Cory -TFR-

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119 years old
New Orleans, Louisiana
United States - 00000
Last Login: September 10 2020

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Cory Kalan Sexual desire is the window, pain and pleasure are the gate-keepers, virtue and sin are the gates.

Second Child in the Kalan clan, Cory never would have imagined that He would be in the position he now holds. From the beginning of the Andos, The Kalan clan have always watched over the Portal leading into the Sky Kingdom. Menel Ando Vakha was the title that the Eldest son would always hold. Any other son would be lucky to hold a lesser position, or serve in the King′s guard in some way. Once him and His Brother were old enough, and His Father was still holding the family position, they both Joined the Guard. His Brother raised through the ranks quickly, taking on the position of the Head guard while he remained at a lower Rank. After awhile, His Older Brother became close with the Sky Princess. He gave up His Birthright position to permanently take on the role of the Head guard.

He claimed it was to stay closer to The Princess since he was courting her. Cory Knew his Brother Much better than that though. He had seen how cold, and calculated his Brother could be through their time on the battlefield. Eventually He Married the princess.

When The King passed, Their Father never suspected His eldest son. Cory knew better, and automatically suspected his Brother. With the King out of the Way, The Princess became the Queen. She was living on Borrowed time, and Cory Knew this. The New Queen became pregnant, and he thought She was safe. The Queen had died in Childbirth. At this point Cory had taken on the position of Menel Ando Vakha. His Brother was Named King, and the Child was sent to the Capitol immediately. His Brother didn′t know, or care about the Gender or anything.

The Child born was a Daughter, Niece to Cory. Over the years She was Watched over by Her Uncle. The letters that She thought were from her Father were actually written By Cory. He cared for Her more like his own Daughter than a Niece. The Two became close over the years. His Brother, still not caring one bit about the Child He had sent away. He received the letters from Her, but Had never opened a Single one. Usually when Cory Brought a letter it was tossed onto his desk, and ignored.

One day, His Brother finally acknowledged his daughter′s existence. He came to The capitol for the Yearly Ball, and made arrangements to see her. For once, Cory wouldn′t have to come up with an excuse as to why her Father would be in the same city, and not come to visit. It became very clear though to Cory that His Brother had an ulterior motive. Seeking protection for his Niece, He was driven to extreme measures of Plotting against his Brother with His Enemy. The Water Queen despised His Brother, and had no problems with plotting against him. The Meetings between the two were not so secret however, and His Brother began questioning Him about it.

Lady, I will touch you with my mind Touch you and touch and touch until you give me suddenly a smile shyly obscene

This part will be filled in later with the newer parts of the story as they develop. This section is for what happens after the book.
Bold Italic Emphasize Underline strike strong standout

Nulla et tristique lorem, vitae eleifend metus. Cras fringilla justo purus, in pharetra orci luctus ut. Donec fringilla enim id neque auctor, vitae suscipit dolor bibendum. Donec a erat nec elit vestibulum sodales a sed mi. Sed pretium rhoncus massa id rutrum. Suspendisse auctor ullamcorper odio id ornare. Proin euismod, lacus eget consequat maximus, dui ipsum tincidunt ex, vel suscipit est quam ac libero. Sed ut sollicitudin elit, sit amet sollicitudin lectus. Morbi quis sapien ornare, faucibus lorem mattis, vulputate nunc. Curabitur blandit nunc vel nunc malesuada eleifend. Suspendisse pellentesque mi neque, eget accumsan massa vestibulum at. Nunc ut lectus in massa vulputate efficitur fermentum vel sem. Aenean sodales, ante vel vulputate posuere, velit quam pellentesque eros, non hendrerit ligula lectus eu quam.

Fantasy Sky Kingdom The Fae Realm Menel Ando Adventure
We both know she means nothing to you and neither did her mother. She is just a pawn like everyone else.

Older Brother to Cory, and Father to his Niece. The two Have never truly gotten along, mainly for the reason that Cory considers His Brother to be a Sociopath. He knows that His Brother truly only ever cares about himself. He knows that His Brother is hiding some devious plan, and plotting something that will most likely get his Niece harmed in some way, or Killed. He will stop at nothing to stop him, and Protect the Girl from the fate of everyone that gets in the way of his Brother′s Rise to power.

King of Sky

Niece to Cory, and Princess to the Sky Kingdom. She technically holds the rights to Ruling over the Kingdom instead of her Father when She comes of age. Instead, Her Father decided to help Her raise Her station to the highest Vakha position available. She has been placed By her Father into the position to get close to the New King and Queen of all. Cory watches over her, and has sworn to protect her as if she were His own daughter.

Qual Ando Vakha
Nobody matters but you. That′s the way it′s always been.
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis tristique in ligula sed tristique. Sed aliquam enim vitae enim mollis sodales. Nullam et neque et nunc lacinia malesuada sit amet quis neque. Duis pulvinar risus nec condimentum tempus. Praesent a nulla sagittis, fermentum ligula id, bibendum mi. Duis gravida arcu ac efficitur porttitor. Mauris sit amet porttitor dolor. Fusce ac lobortis nisl. Nulla tristique sagittis nunc non cursus. Curabitur mattis nulla non quam pellentesque pulvinar. Proin facilisis erat vel lacinia luctus.

Maecenas efficitur leo id volutpat commodo. Donec nisl urna, suscipit eget feugiat sit amet, pulvinar quis nibh. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lorem nunc, convallis sed nulla sed, maximus molestie sapien. Sed laoreet magna tortor. Praesent id velit at augue maximus volutpat sed vel ex. Suspendisse erat metus, pulvinar ut quam sit amet, laoreet finibus urna. Suspendisse non viverra nulla, vitae laoreet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.
Personality Traits
Extraversion Gregarious, outgoing, sociable, projecting one′s personality outward. The opposite of extraversion is introversion. Extraversion has shown to share certain genetic markers with substance abuse. Extraversion is associated with various regions of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala
Neuroticism "Refers to an individual′s tendency to become upset or emotional" (Hans Eysenck) "Neuroticism is the major factor of personality pathology" (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1969). Neuroticism has been linked to serotonin transporter (5-HTT) binding sites in the thalamus: as well as activity in the insular cortex.[30][31][32] Neuroticism also predicts the occurrence of more negative life experiences.
Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) The defining trait of highly sensitive persons, characterized by the increased depth of processing of sensory input that underlies HSPs′ greater proclivity to overstimulation, emotional reactivity and empathy, and sensitivity to stimuli.
The personality traits listed above are samples from:
Other Information
Likes Open Spaces, Light, Fresh Air, His Niece
Dislikes His Brother, Closed off buildings, Darkness
Quirks Details
Habits Details
The Devil is in the details
Legal & Physical Full Name: Cory Kalan
Nicknames: Input Info
Aliases: Input Info
Date Of Birth: Input Info
Place Of Birth: Sky Kingdom
Current Residence: Menel Ando (New Orleans)
Ethnicity: Seelie Sidhe
Hair Color: Dark
Eye Color: Brown
Height: Input Info
Weight: Input Info
Birthmarks/Scars: Input Info Family & Relationships Mother: Input Info
Father: Input Info
Sister(S): Input Info
Brother(S): Colman Kalan
Other Family: Kassi Kalan (Niece)
Sexual Orientation: Input Info
Relationship Status: Input Info
Current Relationship(S): Input Info
Past Relationship(S): Input Info Education & Employment High School Input Info
College Input Info
Major Input Info
Degree Input Info
Occupation: Vakha
Job Description: "Guardian of the gate" Guard the Portal between the Human and Fae Realm.
Employer: Colman Kalan
Skills: Trained Soldier, and guard
«The rack of dreams my lily bones Did twist into a living cipher»
Additional Table

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis tristique in ligula sed tristique. Sed aliquam enim vitae enim mollis sodales. Nullam et neque et nunc lacinia malesuada sit amet quis neque. Duis pulvinar risus nec condimentum tempus. Praesent a nulla sagittis, fermentum ligula id, bibendum mi. Duis gravida arcu ac efficitur porttitor. Mauris sit amet porttitor dolor. Fusce ac lobortis nisl. Nulla tristique sagittis nunc non cursus. Curabitur mattis nulla non quam pellentesque pulvinar. Proin facilisis erat vel lacinia luctus.

Maecenas efficitur leo id volutpat commodo. Donec nisl urna, suscipit eget feugiat sit amet, pulvinar quis nibh. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lorem nunc, convallis sed nulla sed, maximus molestie sapien. Sed laoreet magna tortor. Praesent id velit at augue maximus volutpat sed vel ex. Suspendisse erat metus, pulvinar ut quam sit amet, laoreet finibus urna. Suspendisse non viverra nulla, vitae laoreet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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Queen of Water

The relationship between Cory and the Water Queen is a complicated one. The two despise each other, yet are working together to plot against His devious Brother. The Woman can not stand either men, but plays along well. Their touch makes her skin crawl.

Maecenas efficitur leo id volutpat commodo. Donec nisl urna, suscipit eget feugiat sit amet, pulvinar quis nibh. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lorem nunc, convallis sed nulla sed, maximus molestie sapien. Sed laoreet magna tortor. Praesent id velit at augue maximus volutpat sed vel ex. Suspendisse erat metus, pulvinar ut quam sit amet, laoreet finibus urna. Suspendisse non viverra nulla, vitae laoreet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Additional Table

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis tristique in ligula sed tristique. Sed aliquam enim vitae enim mollis sodales. Nullam et neque et nunc lacinia malesuada sit amet quis neque. Duis pulvinar risus nec condimentum tempus. Praesent a nulla sagittis, fermentum ligula id, bibendum mi. Duis gravida arcu ac efficitur porttitor. Mauris sit amet porttitor dolor. Fusce ac lobortis nisl. Nulla tristique sagittis nunc non cursus. Curabitur mattis nulla non quam pellentesque pulvinar. Proin facilisis erat vel lacinia luctus.

Maecenas efficitur leo id volutpat commodo. Donec nisl urna, suscipit eget feugiat sit amet, pulvinar quis nibh. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lorem nunc, convallis sed nulla sed, maximus molestie sapien. Sed laoreet magna tortor. Praesent id velit at augue maximus volutpat sed vel ex. Suspendisse erat metus, pulvinar ut quam sit amet, laoreet finibus urna. Suspendisse non viverra nulla, vitae laoreet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

The world′s not wanton only wild and wavering. I wanted to choose words that even you would have to be changed by.

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Cory -TFR- has 37 friends.
 The Fae Realm 
 King of Sky ~TFR-IDT~ 
 Ghuil Torthta gwädher {TFR-IDT} 
 Queen of Fyre and Earth ~Hiril Noir De Rosies~ Shee Hellkite-Topliss ~TFR - BvL ((Main Page))  
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 King Dalikas, The Sophrosyne One, Eurypontid Empi 
 Kodreen -TFR- BvL 
 Imerna Rasheeda TFR-IDT 
 Imer Aedus -TFR- IDT 
 Imer Gagndyaus TFR- IDT 
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