen within her eyes as she spoke. "No the potato didn't work, but at least it is dead now!" Her cold eyes followed him as he moved through the kitchen turning back to look at her. "Why are you looking at me that way, did I grow an extra head over night or something?" she snapped at him becoming more irritated by the second. She snatched the glass off the table a small bit spilling on her again, but this time she did not care as she raised the glass to her lips to take a long swig of it, then held the glass close against her chest as she answered him. "And what do you think we will find in the Capital, Huh? Nothing but a bunch of pompous asses, that is what we will find there!" the last of her words had come out in a low snarl, her hand clutching the beer glass tighter while she glared at her Husband. 

King of Fyre: He frowned as she continued. Whatever Kerrilie had done to bring her out of her mood yesterday had completely worn off. "Thane and Yvonne are not pompous, and you know that. You like Yvonne. Kassi, and the advisers I understand, but Those two are different. Thane knows things. He helped Aidan when the dagger drove me crazy, and I think He can at least narrow things down, so we can figure out how to fix what is going on with you."

Queen of Fyre: She watched him not liking the look on his face, her agitation growing slowly as she listened to him speaking to her. She snarled low setting her glass on the table. “Who ever said I liked them? Thane…” She hissed between clenched teeth. “The almighty know it all!” Reaching forward her hands grasped the table edge as she rose to stand leaning over it slightly. “Who made him god almighty? Oh just go ask Thane, he will know?” She spat out sarcastically, her eyes turning obsidian as she glared at him. She let go of the table with one hand, then the other, snatching her glass up from the table taking a long swig of her beer. Her next words dripped with venom, fangs showing as she sneered at her Husband. “Who said I had to be fixed? Huh? I’m not broken; I do not need to be fixed in any sort of way! There is nothing wrong with me, or do you think there is?” She questioned staring him down; her temper had risen to the extremes. In her minds eye all she saw was red, the glass in her hand was clutched tight as she cocked her arm back, and then threw it at him. Though something within her held back, but only slightly so her aim was off. The glass hit the refrigerator door shattering a mere inches from where he stood, beer splashing out in the process. “Now look what you went, and made me do!” She growled at him fangs bared completely. “Clean it up!” Without another word she stormed out the back door, the power behind it, splintering the door from it’s hinges as she barreled down the steps out into the yard heading into the garden disappearing. 

King of Fyre: Her reaction was completely surprising to him, and all He could do was stare in shock. He couldn't believe the things she was saying, especially since She was the one who had chosen Yvonne as Lael's godmother. He was stunned completely when The glass missed his head by merely a few inches. He couldn't say anything in response, or even react because He was stunned to silence. Before He even fully registered what had happened, She was gone and out the door. He looked out to the garden, something that had once been her pride and joy, and gotten the same amount of attention she gave to lael. The once lively blooms were now dark, and beginning to decay. The life seemed to be draining out of them faster than it should be this time of year. He wanted to head after her, but knew that in the state she was in, he shouldn't even try. Instead, He made His way up the stairs quickly, and gathered Lael from his crib. He packed a small back, and rocked the fussy infant, who would not look away from the pixies in the mobile above his crib. He sifted them away, heading to the Capitol to see the King and Queen of all. They were the last chance at finding out what was going on with his wife. They should have been the first ones they went to, but there was no point in regret now. He just hoped that there would be something there.


Having left the house, and disappearing into the garden in her sudden rage, she walked the maze slashing at her beloved blooms, not taking notice they were dying with the recent events going on. Things had not been tended to in quite some time, growing out into the paths, gnarled roots sifting up through the ground poking out. A few times she stumbled over them cursing slashing out more because of it, then tore and slashed some more of the plants. When her temper was finally sated, and she gained some sort of control of herself, she stared at her bloodied hands not sure of what had happened. Was she really losing it that badly? She asked herself. She sat down in the mess of splayed and broken branches of her beloved roses, and began to cry feeling so very drained, and tired. How did she end up at the back of the maze so quickly? It seemed like she was only there for a few minutes. 

Sitting there she pondered it all, trying to remember what exactly had happened, and how she had gotten here so far away from the house. She didn’t notice how dark the forest was behind her garden, or the roots of the plants sneaking closer just beneath the surface of the soil. She was too caught up in her mind, caught up enough to not even realize she was lingering between a dream like state and reality this time. From the corner of her eye she finally noticed the disruption of the soil, just as the sickly root reached for her snagging her ankle wrapping about it quickly. With a disgusted cry she stood snatching her dagger from its sheathed reaching down cutting the abomination holding her in place. Stepping back, almost stumbling onto her ass once again she quickly gained her balance staring in disbelief. 

She had backed up enough to where she was standing on the worn path of the forest now. Taking in her garden from the small distance she could see something was very wrong, the whole thing had come to life with movement. Branches for the forest reached for her, she felt the all too familiar pull of the dark entity once more. How had it gotten here? Was she sleeping again? None of those details mattered right then, only her survival. She turned yelling as she ran down the worn beaten path towards the river where so many times she had picnicked with her Husband. She hoped safety could be found there. Her one hand held her dagger, the other now held onto a massive blade, one she did not recognize but used to her benefit slashing at the sick, decaying branches as they reached for her. “Why are you doing this to me?” Her question went unanswered; the only sound to be heard was the movement of the forest, and the howling wind. When exactly had that started?

She was quick, and nimble in her ways, easily leaping over the much larger roots that had come up from the ground to block her escape, ducking under other obstacles that seemed to appear higher up to try and catch her off guard. The musical chiming could be heard randomly, along with small flashes of color. Such things could only be pixies, but how did they escape the mobile, or exactly how did they get into the human world? The little bastards could be vicious, their teeth as sharp as a piranhas as well as their appetite. She moved even faster now, not wanting to encounter them on her own, she needed to reach the safety of the river, and quickly if she was going to survive now. It seemed like forever that she had been running, her legs growing tired, her movements almost sluggish, randomly tripping now to the point where she would almost take a tumble, only to right herself trying to continue on. She could see the formation of rocks in the distance, so familiar, yet they almost look dangerous now, the edges so sharp. She didn’t care; she felt it to be her only haven. 

She pressed herself harder reaching her destination, quick, and careful she moved over the rocks to the flat surfaced out cropping and pier. She sat herself down on the edge of the pier glancing back, her breathing labored. Now was when she seriously needed a pair of ruby slippers to click together that would take her home, home to where this nightmare no longer existed. Stupid movies always giving some kind of hope to the humans, why didn’t such things actually happen when you truly needed them? She closed her eyes drawing her legs up to her chest burying her head onto them; her long hair cascaded down around her hiding her face. Closing her eyes she wished it all away, it was her dream, her nightmare come to life, it had to go away if she wanted it to, right? She scolded herself for having left the safety of her home; her Husband who was there that always helped her ground herself in some sort of way. Why had she left it to begin with she wondered again. She began to rock herself crying more, her mind reeling with everything happening just wanting to wake up, needing to, she felt it deep within her bones that it was so important that she did, and soon. 


Once He arrived in the Capitol, He was stopped by guards.  A low growl rumbled in his chest, eyes darkening as they narrowed on the guard that dared to try and stop him.
“I know that you know who I am.  I advise you to let me pass before I turn you into nothing more than dust.” His voice was a low growl.
“Let him pass.” A voice He recognized said from behind the men.  Once they parted, he saw the adviser from th Earth Kingdom.
“Lord Miltiades… I’ve come for help from the King and Queen to save My Wife.  She’s under the influence of something… very strong.  She’s not herself and I don’t know where else to go.”  He said, looking to the adviser that had always been the more sympathetic of the four of them.  The Adviser waved a hand, motioning for him to follow.  The guards let him pass, and he gave the men a smug look as he followed, and straightened his jacket.  He followed the Earth adviser into the office of the King, and sat down, rocking, and tending to the now fussing Lael.  He missed His Mother, it was easy to sense.
“Home will return to us soon.” He whispered to the boy, who quieted soon after, and He looked up to Lord Miltiades, who had moved to stand behind the desk, but slightly to the left. “We’ve gone to the Dark Queen, and She could not help us.  It’s something from the dark forest.  Something more powerful than her.”  He began explaining all that happened, trying to remember everything that had happened, and figure out what could have begun all of this.  “We tried going to Laire Ando, but that was…a disaster.” He shook his head, playing it back in his mind. “It made her worse.”  The adviser stood quietly, just listening. “This morning when I mentioned coming to the capitol, she freaked out, and threw her glass at me.  She is never violent with me.  She never has been.  So.  When she ran off this morning I grabbed Lael, and brought Him here for safety.” He moved his arm to gesture to the now sleeping baby. 
“I will make sure the King comes to speak with you, His knowledge of the history within the realm should be helpful in narrowing down what exactly is after your wife.” Lord Miltiades stepped forward as he spoke, extending his arms to reach for the child. “And I will take the Child to the Queen, and give her time to spend with her godson.”  Ba’al handed the boy over carefully, pulling the bag from across his chest to hand to the adviser. 
“I will wait here until the King comes.” He said, watching the adviser with his son.  He couldn’t help but wonder what his wife was going through.  
“He will be safe.”  Lord Miltiades assured him before heading out of the room with the child.


The morning had begun peacefully and quiet for once.  They rarely had time to themselves since taking over as the rulers for the entire realm.  They were sitting down for breakfast when Lord Miltiades walked into the room holding a child, and carrying a diaper bag.  As He approached closer, it was obvious who the child was.  Yvonne stood up instantly, snatching the child from the adviser’s arms, and began to coo, and dote on the infant, something that was not objected against from the small prince.  As she doted on the child, the adviser walked closer to him, and explained the current situation.
“Send him in here, and have the biblleaoharlan bring in all of the books on the dark forest.” Thane ordered, His attention turning to His wife with the child as the adviser left the room.  A smile formed as he watched how wonderful she was with the child.  It wasn’t long though before the biblleaoharlan pushed in a cart full of books.  He began to look through them, spreading them out over the table as he waited for the King of Fyre to enter.  It didn’t seem too long before the door opened once more, and the King instantly moved to where Yvonne was playing with his Son.  A small smile curved on the King’s lips as he bent down to see his son before heading over to sit beside thane.
“Congratulations.” The King whispered as He took a seat.
“On what?” Thane whispered back, tilting his head in confusion.
“You’ll see.” The fyre King responded with a hint of amusement.
Thane only shook his head, ignoring the cryptic comment from the King, and put his focus on the task at hand.
“So tell me everything that happens in her dreams.” Thane said, looking over th many books that had been spread out before him.
“The nightmares began with the forest, in the human world.  It changed though to the dark forest when they grabbed her.  She was scratched in the real world where they had scratched her in the dream.  I tried healing her with the healing breath, but it did nothing.  She became infected.” The King began, trying to recall all he could.  “She went into the dream again and the Dark Queen went in with her.  That was how we figured out that it was something in the dark forest.  With her being a servant of the dark Sibling, she was powerless.” He paused, glancing over to where Yvonne was quietly playing with the infant. “She said that She saw our house burning in the next dream.  I took Her to see someone in the light realm.  We spoke with the Laire Ando Vakha.  She wouldn’t let us cross the portal, and even her presence seemed to agitate My Wife. Shee ended up attacking the Vakha, and was blinded by a burst of pure light.  It seemed to bring her to her senses until this morning.  That was when she attacked me, and I knew that something needed to be done.  I hoped that there would be something in the library to explain what it is in the forest.  The vakha said that she crossed the forest, and they do not like it.”
“What did she take from the forest?” Yvonne asked casually, The attention of both men turning to her.
“What do you mean?” Ba’al asked, his brow arching curiously.  He’d nearly forgotten that when She took over as Queen, Se would have taken in the knowledge of the previous Queens of all, including the Mother.  That was the belief, but He had never rally believed the Mother and th siblings had ever been alive in physical form.  He’d always looked at them as more mythological figures than anything.
“She angered the forest.  What did she take from it?  The old gods were set in place by the dark sibling to watch over each of the areas within its realm.  They’ve all been asleep until now.  She must have done something to wake it.” Yvonne continued, still doting, and cooing over the child.
“I know the stories.  Those aren’t real though.  They’re only meant to scare people into behaving.” He scoffed. “If there were really something watching over the forest, it would be angered by the eating and trapping of pixies all through the realm.”

“Nothing’s been brought over through the portals before though…” Thane said, his voice thoughtful. “Father mentioned that you used wood from the dark forest for lael’s crib.  You have pixies trapped in balls for his mobile… you also served pixie wings at your older son’s wedding in the human realm.” He continued, looking to the fyre King as he sat up. “I’d say that’s enough to anger the older gods.” He added.
“So How do we Kill a god?” the fyre King asked.
“You use the power of the Mother.” Thane responded, looking to his wife.

The sounds of the river running its course were soothing to listen to. It quieted her, but she still sat curled in upon herself, the dagger, and new blade clasped tightly within her hands. She latched onto the that factor, letting the sounds calm her enough to where she had stopped rocking herself, and the crying had ceased. She really wished for her Husband to be there, he was always her solid rock she clinged to, always so supportive. Why wasn’t he there, she tried her hardest to remember all that had happened. Did she kill him in her fits of rage that seemed to take over coming from out of no where? Her tears started again. The blade, she needed to focus on that. Where exactly did it come from? It was something she did not own, and considering she still clutched it tightly within her small dainty hand, she still had to be stuck in her nightmare. Maybe if she cut herself, would it be enough to wake her? Being close to the water already posed as a small haven away from the ominous forest which she felt watching her. The chiming of those evil pixies a constant now, as if feeding the evil within it. When she did wake from this she promised herself to track each one down and kill it. She would make a feast of their tiny parts starting with the wings which happened to be so delicious when fried up. She knew her Husband would enjoy such an adventure if he found her, or was she really truly at home passed out in bed? She didn’t know anymore. 


With the Help of the King and Queen, They had created a blade similar to the daggers that each elemental Kingdom had held.  This one was fashioned using a mix of both Light and Dark magic. With Focus, the Queen sent it to wherever his wife had been.  If used to defeat the dark entity, it would draw the powers into it much like the elemental daggers, and trap it within.  
“Now you must go into the dream, and pull her guide her out.”  He was told  He lay down, closing his eyes, and focusing on the connection that held them to one another.  He reached out to her within the dream, his thoughts focused only on her.  They had done something similar in the past, but that had been only a normal dream.  When He tried this time, there was a darkness that blocked him from reaching her.
“I recognize your blood.” The voice spoke from the darkness itself.  “The Blood of Conleth is strong within you, the blood of Baer is weaker, but still strong… enhanced even.  How is this possible?” the Being asked.
“I am the King of Fyre, and the woman you torment is My Queen. Together we rule over Conleth, and Baer’s Kingdoms.  She has taken in the powers of Baer’s line, and through our sharing of blood, She has gained the powers of Conleth’s line.  You would know this if you hadn’t attacked her, and tainted her blood.” He shouted into the darkness.  It surrounded him now.  The forest itself seemed to disappear, and there was only darkness. “I have gone to the Queen of all, and received help from the Mother.  You will be defeated, and you will pay for what you are doing.” He snarled the words, turning in the darkness, trying to find some sort of clue as to where he was.  The only response he received was laughter.  His eyes closed, and He focused deeper, keeping his thoughts on his wife, and following the connection between them.  Her sobs broke through everything. 
“I’m here” He called out through His mind, reaching out to her. “Do you have the knife?” He asked her through their connection, still lost in the darkness himself.

Queen of Fyre:  She felt him, her Husband, if only for a minute second stirring in her mind. It had to be trickery, the evil entity toying with her. She gripped the dagger, and blade tighter within her hands, ready to strike out if need be. Then mention of the new blade caught her attention, the intricate handle seeming to warm, if ever so slightly in her grip. How did he know, was it really a gift from Yvonne, or was it truly just something to be used to trick her with, and object of actual evil itself. The mere thought of that sickened her when the thought of actually cutting her self with it came to mind. She didn’t speak out loud, but in her mind, her voice cautious, soft, almost a whisper not wanting the evil tormentor to hear her. “Is it really you Ba’al? It sounds like you, but how can I be sure, I can’t feel you, where are you? Give me some sort of sign to show me it is really you Mon Amour.” She did not lift her head, not wanting to see; afraid to look knowing pure evil had surrounded her. She knew, but it did not touch her, was it the water keeping her safe, or was it this new blade she held onto tightly as if it was a lifeline? She had to quiet her thoughts, listen hard, but her mind was reeling once again with questions, a low anger building from within once again. She hated that feeling most, when had she become so angry all the time, so untrusting. Yes, she knew she had trust issues with other people, but never her Husband. When did this all happen. Was she truly apart of this darkness now, had it taken over her completely?

He smiled, hearing her voice. It was comforting in the darkness.
“Yes it’s Me Ma Reine.” He responded a name only he called her. “I’ve reached you in your dreams before.” He added, trying to think of something that would truly convince her without a doubt. Something that no one outside of them would know. “I need you to come to me. Come with me, so we can grab some of those light fruit grapes. Rebuild the garden in our special spot. The spot where I first showed you my earth powers.” He sent her a mental image with the spot, replaying the moment in his mind. It had been so long ago, but the moment had always been so dear to them. “Where I’ve left you presents when I hid all of your gifts around the house, and gave you poems to find the rest.” He sent more images to her, hoping that they would reach her and her alone.

She clung to the sound of his voice desperately, it was him, and she knew it with all of her being. His voice soothed her, as did the images he projected to her. The tension that had coiled within her loosened its hold, dispersing. She spoke to him her voice a worried whisper. “Ba’al…..It’s really you! It’s too dark here, I can’t find you, I don’t know where to go!” She felt so lost, afraid to move. If she went back through the forest to the house where she thought he might be, could she actually survive? Focusing hard she searched for the thread of connection he was using reaching out to her, trying to latch onto it, she wanted nothing more than to have his strong arms wrapping around her once more. “It’s too dark Ba’al, I can’t find you. What do I do?” She asked her voice dripping with the panic she felt. She felt the pull again, the evil brushing at her mind, immediately she built up the walls even thicker to keep it away from her precious memories. It whispered through the wind to her, encouraging for her to cut herself, let her self go, to come home to it. She pushed the thoughts from her mind the best she could keeping her full focus on her Husband reaching out to find him, she needed to do so quickly before it was too late.

Ba’al:  He caught her thoughts, and was beginning to respond when the darkness cut through again.  There was nothing.  He was trapped in the endless, cold vacuum of darkness that filled the dark Kingdom.  He was not aware of his form materializing before his wife.  It was not him, the dark entity had stolen his form, and thoughts.
“I’m here, no need to search anymore.” The dark entity said while pretending to be him. The connection changed from being connected to his wife, to watching the dark entity pretending to be him.  He tried to yell, to alert his wife in some way that it was not him.  No sound came out, and there was something blocking his thoughts from reaching her.  Every effort made was thwarted, and responded to with laughter. “You need to come with me.  Something happened while you were under the influence of the darkness.  I need to show you…” The Dark entity said to her through him.
“NO! Don’t follow him it’s not me!” He yelled, putting everything into the scream, focusing completely on their connection. He’s trying to trick you!” He knew it was a wasted effort, but he still had to try.
“It will not work.” The entity spoke from th darkness that surrounded him. “There is no way to reach her from here. No force is strong enough to break through.”  That laugher echoed through his mind once more, ringing in his ears.  He only smiled in response.
“You have obviously never met us then.” He responded with a smirk.
“Oh I do love you lovers, always thinking your love is greater than anything else.  I will enjoy this.”  The laughter echoed once more before fading into nothingness.  The images appeared once more, forcing him to watch without having the ability to stop anything that was happening.

(Continued in comments)

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Fae Realm basic facts

Fae Realm basic facts:

Government system:
Queen of all
King of All
Ghuil Torthta gwädher
Queen of Light, Queen of Dark
Gòthau Torthta gwädher, döwyll Torthta gwädher
Elementals rulers:
King of Sky, Queen of Earth, King of Fyre, Queen of Water
Elemental Torthta gwädher:
Ladayr, aerde, Tâuer, waier

How the Leader is chosen:
-First: She must meet the main criteria and rules set in place for being considered.
1. Must hold the blood of all four elemental Kingdoms.
2. Must Remain Neutral and Not choose sides between the Light and Dark.
3. Must Be Female
4. Must Prove no Malicious intent on the Kingdoms, or to favor any above others.
5. Must not take a lover Not approved by the Advisers.
6. Must Vow Peace between the Kingdoms above all else, even Her own Life.
- Second: She must go through a trial period of tests, and tasks only known to the advisers.
- Third: She must be found worthy through a set of secondary tasks much harder than the previous.
- Fourth: She must take in the powers of the Mother, and the previous queens before her through the capitol’s dagger.

Tolerance within the realm: There is hatred and bigotry between certain Kingdoms, but it is not dominant.  Certain species do not always get along due to personal views, and opinions.  These opinions vary between each person, and is not subject to any certain Kingdom.  Water and Sky have been warring for ages, and a majority do not get along because of this.  Pixies are viewed as insects to the Sidhe, and it is HIGHLY offensive to suggest that they are even remotely similar (Confusing a Sidhe for a pixie, or suggesting any similarities is the equivalent of calling a human an ape.  Technically they are fairies, but they are only equal in the same way that humans are primates.)

Food: there are certain foods that only grow in certain Kingdoms.  There is a trade network set up between the Kingdoms to make sure that certain foods are readily available in all lands.  Below is a list of the specific foods that come from each Kingdom:
Light fruit
Cactus/ desert plants and animals
Light fruit grapes
Farmed animals
Fyre fruit
Tropical fruits
Dark fruit
Exotic/ dangerous plants
Seaweed/ plants

Climate: The Climates in each Kingdom varies.  The land is broken into light and dark.  One side is completely Light, the other side is completely dark.  The land in the middle is the only land that has both light and dark.  There is no sun, there is no moon, and the are no stars.  It is simply pure light, or pure darkness.
The Light Kingdom is a wasteland.  Open desert above ground is ravaged by sandstorms created by the carnivorous pixies.  Light fruit is the only living thing above ground.  Underground is where most of the light fae live.  Few have seen the living areas in the Light lands, and even fewer have survived.
The land in the earth Kingdom is lush.  Forests border the Fyre Kingdom, turning to a rainforest closer to the border (The border no longer exists since the two Kingdoms have been joined).  The border along he Light lands is blocked off by a mountain range.  Open meadows border the Sky lands, and a valley lay in the center of the lands.  There are villages all through the lands, farmers occupying mainly the middle lands.  The border along the capitol is where most of the trade happens, so most of the market owners and traders live there as well.  This would be considered the closest there is to a city within the Kingdom.
The dark lands are a wasteland for the most part. The lands bordering the Fyre Kingdom are a burnt forest with blackened trees bordering the volcanoes that line the border.  This is where a majority of the servants of the dark sibling live.  The forest is filled with many dangerous, and deadly plants, and animals, so they live above the forest floor.  The homes are hidden in the trees, and in caves.  The side bordering the Sky Kingdom is a frozen wasteland.  There are no homes here, or civilians.  This area is rarely traveled to.
A majority of The Water Kingdom is open water.  The border of the Fyre Kingdom is a marshland, connecting to the Volcanoes that separate the lands.  The castle is on a floating island.  The Border along the Capitol is a sandy and open beach, while the beach along the Sky border is rocky and windy.
The center of the realm, the capitol is the most populated Kingdom.  Light and dark alternate in the Capitol like night and day.  This is the only Kingdom this happens in.  The center of the Kingdom is where the actual capitol is, the castle.  The rest of the city is in circular areas spreading outward.  The second circle outside of the castle is the embassies.  Each embassy is in the direction of the Kingdom they face.  The next circle out is the schools, each one divided into its own quadrant.  The Market spans the entire next circle, specialties for each Kingdom are in their matching directions.  The outermost circle is where the civilians reside, all on the border of  their own Kingdoms.
One of two Kingdoms that lay in both Light and dark lands.  The Light side is where all of the civilians reside.  The lands are all open as well as the buildings.  Fields and meadows cover most of the lands with a few scattered forests along the borders.  The dark side of the Kingdom is abandoned.  There are Lightning harvest locations through the dark half of the lands, and not much else.  A forest separates the lands from the beach that borders the Water kingdom.

The Second land laying in both the light and dark lands.  The light half of the lands are mostly desert.  There are small villages scattered along the borders. The center of the lands is left open, a glass factory underground.  The southern border is where the castle can be found.  On the light half, it is a glass building designed to look like flames.  The light from the lands is used to light up the castle, the black stone floors absorbing the heat, and used to make those within the castle stronger.  The Dark half of the lands, the castle is an underground maze.  The lands are all a burnt forest surrounded by volcanoes.  A thick blanket of ash covers the ground, more falling constantly like snow from the circle of volcanoes that cover the land.  Underneath the ash, the land glows with the lava flowing underneath.

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Currency of the Fae realm

The currency through the realm is all equal in value, but the objects used are different for each Kingdom.  the Currency itself is called Währnian.  one Donnze is equal to one Währnian.  Below you will find a list of each coin or note within each Kingdom, and their value.


Since the capitol is basically the melting pot of each Kingdom, and the location of the largest, and most diverse market in the realm, all coins and notes are accepted.  there is no specific coin, or note within the capitol, all are accepted, and used equally.


In the Fyre Kingdom there are both Coins, and Notes.  The Coins are made of colored glass of different sizes.  Each coin is marked with the symbol of the Phoenix on the back, and the value on the front.  A special coin has been made for the joining of the Fyre and Earth currency, an will be unveiled at a later time.  The notes are all made from the fyre fruit plant, and hold a picture of the Glass castle of he fyre Kingdom on the back, and a notable figure within the kingdom on the front.  There will be a new note when the Fyre and Earth are combined, but i is not announced at this time.


1- Red disc the size of a penny

2- orange disc the size of a penny

5- Yellow disc the size of a nickel

10- Blue disc the size of a dime

25- Black obsidian the size of a quarter (This will be the special coin)

50- Milky white disc the size of a 50 cent piece



1- Clear disc the size of a silver dollar

2- Translucent blue disc the size of a silver dollar

3- Opaque bright blue disc the size of a silver dollar


5- Purple ink first King Conleth

10- Green ink, first Tâuer torthta gwädher

20- Yellow ink, Prince Darian (Ba’al’s deceased uncle)

50- Orange ink, (Ba’al’s great grandfather, the King that was attacked, and lead to the portals being warded against vampires entering the realm.)

100- Red ink, phoenix image

500- Grey Ink, Light sibling’s image

1000- Black ink, Dark Sibling’s image

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Autumn meeting 2016

Ba’al: Much had happened in the last three months since the last seasonal meeting of the elemental rulers.  A lot had happened in the last month alone.  Their Daughter was now being courted by the Alu Ando Vakha, funny that the water Kingdom would be running this meeting, it was sure to be a topic of focus for them.  Their Son was to be married after the meeting, something that had been sprung on them just the morning before the meeting.  The stress of the meeting wasn’t enough apparently, Del had to add on even more with His surprise wedding.  Aidan was busy with the plans for the wedding, so he was stuck doing all of the planning himself.  Diana prepared everything for the Earth Kingdom, So His Wife would be well prepared.  He however, had much preparing to do.  Most of the night before the meeting was spent staring at the papers of the Kingdom spread all over His desk until His eyes began to grow blurry.  He wrote down the most important things that would need to be covered, and set them to memory before heading up to bed.  Once the morning came, there would be plenty More to be done.  For now though, He needed to Rest.  He made His way to the bedroom, stripping down for bed before climbing in.  All he wanted was to Hold His wife, and relax. 

Shee: When he finally joined her in bed, she hugged him close, kissing his lips softly as she purred to him.  "Don′t worry so much, we only have to tell them of things going on, all has been quiet,  beside the family dealings.  Just relax, and let′s enjoy our night Mon Roi. "

Ba’al: He returned the kiss, holding her close. "I know. I always worry about these meetings though.  Lia already knows about Raina.  I′m not sure how Colman will react though.  He might think we are all plotting against him.  Which... We kind of are.". He rested against her, brushing his fingers through her hair slowly.

Shee: LIâ will distract him, he won′t have time to think of much besides wanting to bone her!...*she giggled kissing him *

Ba’al: *he grinned and returned the kiss*   he has been a lot better behaved since they started.  Who would have thought.  We might have made peace in the realm by suggesting they hatefuck!

Shee: Well it is the perfect way to take out ones anger!  That is something we know first hand.  But all in all the meeting will be just fine, no more worrying about it.

Ba’al: *he nodded, and kissed her once more, settling into the bed against her.* you′re right.  No more worrying.

Shee: She returned the kiss, pressing her body against his, she could hardly wait for everything.

Ba’al: *his hand ran along her side, purring softly.  He loved how no matter how much he stressed outside of arms, the moment He hed her, nothing else mattered.  He kissed her, letting it linger.*

Shee: She purred back to him,  savoring his kiss,  they way his body felt, his tender touch.  She lived for these moments in time with him.

Ba’al: We should get some rest. *He whispered against Her lips* Big day ahead of us in the morning. *He settled comfortably, completely relaxed with her in His arms for the night.  The next Morning He woke earlier than He had in a long time, still holding Her, a Smile forming as He looked at her.  He was happy to Have her by His side in all aspects.  He didn′t know what he would do without Her.*

Shee: She smiled snuggling against him, it was the perfect morning waking up in the arms of the only man she would ever love.   "Good morning Baby!"  She purred to him, giving him a soft, gentle kiss.

Ba’al: He smiled, purring against the kiss. "Morning baby!  You ready for the insanity ahead?" He grinned, running His hand along Her side.

Shee: "As long as i have you by my side ï can do anything! "  she meant every word,  he made her feel so confident in herself.   She was more than ready for the meeting, and they needed to hurry cause she wanted him very badly at the moment.

Ba’al: "Good thing I′ll never leave your side." He whispered, brushing His lips against Hers in a Kiss.  He sat up, eyes still on Her.  he could not wait until they were in that room together.  He loved being able to have her in there with Him.  he wanted her now, but knew that they should wait until they got into the room. "We need to get dressed before we don′t make it out of bed." He grinned and gave her one more kiss before getting up from the bed.  He didn′t know

Shee: She smiled watching him, not moving from the bed just yet.  She loved watching him, it was a tease in itself, making her want for him even more!  She finally moved from the bed to get dressed.  She really didn′t see the point in wearing much since it had to come off anyways.   "Do you think my knew pink dress would do Baby?  I was going to wear ï it for the wedding later on." 

Ba’al: "Pink is perfect baby.  I′d love to see how it looks coming off of you." He teased Her with a grin, pulling on a pair of Jeans, and a long sleeved black dress shirt.  Once He was finished, He pulled on His tennis shoes, not bothering with the boots today.  "Aidan said He′d have what I′m supposed to wear in the Embassy, so I guess We′ll head there after the meeting to clean up and get ready."  Once he was ready, he stood, and straightened out His clothes.

Shee: "You can undress me then so you can see exactly what it looks like coming off of me!"  She slipped on the pink dress, adding a belt, and put on her boots.  She didn′t bother with a bra, or panties today, there was no reason to wear any of it.  She smiled at her Husband, he looked so damn handsome, but then again he always did to her.  "I hope no one has picked out clothes for me, I am not wearing them."  she was being stubborn on that subject, what she wore right then was perfect in her minds eye.

Ba’al: "Well We better get there right away then..." He purred.  "I really doubt anyone will try.  Raina and You helped with most the planning, so I don′t see why anyone would even think to."  He reached out, taking Her hand, and giving Her a quick spin once She finished dressing. "You look beautiful." He said before giving Her a quick kiss.  "All ready?"

Shee: She smiled, then laughed softly as he spun her, then stole a kiss.  "Thank You Baby!...and yes, I am ready to go."  she moved close to him, wrapping her arms around his neck staring up into his eyes.  "Take me away Baby!"  she purred rubbing her body along his teasingly.

Ba’al: He grinned wide, eyes brightening. "Mmm I am ready to claim that!" He nipped at Her lower lip, kissing Her once more before sifting them away to the Capitol.  Once in the waiting room, He kept his eyes on Her.

Shee: She didn′t care who watched their display in the capital, she rubbed against him once more, her emerald eyes sparkling brightly as she gazed up at him, her lust , and want for him was seen clearly within her eyes.  "I can feel your need, and it makes me want for you even more desperately than before.  How much longer do we have to wait?"  she drew her eyes from his glancing around  "Them two need to hurry up already, why are they always running late?"

B’aal/ Colman: He grinned, rolling His hips slowly against her, teasing her further. "If they don′t hurry we May just start right here..." He purred.  It wasn′t long until He heard Colman arrive, clearing his throat. "Oh look it′s the Royal Rabbits.  I see You two are more than ready to start."

Shee: she laughed taunting back.  "Your just jealous because you can′t have a taste of me...."  she looked up at her husband, a naughty smile playing on her lips.  "Or can he?"  she asked curiously, unsure of what his reaction would be.

Ba’al: He smirked at his wife′s words, casting a quick glance to Colman, who only looked away."We′ll see what the Meeting Holds." He kissed her quickly. "Maybe if We get caught up in the moment." He nipped at her lower lip softly.  He knew that anything that happened behind the doors wouldn′t continue outside, and that was something he could be comfortable with.

Shee/ Lia: She smiled knowing it was a possibility, his teasing exciting her more.  She knew Coleman wanted her, you can see it when he looked at her, the man would definitely suck at poker.  She shared the image with her husband, chuckling softly.  Her attention was turned towards the water Queen rushing down the hall.  "Sorry, sorry...." she exclaimed.  "I couldn′t find Ronan, before I left, so I left him a note."

Ba’al/ Colman: He snickered at the image from His wife.  Once Lia finally arrived, Colman opened the door. "Well now that we′re all here, we should get started..." He held the door open for them all to enter." 

Lia/ Shee: Lia entered first looking to Coleman, unsure with his niceties, Shee followed, knowing her Husband would follow her in.  She flashed Coleman a smile on purpose to tease him further.

Ba’al/ Colman: Ba′al followed His wife, amused by His wife′s teasing of Colman.  Colman followed them in, the door closing behind Him.  The bareness of the white waiting room was broken up by the Moving Murals  of the united elements.  Since it was Autumn, it was Water Kingdom′s turn to start.  He waited His turn to strip, and kept His eyes on His wife.  Colman watched both Women equally.

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Raina gains a New power

Ba’al: *Throws a blanket over Her* PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!

Raina: "I have clothes on."

Ba’al: Correction. You have underwear on. Finish getting dressed.

Raina: "I was not going out so I'm good like this."

Ba’al: No. No you aren't. Put a robe on at least. I don't need to see all..... *gestures towards her chest* that...

Raina: "Dad!!!!" covers herself "You're my Father, you're not supposed to be looking at me that kind of way!" she scolds

Ba’al: "Exactly! Now put some damn clothes on!"

Raina: Raina huffed unhappily but moved from the bed to put one of her tiny outfits on that she had bought the other day. Turning she crossed her arms over her chest glaring at her father still standing in the doorway.  "Is this better?"

Ba’al: "A little." He nodded, giving a small smile at her unhappiness with the situation.
Raina: She picked up a pillow throwing it at him. "Good, now go away and leave me alone! " she demanded as she dismissed him turning the radio up before throwing herself dramatically across the bed.

Ba’al: He groaned, and rolled his eyes while catching the pillow. "Well now that you say that it makes me want to stay just to bug you." He tossed the pillow back, making sure it hit her rear, the closest she would ever get to a spanking from him now that she was grown.

Raina: "Ugghhhhhh.....Why can't you just go away, Your worse than Del!" she snapped at him, snatching up her remote changing the music to something she knew he would hate, and should definitely make him go away. 'Shake it off' started to play and she jumped off of the bed reaching a hand to him. "Come on Daddy, Dance with Me!"

Ba’al: His eyes narrowed when he heard the music. "I could set that thing on fire you know." He knew her choice in song was completely intentional. He remained still though, not budging. It was worth enduring the torture to know that it bugged her.

Raina: She smirked at him setting the song on repeat. "You won't though, cause them I'll tell Mom and you will be in trouble!"

Ba’al: He shrugged, arms crossed to hide the clenched fists from trying to ignore the song. "I'll work my way out of trouble." He smirked, tilting his head slightly.

Raina: "That only lasts so long, besides would remind her." Smirks wiggling about to the music.

Ba’al: He waved a hand, making the stereo overheat, and turn itself off. He grinned and shrugged. "When I mention why I am sure she would understand."

Raina: She growled yelling. "DADDDDDD!!!!!!!"  she tried to get the radio to turn back on, but it did nothing. "You broke it!!!! How dare you!... MOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!" Her voice was a rebellious screech, almost enough to shatter the windows, and other glass objects, one would have thought her part Banshee.

Ba’al: He did not hide his amusement at her displeasure. The scream released from her though caused him to cover his sensitive ears, the glamour he used to cover their points slipping for a moment without him even realizing. He had never considered the possibility of her possessing powers similar to a banshee, but now he did realize that it was entirely possible. "It′s only overheated! It will turn back on in a few minutes!" he growled, ears still ringing from her voice.

Raina: Her hands were clenched into tight fists as she screamed.  Tiny cracks spider webbing throughout the window glass, small glass figures, and vases within her room shattered instantly.  She saw her Father′s glamour fall as well, something she herself had never seen, only heard her Mother speak of randomly of how handsome he was without it.  She quieted, a shocked look on her face, her Father′s words barely registering as she looked at all her broken things now.  "See what you went and made me do!!!!  This all your fault!"  She collapsed in a heap on the floor crying because her beloved dollies were ruined with cracked, and shattered faces.

Ba’al: once the screaming stopped, His hands dropped to His side.  He looked around the room.  His glamour had recovered, but He was still in shock from what had happened.  His eyes finally fell on Her.  "Did you even know you could do that?" Was all he could ask.  He still needed to process what just happened.

Raina: She shook her head wiping at her tears, sniffling.  "No, I′ve never been that mad before."  She started to calm down a little bit, but one look at her room, and the mess had her becoming upset once more. 

Ba’al: He stepped forward, holding his hand out to her. "Let′s go see your Mother.  We′ll figure out how to fix your room up."

Raina: She took his hand standing, though shook her head.  "How is Mom going to fix this?"  She had never seen her Mother do anything like that before.

Ba’al: "If She can fix the earth Kingdom after the war, She can fix a few dolls." He said softly with a reassuring smile.  "Now come on."

Raina: She nodded taking one glance back at her wrecked room before going with her Father to get her Mother to help fix it all.  She didn′t see how, but if her Father said she could do it, then she would believe him.

Ba’al: He took her hand, sifting them to Her Mother.  He wasn′t entirely sure that it could be fixed, but with the combination of powers that She had, it was worth a try.

Raina & Shee: She dropped her Fathers hand when they appeared and went straight to her Mother hugging her.  "Mommy it′s all a mess, I need your help!"  Shee arched her brow looking at her husband not having a single clue as to what was going on.

Ba’al: His arms crossed over his chest once Raina headed to her mother.  His eyes remained on his wife. "seems she′s gained a new power.... He said calmly.

Shee: Shee stroked her Daughter′s hair, arching a brow at her husband asking.  "What power would that be?"  Shee coo′d softly to her daughter like she had when she was just a little one trying to soothe her as she waited for her Husband to tell her the news.

Ba’al: "Banshee powers." He said, watching her with their daughter.  He loved seeing the motherly side of Her.  It made him happy to see her like that.

Raina & Shee: "Really?"  Shee asked truly surprised by what he had said.  She looked to her Daughter cupping her chin tenderly raising her head up so she look in her eyes.  "My little sweets did you know you could do such a thing, or did it really happen by accident?"  Raina sniffled looking into her Mother′s eyes.  "I swear it was an accident, I′m sorry, I didn′t mean to break everything."  Shee coo′d softly to her daughter once more.  "Shhhh, it′s okay my little one, we′ll fix it."  Shee hadn′t a clue how to fix it her eyes looking to her Husband once more questioning.

Ba’al: He nodded, eyes never leaving his wife′s.  He had every confidence that they would be able to fix it.  If they were able to repair a Kingdom that had burned to the ground, what were a few glass trinkets?  He had toyed with glass before, it was the main export of the Fyre Kingdom after all.  Between the two of them, He knew that everything could be made as good as new again.

Shee: Shee stood, giving a nod of her head to her Husband,  a smile lighting her lips.   Those looks of his made her feel as if she could do anything,  specially with him by her side.  "Come on Raina, let′s go see what your Father, and I can do to fix things."

Ba’al: He only turned away when He began heading towards the room, pausing before opening the door.  He looked back to his wife, waiting to see her expression as the door opened.

Shee: Shee followed her Husband up to the room, leaving her Daughter's side to step forward and look inside.  What she saw was a disaster, like a child′s temper tantrum, but no actual throwing things were ever involved. Shee took his hand without looking to him, giving a small tug stepping into the room.  "You ready to try this Baby?  I′m not sure on this, so you need to give me a decent visual of what I am to do."

Ba’al: He followed her into the room without hesitation.  Once they were in the room, He moved them to the center of the room, placing both hands against the base of her skull, fingers tangled in the underside of her hair.  His eyes closed as his forehead rested against hers.  "Focus on what I show you.  You′ll know from there." He whispered, opening the connection and sending the image of what the room looked like before.  The image was in reverse though, showing the pieces as they were, only returning together at their will.  He would fuse the pieces back together while She held them in place.

Shee: Shee placed her hands on his shoulders for support shutting her eyes when he did, listening to his calm, low , voice.  It centered her, just as touching him did.  When he opened the connection between them the images flooded her mind effortlessly, finding the one she needed she focused taking in a deep breath, when she let it out slowly her powers were thrust out with it.  Things could be heard moving in the room.  She pictured it all in place like it was and held it that way.  "Now...."  Shee whispered in a strained voice, her grip tightening on his shoulders.  A surprised gasp could be heard from Raina now.  It was his turn to apply the heat to meld it all into place once more.

Ba’al: His hold on Her tightened, His focus deepening as the heat from the room was absorbed into Him.  He took in the heat from the weather as well before focusing on sending heat to each tiny crack, fusing the glass back together as She held it in place.  He tried to work as quickly, and as accurately as possible without putting any strain on Her.  It was taking all the strength both of them had to get the pieces back together.  Once the items were fused though, He took the remaining heat back into himself and let out a breath He hadn’t realized that he had been holding.

Shee: Shee could feel the heat radiating from him, feel it when he let it loose into the room applying it to all of the broken, shattered objects she was holding together in place.  When he finally let out his breath, she knew it was done, and collapsed in against him with a soft tired sigh.  When she opened her eyes all looked normal again, though when she looked to their Daughter she was leaning against the door frame, with a wide eyed look on her face just staring at them. A soft smile curved her lips as she spoke softly to her.  "It′s all better now My little sweets, well except your CD, you can just keep mine."  She winked at her, knowing her Husband would not approve of it, but he did melt the other on her.  "Ba′al, I need to rest for a small bit now."

Ba’al: His eyes opened slowly, His body slowly returning to Normal.  He nodded when She said She needed to rest, feeling a bit drained himself.  He didn’t even care about the cd. “I’ll rest with you.  The closeness might make us recharge a bit faster…” He spoke barely above a whisper.  His hands moved down to grip hers, and lead her to the bedroom.  He didn’t have the strength left to sift them both.

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