Club Scarab Fight Club

Last Login: March 31, 2024

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Age: 39
Sign: Capricorn

Country: Egypt
Signup Date: December 11, 2014

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Updated 2017 Rules and Members list.

In Character Rules:

1: Exhibition fights have no set rules. They will be usually set within a ring, cage or arena depending on your preferance. Any weapons or powers are allowed, as long as this is agreed between both fighters before hand.

2: Fights can be won by knockout (count of ten), submission, or in ring style fights by being knocked out of the ring. Obviously fights can also be won by fatality. If agreed a wrestling style 'pin fall for count of three' can be used.

3: Good sportsmanship is encouraged in Club Scarab however this is down to the individual.

4: No fighters are allowed to get involved in fights between other fighters. 

5: Fighters expecting to compete for the title must be willing to compete regularly, if you do not you are unlikely to earn title shots or be considered for title tournements, however you are still eligable to compete.

6: A champion must be willing to defend his title at least each month. If he/she does not do this they may be stripped of the title at the clubs discretion. However if you are aware you will be unable to defend and surender the title, this will be treated as neither a win or loss and the title will be competed for.

7: For doubles matches, all four at the same time and both team members should be eliminated. In armed combat the winner is the one who puts the other in a potential killing position. In pure combat it is more sports based. Humans or human equivalents only, no powers and the match has a time limit with points declaring a winner for title matches only ( though it will be recorded as a draw).

Out of Cara Rules:

1: I am aware role play combat is done differently in different places, however all wishing to compete here must follow these rules.

2: Who will win or loose a fight will be decided ooc before the fight, between club scarab, and the two fighters involved. We do encourage people to keep the results secret until shown.

3: As on most pages please do not god mode, ie role playing what the other persons cara does. More importantly do not do any major long term harm or death to the other cara that is not agreed between the two.

4: People are under no preasure to loose fights, we accept that peoples caras should be protected. The club scarab set fighters are able to be used for this, however if you expect people to drop losses for you it is only fair to do the same in return. It may be advisable to have multiple caras in so as to exchange wins etc? Bare in mind there are ways of loosing without loosing face. A writer will not be considered for a title until they have shown a willingness to loose when required.

5:despite the above ic rule, fighters CAN get involved in others fights if this has been agreed, and can be used to set up other fights and give a way of loosing. In cara the intruder will be repremanded but that is fine.

6:Initially the club will arrange exhibition fights however people wanting more combat just keep messageing this page or my anubis page and we can set more up. The more fights the better.

7:If you have a cara that you are wanting to end, please consider letting them be killed in combat here. this will go a long way to convincing others to grant you wins! 

8: Please be respectful of others caras when writting here or elsewhere. It shows maturity, which i expect from writters. Ooc drama/rants and especially anything that can be viewed as bullying will INSTANTLY have you deleted. Those that add the page to view fights and are seen to cause drama or break the site or club rules in stats will be deleted without warning at the clubs discretion. 

9: We can not accept multiples of the same caras in the group. this would undermine the believability of the fights, so wont be allowed. We will accept same playbys however the writers should not reference the same face in the stats. We may also avoid pitting the same faces against each other. 

10: please discuss with each other how long fights will last in rl will they be over minuites, hours days? that is up to you. Also agree lengths of replies.

11. Fights can be done one of three ways:

In real time in a stat stream.

In messages between fighters then posted as bulliten

Or, you can write it as a story against a club fighter cara. ask for details


NO drama between groups will be tolerated here. 

Please note we will only recognise one of each Kingdom or type of Kingdom so as to allow believable storylines. We will inform you if your kingdom is unable to fit due to a clash but we do apologise  for this. It may not effect you as an individual fighting however, it may just be you are identified as an independent fighter.

Please identify in your answer:

1)What role play group/ family or kingdom will you be representing? Or will you be classed as a independent fighter?

2)How many lines of role play are you willing to do? Please give a minimum and maximum.

3)What is your cara? (eg human, demon etc)

4)Does your cara fight hand, to hand or with weapons/both.

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