Sassa ~ Lady Of Spring {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

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Age: 37
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Letters to The Night Court Pt3

Sassa had taken dinner with her Mate, talking over some ideas he had for their court to help the stability of the realm. His deep voice broke every so often to give her a chance to offer her opinions on each matter. Sassa was smiling when the dining room door opened and in walked Ianthe, her blue robes pulled low over her eyes. "My High Lord," she greeted Tamlin making Sassas lips tight. She bowed lowly and then moved to sit across from Tamlin at the head of the tables other side. Sassa didn't comment but it wasn't lost the mood shifted in the dining room after. Conversation switched into a heavy silence and when they had had their fill Sassa was ready to head up to bed. Tamlin helped her from her seat, pulling out the very ornate chair she had claimed at his right. Tamlins brother came through the front door with a warm burst of night air catching Tamlin and Sass leaving together down the front hall. Ianthe was pulling up the rear and stopped in the open dining room doorway, the double doors left open after her original entrance. Tarragon had barely opened his mouth to speak when two fire messages burst into view before Sassa and Tamlin. Both looked their own letter up and down and while Sassa smiled Tamlin frowned. "Its from my sister," she said by explanation while Tamlin then made eye contact with his brother, "This is from our western boarder. There was a Naga attack?" Tarragon nodded his head since he had been coming to bear the same news. 

The four of them froze, a Naga attack was a serious thing. A Naga was a horrible creature, the very inspiration for every horrible story told about the fae to scare mortals. Tamlin turned from the front door to lean into Sassa, kissing her head before he murmured, "Stay here. I will lock up the manor and have sentries stationed outside to protect you. We will go and make sure this thing cant hurt anyone else." Sassa curled her fingers into his shirt and murmured up to him, "Be careful, and hurry home to me." Lifting onto her toes the usually timid princess pressed her lips firmly against his, only falling back on her heels when he leaned in like he might deepen the kiss past what others should see of their high lord. When she stepped back she smiled at the pair of golden brothers and added, "Be safe," making eye contact with both of them. Sassa turned when the door shut behind them and gave Ianthe a level look before speaking again. "Ill have a guest room made up for you. Its unsafe to travel back to the temple tonight." Ianthe opened her mouth to speak but Sassa continued on her original path, up the stairs. Her letter from Herdis clutched tightly in her hand. At the top of the stairs she met Alice, her personal maid as well as the person she trusted in the everyday running of the Manor. "Alice could you see to a room being readied for Ianthe. Set her up down the west wing please." It was the point in the house farthest from her bedroom and Tamlins offices. It seemed the safest thing all things considered. Sassa just didn't trust the woman and in her hand she held her sisters answer about anyone in the Night Court knowing anything about her. Alice inclined her head to Sassa and headed down the long hall in the opposite direction from where the princess headed.

In her room she shut the door behind her with a heavy snap and sighed. A Naga attack would keep Tamlin away all night and that was hoping it was handled quickly. Sitting at her desk she spread out her sisters letter and frowned with every word. Ok not every word, the little updates on her life and court made her very happy but the news about Ianthe was troubling. So Sassa had been right to worry and now she thought back to her every interaction with the priestess. This wasn't a good turn of events but at least she was aware now, and could protect herself and her home from this woman. Her sister was right, if the woman had been banned from the Court Of Nightmares then she couldn't be trusted. When Tamlin had mentioned that court even he had looked weary and her mate could shift into a snarling beast on command. It took a lot to make him look hesitant. Sassa pulled free a new sheet of paper and she started to scratch out a return reply to her sister. And when that was done with a flick of some latent power deep within her the message curled up and carried on a northern wind to Herdis, the puff of smoke it left behind lingering in the air. Sassa didn't open the window to let out the smell only because she knew if she fell asleep with it open Tamlin would worry as he came home to see it. So she curled on the chaise in front of the fire, and facing the window watched for the eventual coming light of dawn. She did end up falling asleep there, it was where she was as her letter appeared to her sister so many miles away.

           I knew something was off about her. She's staying here tonight, only me and her since there was a Naga attack. Tamlin and his brother have gone to kill the thing. We are to stay here till we get the all clear. You should have seen her stroll into dinner tonight and suck all the air out of the room, it was horrible. But I will be careful and please ask Rhys to play nice when he talks to Tamlin. I don't want them fighting to overshadow getting this priestess far away from us. Dont tell Asa but im working on some eternal blooms to send her. I haven't figured out how to halt the aging process entirely. It takes a lot of power. But I'm getting there, the process has slowed considerably. Still I think her tower might be a little brighter with some vines of flowers that will never wilt or wither for her. And the flowers here are unmatched... but don't tell anyone from home I said so. Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Ill send word on what happens as soon as I have an update. Love you,

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Letters to The Night Court Pt1

Sassa had been in the Spring Court for a few weeks and her adjustment period had been slow. True it was a beautiful place but Tamlin was very cautious about showing her things, like at any moment he might scare her away. When added to the fury that had met their pairing from her parents she could see why it was slow going finding her place here. Tamlin was good about making sure she had things to do, and was never alone for too long, but she had come from a very large family so the vastness and not at all full feeling of their manor made her feel very lonely when Tamlin was busy ruling his court. Sassa had taken to writing Herdis when these moods struck. Her sister was the person most likely to understand her with zero judgement. She never feared angering their parents, she had grown being different and had embraced it, Herdis was strong in all the ways Sassa wished she could be. So when the mood struck she set pen to paper and wrote her sister knowing it would make her feel better. She sat down in the library, curling into a cushioned seat by the window and put pen to paper, as sunlight spilled over the page.

           I know its only been a few days since the last time I sent a fire message to try and burn your poor drapes (sorry about that again) but I was wondering if you or really anyone in that circle of yours could help me with something. Recently a High Priestess turned up, and I get a really really bad feeling from her. Shes too nice. Does that make sense? She's not like Asa, Lif or Tyrion nice, its more how I imagine a teacher who pinches children when no one is looking is nice. Smiles to their parent but when the back is turned very sharp pinches. She hasn't said or done anything wrong, I feel stupid bringing it up to Tamlin because apparently they are old friends and I might be seeing too much here. But she just feels off. Maybe someone from your court has had need of a priestess and run into her? Her name is Ianthe? Anywho if someone knows her and can either confirm I'm not crazy or tell me that she's actually as shifty as I assume that would be wonderful.

On to nicer topics.... How are Asa and Gunner fitting in in Velaris? She sent me a painting the other day. Did you see it before she did? Its a moonflower, so white its veins look blue. The vines tangled behind it looked so real Tamlin wondered if she had enchanted it. Imagine Asa enchanting paintings. Its hanging in our room now, just to the side of my vanity. Not that you needed interior design tips. But clearly I'm bored and now that my curiosity about Ianthe has been asked and hopefully answered soon I don't have a great deal to chatter on about. I need a job, or a hobby. Don't tell mother but Tamlin plans on inviting them soon for dinner. I will warn you when so you know they are in the courts and can prepare for yourselves just incase she thinks its a good idea to drop in on your guys too. I'm mildly nervous about it. She hasn't been very happy with me lately, I doubt seeing me here will improve on that but he thinks it might help their anger. Still ill warn you when it comes time.

Give Asa a hug from me, and Rhys too for that matter.
Love you,

Sassa eyed the letter, rereading it to herself more then once before she nodded her head. Shifting to open the heavy pane of glass she paused to smile at the warm air that crept over her skin. The sun was still heavy in the sky and she knew her sister might be busy but she would get it and then be able to get back to her later. Setting aside the book she had used to write against and the pen with it she leaned out of the window, whispering the words that took the paper in her hand and curled it into a puff of smoke. Somewhere far north she knew the paper would uncurl near her sister, fire spreading from one tiny fleck of paper and burning brightly to show her full letter. She watched the spot where the letter had disappeared for a moment longer before she pulled the window shut again. It wasn't needed for sending a fire missive but she hated leaving the linger burned smell in the house. She rose from her seat and tucked her things away wondering when her return letter might come before a call of her name from Tamlin distracted her from all else.


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