Peony Antoniette Turner ||FW- Everlasting Deities||

Last Login: January 17, 2021

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Age: 27
Sign: Scorpio

Country: France
Signup Date: November 12, 2016

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In the Gardens

Peony had been enjoying the time with her grandfather, his home and the atmosphere it held was one of happiness and she welcomed that. Anahí was a baby of smiles, all day long, she would giggle for the slightest thing, her gummy grin one of Peonys greatest moments each and every day. She got to play with babies her own age in their family, and was doted upon all the time. It was a time of growth for both girls and they were happier for it. The solace found in the castle protected by a magic that meant even at the bottom of the sea they could breathe was irreplaceable. Peony would daily take her daughter out to the gardens, because she loved seeing the world around them. 

Much like them, and the castle itself the gardens were protected by magic that kept the water at bay, above their heads and at the far edges of the low walls that marked the boarder. These gardens were unlike any other though, because they were coral, reefs of all different sizes and shapes and colors. It was a wonderful sight, one of Peonys favorite and she counted herself very lucky Poseidon could expose the girls to this kind of beauty. Blanket spread out on the ground Peony sat with her knees bent, holding her daughter into the air, begin rewarded with a hysterical giggle from Anahí with every lift into the air. 

Peony laughed along with her until overhead, the belly of a dolphin could be seen, drawing her daughters attention away. Peony had given her a stuffed one with the promise of one day getting to touch a real one. It was a promise she intended to keep though Anahí was still to young to remember it. She wanted to do nothing but create amazing memories for her baby, and she knew this was the perfect place to do so. "Someday very soon my adorable girl, you will get to not only see one up close, but touch them and swim with them," she kept her tone light, her voice soft and was rewarded once again with her daughters attention and a gummy lip smacking response.


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Peony wasnt one to dress reserved. She loved bright colors, long flowing skirts, jewelry at her ears and on her wrists that make a tinkle like a small bell as she moved. She liked to smile, laugh, even if she was shy about it, it felt good to be happy. Sadly today was a day for confusion over happiness and the way she was dressed expressed that. Anahi was staying with Peonys grandparents which was for the best, she would have her aunt for company and she would gain nothing from the somber day. Looking over herself once more in the mirror she sighed. her dark hair was slicked back instead of its usual wild waves. Her dress was cut tight to her frame, in a green so dark it could look black in dim lights.

Today was the day she and her brothers would say goodbye to their father. None of them were close, it was hard to be so with someone who didnt care to build the bonds. Still it would make their mother feel better she was sure, and the support for her was why they would take the time to say goodbye. While it might be a short farewell for them it wasnt for her. She had no doubt her brothers were donning the same dark colors, ready to converge on their mothers house none of them particularly wanting to go. With a subtle click of her heels Peony left her room, heading down to see Anahi one last time, pressing a kiss to the soft hair covering her head. She thanked her grandparents for keeping her while she saw to her mothers grief, and then headed off, to meet with her brothers and put this unfortunate chapter behind them.

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Meeting of the guard

Peony had built a routine as she learned all there was to know about her grandfathers home. Every morning she slept in with her daughter after late nigh feedings, breakfast would be waiting as if some magical elves knew just when she was up. She would prepare Anahi for her day, taking full advantage of her few alert hours together, taking her to see the large family decorated tree, or walks in the gardens that were unlike any others in the world. It was a comfortable routine and after her abandonment she needed the security of it. In the weeks before she had given birth she had learned that being alone was ok, she didnt need anyone but herself to take care of Anahi. And as her baby grew showing more and more personality, starting to smile all the time she knew it was true.

On one of her walks with her daughter around her grandfathers home Peony struggled with getting through an old very heavy door that was swinging shut to firmly as she tried to get the babys pram, where she slept, thought. It would heave back slamming into her bottom, so she stopped trying to kick it back instead wedging herself into the space. Suddenly the door was lifted and she stumbled back, looking back in alarm at the sudden relief of the weight. She was faced with a tall man, dressed like any of her grandfathers guards looking down at her. He didn't look angry or mean, mostly amused and she flushed at him stammering, "Sorry. I mean, thank you, i just couldn't keep the thing open." She pulled Anahi still sleeping through the door and he then let it close behind her. 

"Peony," she said after a moment holding her hand out to him, the other resting on the prams handle. After a beat he did the same, a deep voice muttering, "Lagos." She flashed him a smile, the color calming in her cheeks as she nodded adding with a smile, "Thank you again." She was smiling as she went, feeling his eyes on her back though she didnt turn to catch him watching her. Over the next couple weeks she saw Lagos a few times, though he didnt speak when she was with her family. When she would see him on her own she would say hello by way of his name, and he would return in kind, inclining his head at her. They didnt speak beyond that at first, but every encounter still left Peony with a little smile.

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Peony Gives Birth

Getting her bearing in her grandfathers palace deep under the pressure of the sea was short lived for Peony when labor pains started. She didnt want to cry, or call out, she had a firm concept of being strong and handling it all without alarming anyone. But that as a short lived notion. When breathing alone couldnt calm the sharp throbs of pain she screamed out for her mother, her cries drawing Philip to her room who went to get the others. 

She spent hours, squeezing her mothers hand, and cursing every single painful breath she had to shudder without the support who should have really been there. But her family didn’t leave her alone for an instant. She moaned out pains, and struggled with pushing with her mother was by her side, her brothers close by. Her grandfather had a healer called right away and his wife sat on Peonys other side so she wasnt left without hands to squeeze. After she would feel badly for the pain she was sure she caused them as she strained through but just then it was what grounded her in the actions. She screamed and squeezed and cried, there was curses and plea's for help as she struggled on. 

And then, when she was positive she wouldn’t be able to do it anymore, consigned to be a failure she gave one final push and intense relief was completely eclipsed by the sound of watery cries. The baby, an abstract idea for her till now was cleaned up and laid on her chest, inspiring a new very fresh onslaught of tears for Peony. She was helped to settle, both mother and daughter cleaned and comfortable, for some bonding time alone. Curled on her side, facing a tiny face relaxed in sleep she smiled, for the first time since leaving New York alone and dejected she felt a bubble of hope, a small sliver of happiness. She would ensure this little bundle never knew a moments worry, no pain, nothing bad would touch her because Peony would protect her from it all. “My little Anahí. Everything will be perfect for us from here on out.”

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Peony Goes Home

To Peony looking out at the water was a relaxing thing, something she had sorely missed in New York. One would think, on an Island, one of the most famous the world over you might still be able to enjoy the oceans views, but surrounded by heavy stabs of steal and concrete on all sides Peony had felt anything but peace. A jungle built by man her home had started to feel like a prison, but the geography was worth it, as most things are when you are young and in love. Of course as many such tales her own had ended in tragedy. Now she sat, with her feet in shallow salt water, a swollen belly and entirely alone as her due date crept closer. 

When her husband had abandoned her she had allowed herself a week. Seven day time to hope and wonder and wish things were different. After that week she shut away her tears and knew she had to go someplace else. So she packed what she wanted, and gave away the rest, not wanting to bring painful memories and sadness along with her. She sent word to her mother and to Philip that she was leaving the city, that she wanted some time alone. She had taken the time, feeling bad for not responding to them but needing the time alone all the same. 

She had thought that she might go through it all alone for the long haul, that she could muster the courage to face child birth alone, but that wasnt the case. So she pushed up to standing, brushing sand from her skirt as she turned to head back to her rooms and pack. She knew she was capable, she knew now she could face just about anything. But she didnt want to. So instead of facing it all alone like her ex husband had tried to settle her she wanted to go home, be surrounded by her family, the ones who would never leave her alone. She thought her grandfathers was well beyond large enough to accommodate another crying baby, and she would have him and her brothers along with her mother when she needed someone. It was with a feeling of inner peace that Peony packed her things and left her little hotel room to go back where she belonged.

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