Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Letters to The Night Court Pt3 2021-02-17 Sassa had taken dinner with her Mate, talking over some ideas he had for their court to help the stability of the realm. His deep voice broke every so often to give her a chance to offer her opinions on each matter. Sassa was smiling when the dining room door opened and in walked Ianthe, her blue robes pulled low over her eyes. "My High Lord," she Letters to The Night Court Pt1 2021-02-01 Sassa had been in the Spring Court for a few weeks and her adjustment period had been slow. True it was a beautiful place but Tamlin was very cautious about showing her things, like at any moment he might scare her away. When added to the fury that had met their pairing from her parents she could see why it was slow going finding her place here. T