The Warrior Svala ||Loki Daughter|| {Yggdrasil Kingdom} [Order of Dreki]

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Age: 37
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Dragon Training


The wind cut through her leathers like they were little more then paper, and as she leaned low into the back of her dragon Svala thought that she would need to rethink her rider wardrobe. A haze filled the air around them, a technical break in clouds as they moved from what had been thick fluffy shapes into more deep and dangerous rumbling ones. As they burst through the first blue cloud, heavy with rain and charged with electricity ready to explode she laughed and Tuarana took that as her signal that serious time was done and they were to play. She looped through the air, leaving Svalas auburn hair to streak behind her and then fall right into her face as they corrected flight again. Sputtering the locks out of her mouth she whistled around a laugh and Tuarana instantly shifted flight. They dropped from the clouds and below them a thick ice covered mountain range took form. The peaks would have glittered in the sunlight but since the storm blowing in was a thick one now everything was hazed with an early falling dusk. They had entered the cloud bank hours before and now her fingers felt stiff with the cold, which was a solid indicator they should break for rest.

Svala and Tuarana didn't have as tradition harness in play while they rode and practiced together. Her dragon was too smart to need something as simple as a bridle so while they had fashioned a seat to keep Svala aboard during battle the rest was simple communication and Tuarana getting much better about taking vocal cues. Svala stroked the scales down the left side of the dragons neck and then told her, "The ridge with the outcropping down below. Thats where we will camp tonight." And watched as her dragon changed course and glided them right to the proper ridge. Chilled as she was Svala lifted one leg and slid down Tuarana's side before stretching her lithe body. Then she walked around to stroke her beasties maw. "You did good up there. Im pretty sure uncle Thor will be impressed with our progress. Now I need to make a fire to warm up, and I need food. You are to hunt and come straight back here." Though her nose was infinitely smaller Svala pressed hers to the dragons and smiled when a snort from the beast sent a cold spray of air out at her. "Yeah yeah I'll hurry up." Walking back around she undid the latches of her saddle and then rubbed the spot that had been covered before she stepped back and ordered, "Hunt," and watched as Tuarana shot into the air again. Svala watched her rise into the clouds and then she moved about making some semblance of a camp. She started with a fire, the underbrush here not covered in snow and so easy tinder. Then she pulled food out of her bag and ate by the meager fire. 

She did well in the cold, it was the benefit of being half Jotun herself, so with the low heat now going she also pulled out her journal and made notes for her uncle and her brother who headed the Order of the Dreki. She noted how her dragon moved in the clouds, how she reacted to the storm. As she wrote she made sure to comment on each difference her Tuarana had with the other dragons. Her dragon was very different from the others and it helped for them all to understand just how a resurrected Ice Dragon might differ from her fire breathing and continuously alive brethren. Svala was lucky, she hadn't had to break Tuarana of bad habits of the wild because she had been raised just for her, her fathers magic breathing second life into the poor beast. And Loki though trusting his daughters abilities had also ensured that she had a dragon who would heed her, bond to her and ultimately offer protection to her in battle because they shared a bond that wasn't through simply training but also companionship. She wrote for a while, noting how Tuarana had taken to the wilds of Northern Alfheim. And when she heard the beating wings of her dragon returning she smiled. She continued writing though, noting how they could travel the cold longer with no aide, marking the miles it took them and how long they had maintained cloud cover. And when she was done making notes she finished the cold bread she had been nibbling and wrapped her pack back up.

She unfurled her bedroll and the thin blanket she carried with her before kicking out the small fire she had built. Like with flying in storm clouds this was another test. How well could they manage alone with minimal elemental support. "Nice and full?" She asked Tuarana as she shifted the bedroll closest to the outcroppings wall leaving the dragons side to face the worst of the elements. Using her bag as a pillow she laid back and covered herself with the thin blanket. Tuarana settled in and unfurled her wing, letting it cocoon over Svala like a tent. It blocked out the rest of the wind that the rock ledge had let slip by and though her dragon could never be classed as warm it ultimately made Svala warm enough for her eyes to get heavy. "It should be snowing when we leave so we will push south. We can stop for the evening at the southern Palace. Aragorn and Isabella wont mind us camping out in the woods. And from there back to Dreki Stone. We can give our reports to Lif and Jor and break for Asgard by the end of the week." She stroked one chilled hand down Tuarana's side before she curled it under her blanket and let her heavy eyes fall shut, drifting into a dreamless sleep.

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Rescuing Lofn Pt. 2

Svala lead the way, careful to keep Lofn in position where if someone came at them she could toss her back. Lofn had been immobile for a while, control of her limbs was slow and jittery when coming back and giving her a weapon might mean Svala got hurt in the process, or worse Lofn would. Their steps echoed, sounding very different, Svalas boots scrapping against the ground and Lofns feet slapping the stone. They didnt meet any guards as they descended to the next floor, and it worried Svala but she kept silent on the matter. Down the corridor, to the next set of stairs that would take them back the way she had already cleared Svala noted the blue light emanating from one of the rooms but she made no moved for it sailing by. She had a mission, she was completing it, it was that simple. She was almost to the end of the corridor when she realized the slapping sound that matched her boots scraping had ceased. Turning quickly sword at the ready she saw Lofn, down the hall, looking into the room with the blue lights. The door was only cracked, the heavy stone left lazily ajar, but she was peering into it. "Lofn, come on," she urged but the woman took a step into the crack in the door making Svala swear under her breath. She jogged down to the door and peered in, muttering another more foul curse before she moved in pushing the heavy stone door shut behind them. 

Row after of blue liquid chambers lined the walls, all with beings inside of them. Svala stood back, amazed and horrified by what she saw. Lofn wasnt locked into place, she padded forward, hand touching the capsule that held very familiar faces. It took Svala moments more to step forward, her mind recovering as she filled the silence. "He has done this before, but nothing... this is on a scale i dont think anyone imagined," her voice trailed off as she thought for a moment. She knelt down, pulling a small scroll from her boot, wrapped around a vial. It was something she hadnt planned on using, didnt think she would need but communication under The Makers blanket of power was limited. Looking around the room she found a small desk and pulled free something to write with. On the scrap of paper she wrote her location, the plea to come alone, and then signed it to her cousin. Wrapping the paper back around the vial she set it on the table, crushing it with her closed fist. Green smoke billowed from the mess before the smoke cleared revealing her note gone, just a few pieces of glass on the table. "Not sure how we should deal with this so ive called for reinforcements. Well one, but this is his forte, he will know what to do." Svala moved back to Lofn, pulling free a small knife she had tucked down the front of her shirt, careful not to nick her check as the blade slide free of the leather sheath that was sewn into her clothes. "Here its not a sword but until your arms have more control this is best. Just in case. Someone gets close pike them like this," she demonstrated holding the blade sideways before adding, "It will go between ribs, and hurt like hell." They waited in the room, knowing her cousin would be able to follow the path of destruction she had left to where they were. And when they heard footsteps they braced, tense and ready to attack till Zilch pushed open the heavy door.

"I was going to complain you didnt leave me much to do on the way in, but i think this more then makes up for it," he said by way of greeting, his voice rough and deep. Svala snorted moving forward with a shrug, "I wanted to keep all the fun for myself but really, how do you contain something like this," she waved her hand behind her, Zilch scanning the room. He had been created and raised by the maker, an attempt to make the perfect soldier, with Thors powers and Lokis abilities. None of them had had more contact with The Maker. Lofn kept an eye on the tanks while Svala and Zilch talked through their options. It wasnt an easy task, and something like this could cause chaos in the city if word got out. "So taking them home isnt an option, what do we do?" she asked fixing her hair back into the knot on her head as he weighed their options. "Take them to Thyri. She has lands that are underpopulated at best, more likely only a couple still call the place home. She will have enough space to, well, house this until we figure out what his plans were with them. You take Lofn to Thyri, ill make sure the building is clear and then we will move this out." He motioned to the room behind them as Svala nodded. She went to Lofn, murmuring, "Lets get you someplace safe, and then we will deal with all of this." Lofn looked reluctant to move but the three of them left the room, the girls headed in one direction and Zilch in the other. Once outside of the parameters of The Makers keep it was little effort to get Lofn to Thyri's home.

Ending on a grassy bank with a blue coast in the distance Svala almost moved them towards an old stone castle, something that looked tired, with materials hugging the base of one side like there was some work being done. "Pretty sure we should go that way," Lofn said, drawing Svalas attention to what looked to be a cliff in the distance. Someone with dark hair stood there and they could only guess at this distance it was Thyri. Lofn pulled the cloak tighter around her as Svala lead the way up the slight incline to the bluff. Lofn hung back for a moment, as Svala pushed ahead, reaching Thyri first to explain their dramatic turn of events, and what they hoped she could do for them. The prospect of keeping them here would be dangerous, it would make Thyri a target, but they needed space and time. They knew when the marker made someone they were strong, he liked doing good work was likely his thought process, but this could be a blessing, an army, ready made by him but trained by them, nurtured with their ideals. "Ill stay, ill help, Zilch knows to bring them here, and once we get a healer to ensure they are well... this could work," She told Thyri as Lofn joined them. She looked just as eager as Svala sounded, and Svala thought they might have another student.

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Rescuing Lofn Pt. 1

When word had come from her grandfather Svala hadn't hesitated to see him. He might no longer be the king, but he had been when she had been allowed to train with her brother, and fight with her cousins and though her uncle now called the shots Svala like her sister had a soft spot for Odin, though she was far less likely to ever express such a thing. Still he called and she came without question. Her grandmother greeted her and ushered her into an inner office, the door shutting behind Frigg who looked distressed though she didn't speak as to why. She moved to stand by Odin, but she didn't speak it was him who broke the silence. 

"Lofn has been kidnapped, and we believe it was at the hands of The Maker..." Svalas eyes hardened but she didn't speak, letting her grandfather command the room as he explained why they believed he was at hand and what he wished for her to do. This wouldn't be the first time one of their family had tried to best The Maker, he was a plight for all of them, and her uncle Sven was now in league with him which had everyone worried. Still they had all lived to tell the tale, Asa, Zilch, Amora, Tethys, Helen and a couple of her children had all come back from the maker, so Svala was confident she could do the same. With the orders to go in, find Lofn and get her out and back home Svala headed out. 

Reports on his latest stronghold were sketchy and so it took her days to pin down where she thought he was, and realizing how easy it had been made her weary. Since when did he leave things so easily detectable? It had her on edge as she covered all of her vibrant blue skin with leathers and guards, finger-less gloves showing hints of blue and her face the only color not battle worn brown leather. Her bright hair was twisted back into a knot on the back of her head and she wore a hood pulled low over her face as she slithered through shadows. A short broadsword rested at her hip and two axes crossed over her back strapped tightly.

Damp walls rose high above her head at his encampment, what looked like an old temple forgotten by time. She heard movement just before she saw guards, and with only a second to decide and nowhere good enough to wait them out she pulled free an axe taking the first swing. Sparks shot off the damp walls as three men pulled swords, and her axe knocked them back into the stone as she kicked punched and flipped the men over herself and one another in the hopes of knocking them out. The first down took a broad swipe to his chest. The second her foot to his throat, which stole his air from him having him collapse as hie face turned blue. The last knocked her axe free and tried to yank her back by the falling bun she sported. Using the wall for support she threw her weight back against him and freeing a knife from a holster on her thigh drove it between his ribs, feeling him fall to the ground before his hold on her hair released. 

For another two floors Svala has similar experiences, sometimes with a single guard, once with half a dozen. Her muscles burned with the effort but this made more sense to her, at least there was protection, so something was here, she knew it she had to be close. She used bloody hands to mark the walls with streaks in the way she had come. The bodies would be a clear indicator, but she figured if someone came behind her and disrupted the scene they would move bodies before cleaning the walls. Plus the smears marked their way out, not the way she was leading, and someone knew she was here because there was always the sound of more heavy boots running towards her. 

Knocking down the last guard, who looked more like a failed experiment then anything else Svala rolled her shoulders. Sword in hand, one from a guard after her axe had stayed wedged between ribs of one of his comrades, she pushed forward into the room everyone had their back to, clearly the one they were guarding. She grunted with the effort of moving the heavy stone but was greeted inside by something more like a healing chambers back in Asgard. A single white bed, white walls and a mirror along the far wall made up the whole of the room. It came off as clean and sterile and the only thing out of place was Lofn, who was pulling free wires and needles that were tapped to her skin. Shoving the heavy door back into place Svala moved over to where Lofn was moving to stand, pulling off her own blood soaked cloak. "Here, wrap this around you and stick behind me. We are getting out of here, then Odin had plans for this place." She hadn't seen The Maker, but that didn't mean he wasn't there. And so she forced up a bravado like reinforcements were coming that weren't really on the way. But it should make him fearful all the same, she had taken down his guards by herself. There was a door on the opposite wall from where Svala had come in, smaller, and she lead Lofn to it, pushing it open so they could continue on to circle back and get out of there.

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Teaching Nan some manners

(An open space for a small story in an established feud. Anyone can read but please only those with active approved involvement post anything down below)

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