Peony Antoniette Turner ||FW- Everlasting Deities||

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Age: 27
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In the Gardens
Category: Uncategorized

Peony had been enjoying the time with her grandfather, his home and the atmosphere it held was one of happiness and she welcomed that. Anahí was a baby of smiles, all day long, she would giggle for the slightest thing, her gummy grin one of Peonys greatest moments each and every day. She got to play with babies her own age in their family, and was doted upon all the time. It was a time of growth for both girls and they were happier for it. The solace found in the castle protected by a magic that meant even at the bottom of the sea they could breathe was irreplaceable. Peony would daily take her daughter out to the gardens, because she loved seeing the world around them. 

Much like them, and the castle itself the gardens were protected by magic that kept the water at bay, above their heads and at the far edges of the low walls that marked the boarder. These gardens were unlike any other though, because they were coral, reefs of all different sizes and shapes and colors. It was a wonderful sight, one of Peonys favorite and she counted herself very lucky Poseidon could expose the girls to this kind of beauty. Blanket spread out on the ground Peony sat with her knees bent, holding her daughter into the air, begin rewarded with a hysterical giggle from Anahí with every lift into the air. 

Peony laughed along with her until overhead, the belly of a dolphin could be seen, drawing her daughters attention away. Peony had given her a stuffed one with the promise of one day getting to touch a real one. It was a promise she intended to keep though Anahí was still to young to remember it. She wanted to do nothing but create amazing memories for her baby, and she knew this was the perfect place to do so. "Someday very soon my adorable girl, you will get to not only see one up close, but touch them and swim with them," she kept her tone light, her voice soft and was rewarded once again with her daughters attention and a gummy lip smacking response.


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