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Status: Single
Age: 119
Sign: Taurus

Country: Andorra
Signup Date: November 05, 2020

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NoNA of Ice and Snow

She fell in love with her self.

{her body emerged from the ice and as if a summer breeze warmly encased her, her clothes were neither wet nor frozen. she knew not where she was as she sat by the icy waters. who she was, she could not be sure of that either. the tiny locket around her neck held nothing in it. inscribed on the back was the word "NoNa"}

{as she sat there, with no memory of much, she looked around the new surroundings. her mind searching her own thoughts. her voice sounded as if a soft rose pedal floating in the air}

"what shall i call myself? who am i? where am i to be going?"

{the only sign of life were the winter woodland animals that scurried around in wonder of the girl as she sat there oblivious to much of nothing. she felt no hunger or thirst. she felt nothing if she were to be honest to herself. tired if anything. as if she had spent all her energy just to get somewhere she knew not}

{she rubbed her cheek slightly with her silky finger tips and allowed them to trace the pointiness of her ears. an elf? her mind wondered once more on who she might be. what if she was an elf? but where did she come from and how did she get in the icy waters? this was not going to be any easy day for the young girl and she could bear no smile. only the face of confusion as her mind wondered and she fell asleep on the snowy bank of the icy lake a small whisper from pure lips of a name}

"i shall be called NoNA........}

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