Keira ~ Mistress of the jungle~TDG;; COL

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Darkness will forever be my story TDG

Endless torment of a tortured soul, countless centuries of Hell unfolds. Darkness overtaking the light, being struck down by an Emperor's' might. Weighed down by the bonds of death, endless crows of the night feasting on my flesh. I give myself to the lord of darkness, my sacrifice of my body and soul will not go undone. My eyes give myself away, for a child of light that tries to keep the darkness at bay. I've gone into the world of darkness, trying to fight my way out. The restraints of Hell press down on me, I feel the pressure of evil consuming my very essence. 
I try to escape, but the darkness consumes me. My souls an endless a ray of torturing darkness, the days of light are fleeting away. My body, my heart, my soul and my life have been given away to the darkness of night. The blood of my sacrifice goes to the dark lords, for ever a Hell to face will go untold. I feel the blood of the dark lords, and I know my time is near. Darkness consumes my heart, and I give it with no fear. My sacrifice is my pain, my death is my glory. Giving myself to the underworld of darkness will forever be my story.

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Keira Misstresss of the Jungle. Bio

Keira Mistress of the Jungle. 
Before there were Gods, before there were Titans, before Olympus was even an idea.. there was the Mistress of the Jungle and Mother Nature. Keira. Mother Nature's Right Hand. She was created with all the properties of an ancient Goddess. Ancient, and powerful. Nature had to have a balance. There was no good or evil. Keira was created out of the need for protecting the world from the evil that spawned. 
Her powers and Immortal status didn't tie into the Ancient Gods. She was far removed from that world of Greek culture and mythology. During the mighty war, between the Titans and the Gods, Keira remained silent. Only ensuring the jungles of the world were kept safe. Generally, she'd take the form of a giant Black Panther. Dark, yellow piercing eyes that could stare straight through the soul of someone. A kind nature, but matched with a great ferocity unmatched by even the mighty Lions of the African Planes. 
Keira was one of the first shapeshifter's. She had the ability to transform herself at will into any animal or creature she thought of. It could have been in the form of a Giant, to a Dragon. A Wolf to a Fly. It didn't matter, past or present. She could turn herself into the very beast itself. Keira was the spirit of the Jungle. She was there to keep nature and all the creatures that dwelled within it safe. 
Keira was peaceful by nature, she never attacked unless she was provoked. The scale in which she was in her Panther form was as large as the largest Giants. Her power came from the Earth itself. Her immortality came from the nature and life around the jungle in which she lived. While she'd be away from the jungle she would still be an immortal creature, not as powerful as when she lived in one or traveled in one. 
Her powers  tied to the jungles and would remain tied. Keira has a strong resistence to magic. She can't control the weather, or perform magical spells, but she can heal people and heal herself. Depending on how serious the wound is, depends on how long it takes to heal herself. She can die, but she can come back.  And as long as she lives or remains in a jungle like environment she can't be killed, and can be healed quicker than being away from one. 
Keira can control the creatures around her. She uses the trees of the jungle to communicate with one another and relay messages. Birds and other animals also help deliver her messages. In the jungles and forrests she's omnipotent. She knows what's going on at all times, especially the one she lives in. When she heads to one, she can take control over the environment and claim it for herself. Once there, her powers grow and she becomes her immortal self again. 
Keria's form is not always as tall as a Giant. Mainly, that's if she's ever needed in combat or if she's provoked into fighting. Normally, she's the size of a regular Panther. In fact, she blends in with her surroundings so well, you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between a real Panther and Keira.  She's helped travelers find their ways home, and she's stopped wars all together based off her power and her skills as an ambassador. 
She takes peace seriously, and she tries her best to make sure the world is a safe place. She values Life, and respects Death. She's a student of the world, and a leader in her own right. She doesn't have ambitions to rule any nation, or become apart of an army and conquer anything. She is perfectly content in laying around on her favorite tree, swimming in the fresh river, or fishing for herself. She's seen the world and has traveled it a long time. 
Keira is very warm, kind and generous. She's very powerful and gets even more powerful when she gets angry. She's a strong and fierce woman, with a loyalty and devotion that reaches no bounds. Keira will fight for you and die for you. She knows what the risks are and values the rewards of doing so in the service of something greater and something to which she can belong. She loves her friends and family and keeps them close while she defends against the evils of the world. Each time a new generation comes within her jungle, she raises and helps care for them. 
She does the jobs Mother Nature can't always do, and in a sense, becomes Mother Nature herself at times. She's always there, her spirit and fire will always remain to be a safe gaurd against the world of darkness and the reign of evil. Keria meets every challenge and doesn't back down from a fight, or when it takes the time to care for her friends and family. Keira is the spirit and fire of the world we live in today, and her fire will never go out.

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