Last Updated: Sat 14 Nov 2020, 1:59:59

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Age: 119
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Country: Andorra
Signup Date: November 05, 2020

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NoNA of Ice and Snow
Category: Uncategorized

She fell in love with her self.

{her body emerged from the ice and as if a summer breeze warmly encased her, her clothes were neither wet nor frozen. she knew not where she was as she sat by the icy waters. who she was, she could not be sure of that either. the tiny locket around her neck held nothing in it. inscribed on the back was the word "NoNa"}

{as she sat there, with no memory of much, she looked around the new surroundings. her mind searching her own thoughts. her voice sounded as if a soft rose pedal floating in the air}

"what shall i call myself? who am i? where am i to be going?"

{the only sign of life were the winter woodland animals that scurried around in wonder of the girl as she sat there oblivious to much of nothing. she felt no hunger or thirst. she felt nothing if she were to be honest to herself. tired if anything. as if she had spent all her energy just to get somewhere she knew not}

{she rubbed her cheek slightly with her silky finger tips and allowed them to trace the pointiness of her ears. an elf? her mind wondered once more on who she might be. what if she was an elf? but where did she come from and how did she get in the icy waters? this was not going to be any easy day for the young girl and she could bear no smile. only the face of confusion as her mind wondered and she fell asleep on the snowy bank of the icy lake a small whisper from pure lips of a name}

"i shall be called NoNA........}

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{nona stepped softly on the snowy path that she decided to take. following the billow of smoke above the trees. the evergreens held hints of snow on the layers of greens spikes of its trunk and when the cool breeze would blow, softly the snow would fall off to the ground. this made nona smile}

{she did not know what to expect as she walked on. little creatures would come out from their bushes and follow nona. she could feel them and it would make her smile more. now nona did not feel so alone. she didn't let on that she knew they were there so she walked on. a small mountain she climbed and once reaching the top nona could see where the smoke was coming from. she did not want to be noticed so she hid behind bushes, now shooing the creatures away so they would not alert others that she was in the woods}

{once near enough, she could not see anyone around the small cabin. there was a small campfire, unlit near some longs. a kettle hung on a metal hook and from what she could tell, it looked empty. there was a candle burning in a window and the big door to the entrance of the cabin was closed. a small porch attached to the building held a rocking chair and a stack of wood and some folded blankets lay on a bench. she looked around and still saw no one as she whispered unto herself}

"will i be welcome? is no one here?"

Posted by NoNA on Sun Nov 15, 2020, 03:11

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{she sat upon the cold stone, still within the unknown, not only in her mind, but the surroundings in which her form was in. she let the droplets of water freeze as they fell to the ground. much like the silence that fell around her. her long flowing hair gathered in the chill of the breeze as she stood}

"where to go? where is it i belong?"

{she could bear no smile as she searched for a sign of where she should lead herself. the small animals had fled with the evening bringing on the night air. her bright green eyes widened as she spied smoke off in the distance and her arm, as if telling her which way to go pointed in the direction of yet another aknown area of the woods}

"nona should go that way"

Posted by NoNA on Sat Nov 14, 2020, 02:11

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{nona awoke and stretched in the cool breeze that swept over the icy lake beside her. looking around, animals needing warmth had cuddled up to her and awoke abruptly when she sat up. she smiled childishly as they scurried off. her eyes wondered around the woodlands beyond the lake and around it. she was still clueless to where she was and how she got there. and since given her the name engraved on the locket around her pale neck, she considered her self known. but literally had no clue still of who she was. now her mind thought if she walked in one direction would another direction had been more suitable for her. she was not amused by the icy lake so she did not want to find her self going back into it. it didn't make her cold, just very wet}

{raising her hand toward the waters, she felt something within her strength and droplets began to raise towards her fingertips. in her mind she watched as she twisted her wrist and moved her fingers, she could manipulate the water to form what she willed it. dropping her arm to her side. the water drastically collapsed back to the source of the icy lake. as if she had not even broke through the ice}

"how am i able to do this? {looking at her hand} where did such majick come from?"

Posted by NoNA on Tue Nov 10, 2020, 01:11

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