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Take The Oath

Welcome to the wonderful world of role play. A world where we are all free to be who we want to be. Free to be what we want to be, without judgement, without bullying, and without feeling that we are wrong in what we desire....


Don't you want to read those words when you log into a role play site? Don't you wish that you could KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt that the place you were going into was free of hate, and judgement? So do we, and this is why we support this cause. We support, NOH8 and if this is the type of world you would like to be a part of, we believe that you should join us in our fight against hatred and bullying (be it cyber or within the real world).
This world will not create it's self, we, must work together, as a group, as a family, people with the same belief system to make this happen, to make this world, OUR world, a better place to be, a place that people want to log into every day, a place that is missed when it's time to go to bed, that's looked forward to after work, a place that is free of the chaos and bull that the outside world already has more than enough of.
Below, is the Oath of Roleplayer.me's, NOH8 campaign, we ask that before you sigh it, that you read every word of it. Your signature shows that you support the movement to making this place a better one for all of us. That you will strive to be a better person, and at the same time you will help others around you when they are in need.
None of us are perfect. I heard a quote the other day that really got me thinking, and it's very true. "The only people who are perfect are those who don't try" This quote means that failure is inevitable, but if you are willing to try, willing to work to change, to make mistakes and apologize, to push towards helping your life be better and in turn improving on the lives around you, that is what counts, that is what our overall goal here is.


-- Repeat after me --

I (insert your name here) as a role player vow to do my very best to always honor, and protect the Oath of NOH8. To at my very best effort support and respect every word of it, regardless of the situation. I know that I will make mistakes, but I will learn from them, correct them, and rise above and beyond my failures to improve upon myself. I promise to uphold it's truth, and always try to do the right thing, no matter how alone I may feel in the moment. I pledge to become the change I wish to see in role play, and not to be a part of the virus that kills it.


|| Along with the above pledge, we would like you to also post your own, personal pledge, this can be a personal growth, helping others, or whatever else you might desire to put. It is after all YOUR pledge. ||


Oath of NOH8

1. I will not contribute to or promote public OOC drama of any kind. If an issue arises between myself and another character, regarding something inside or outside of role play I will either contact them privately to correct the situation, or block them to avoid future outbreaks. I will strive to keep my page, free of OOC drama as best of my ability. 


2. I will not partake in, or start any gossip. There is no place for a grape vine within the role play community, and for this reason I shall do my ample best to not play any games of "He said/She Said"

3. I vow to work my hardest to keep real life and role play separated at all times.  I am a role player, I am not really the person that I play myself to be, for this reason, I know that the people who play opposite of me, are not the people that they are role playing, and therefore things said or done by their character, is not truly them, so if the character does something that is displeasing to me, I will not make the assumption that the person behind the screen is feeling the same way. Be sure to add your character's first and last name to the bottom of your pledge as your signature.

4. I promise to not take possession of anyone's character, or anyone in particular within this community. Again, I know this is nothing more than role play, and though I do adore those I role play with, I shall not destroy their role play simply to make mine better. I will not tell people that they can not role play with someone, nor will I accept anyone telling me that they will not allow me to role play with someone. They have their account(s), and I have mine, that's simply the way that it is, and I accept that.

5. I will not rush someone to post, harassment is not acceptable, and I know that I wouldn't want someone breathing down my neck every moment of every day, so I will not do that, nor, will I allow anyone to do that to me. I do things at my own pace, and I accept in return that people do things at theirs.

6. I will not rant in public areas. It's alright for me to talk to a friend one on one in messages, but I will not publicly blast a rant, this includes, comments, streams, bulletin's, and groups. Messages are private for a reason, and if I need to vent to someone. I will not drop names, for dropping names makes it gossip, and though I am aware everyone needs to vent on occasion, I do also understand the difference between venting, and simply starting problems. I will also not put up with this behavior from another.

7. I shall give my greatest effort to protect others from harmful statements, by avoiding using them, name calling, harsh tongue and such, a tone that could be hurtful and other such things. There will be no saying something and then apologizing for it a bit later. There's no love in that, and there's no saying that it will stop, so as a result, I shall not let it happen to me either. I shall respect others, as I want them to respect me.

8. I promise to never guilt trip someone into role playing with me, and only me. I enjoy those I role play with, and for this reason I will not do anything to hurt them, I will also not recognize someone treating me badly as them truly wishing to role play with me. I have to protect myself, just as much as I have to protect those around me.

9. I will not use my character as a vehicle for racism or bigotry, nor shall I use my character to promote or push illegal acts such as child pornography or bestiality. I, as a person, understand that there is no room in the real world for such things, and will, to the best of my ability, not allow any of it to seem into the virtual world either.

10. I will keep an open mind, accepting that everyone has a mind of their own, and therefore they have an imagination that like mine is quite untamed. I will allow for creativity of my fellow players and always take their ideas into account.  I shall always be accepting of all other members of the site, I will not judge them based off belief, social standing, location, finances, sexuality, political belief, race, or anything else that may possibly arise. I shall always keep an open mind in what I do, and who I associate with.

11. I shall not block people for no reason, the block button is to keep the cyber bullies and the hate out of my friend list, not simply so that I can say I have the largest block list in the history of the internet. I will not abuse the block list, I know the importance of the tool if used properly, and I shall respect that, and carry on it's tradition as intended, not simply because of their gender, the verse they role play in, their play by or other minor reasons.

12. I vow to show compassion under any and all accounts I have, this includes open accounts, resource, help, role play group sites or any other. This means that I will not simply walk away from a promise that I have made. I will not delete without word on affiliates, I will not just bail in the middle of a story without some level of explanation, and I shall respect rules of those that I associate with.

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