Sergant James Barnes {Bucky} [CA] +All new, Uncanny Illuminat i+ CCA + Battleworld's New Sheriff

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Council of Captain America's part 3

The Dark Doctor had found an interesting Captain America in one of the vast realities. In this particular reality, a second civil war had taken place because of an Inhuman who could predict the future. As it turned out two sides disagreed on how his power should be used. One side felt that it could be used to prevent major events from happening by taking preemptive actions, stopping a crime, or whatever the case could be, and dealing with it by arresting the person or persons that would become involved. And of course, the other side disagreed because the criminal events had yet to happen, making them innocent until it did happen. 

It was predicted that Miles Morales would kill Steve Rogers from that reality. During the war, it had come to fruition. Miles had killed Rogers. In doing so, Morales had become the Capitan America of that time period. Miles's costume resembles that of Barnes's Captain America suit from Earth 616. Dark Strange had told James of this Miles Morales and they agreed to go on to this other reality through the Multiverse to meet the young man. James knew of a Morales in his reality but, he was another Spiderman. James had asked Strange if Miles had his Spiderman abilities besides Rogers. The way Strange had explained that was that, Miles did not have extra abilities. He hadn't been upgraded, per say. Strange had also informed James that he had died in this reality that Miles was from. When James asked how that Barnes had died, he had pointed to the World Trade Center towers. "You died with them." Strange had answered. "You died fighting the Serpent Society, they tried to take it over and as the battle between them happened, the planes we saw in our reality, hit their towers. You died because of the collapse of Tower one." This left James stunned that he died on 9/11.

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Illuminati+Vacation = Exciting things to come!

Now that most of the Illuminati had gotten James back on board the team's jet, things were underway. Finally after putting it off, it was time this team headed out for sunny beaches, clear blue water, drinks,  shenanigans and R+R. James himself couldn't remember the last time he had taken a vacation,  let alone with his team. Jessica piloted the jet with Fwoosh co-piloting them all off to a secret, tropical paradise. 

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Council of Captain America's part 2

In his discussions with the Dark Doctor Strange, James learned that there were indeed several, if not multiple versions of Captain America's throughout the Multiverse. Finding this out, it made him want to meet, and learn about several, or all of them. Strange had even eased James's mind about how to go to these vast, multiple realities. 

"I will simply take you." Was how Dark Strange put it. By using his dark magic they would travel through these Multiverses, visit the Captain America of that particular world and converse with them on why they had come. James was sure there would be conflict and confusion at times, a few years ago with the Red Skull, in a plot of his he had fought an exact duplicate of Steve. It wasn't the original Rogers, but a perfect clone that the Skull used to manipulate the American people, so James expected similar situations to arise. 

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The Council of Captain America's Part 1

What gave James the idea for the CCA was his daughter,  Anna Barnes. James had gone to another reality due to two worlds on a collision course of each other. The collision was averted thankfully. But, during one of his missions on her earth, he found her and during a team up, she had told him that her father, James Buchanan Barnes, had died fighting on and Avengers team that had gone up against a massive roster of the Masters of Evil. She had told him how she had taken up him being Captain America, gathering several heroes to defeat the Masters of Evil in her timeline. She had told them she had chased several into a portal. During the Chaos Wars,  him and Hercules had found this band of villains, unknowing where they had originated from. It wasn't until year's later in a Shield facility that James was questioning one when he'd realized that Anna was his daughter. They had only met one other time before the collision was averted. She'd even worn a costume similar in every way of his, except for hers was made of a  Vibranium, Adamantium weave. James and Stark had made his a Vibranium weave with other materials. Anna had still had the shield he had carried against the Masters of Evil when he fell. Anna and James promised to find each other someday if possible. 

If james founded this CCA, perhaps they could travel through the Multiverse and gather other Captain America's to form the roster. And he would need help in the search for other Captains. The only Multiversal being he knew of was the Beyonders of the Multiverse. Most the time they were unpleasant beings. But, James knew of one that helped them through the time where two worlds were to collide. If he could find Zaracus, maybe he would point James in the direction to begin. It was locating Zaracus that was the problem. James had no idea where to begin looking for him. 
Maybe Dark Strange could help with that particular part to get them started. He would definitely talk with the doctor. James had already reached out to Sam Wilson, one of Earth 616's newer Captain America's and Sam had told James he was on board to at least get them started. Sam and him had become close during when Sam had become Captain America and dealt with Zemo and the Flag Smashers. Him and Sam had had a long discussion about asking John Walker, who had gone a little Captain crazy before Sam had become Captain America. James had stayed in touch with Walker. He tried to explain to Sam that Walker had become better, not that he wasn't a bad man when Walker was Captain America, he just used too much force on his enemies. At one point Walker had decapitated a man of the Flag Smashers, that was when Sam and James had stepped in, taking the mantel, Sam becoming the New Captain America. 
Maria had come to James asking to be on the council shortly after he had announced it. He simply said he'd always considered her on his council, so they had her help as well. That left Steve. They had had a fall out. Where Steve rarely killed anyone, James was the opposite. Several months ago James had been put into a situation where a thirteen year old boy had built a bomb strapped to his body. To save more lives, James had shot the boys hand off, making the detonator unable to be fired. Saving at least a hundred students where the boy had them held in the gymnasium. By the time paramedics got to the boy, and on the way to the hospital, James had learned that the boy had bled to death. And that was what set him and Steve to no longer on speaking terms. 
James felt he needed Steve's leadership to make the right decisions if they were to gather other Captains. Although Sam had been trying to get Steve and Bucky to talk, which so far, had ended up in another argument that had yet to be resolved. 

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CCA - Council of Captain America's

Another group idea. See my status for details. This group will be highly selective. 

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To those in the CA, MAINLY your leader

I've let you get away with specific things. CA for instance. I had a Cosmic Avengers team awhile back. When I disbanded it, not long after a new CA came around, Crimson Avengers, I believe. I never said anything. Until now.

That's strike one. 
Vision. Now Vision was played by a friend that I no longer speak to. I thought you and I had cleared things up considering what happened. Apparently not since you have a Vision for your Wanda. That's strike two. And I Also never said anything about that. 
But, the whole Bucky thing really pisses me off. Especially after all you cowards ganged up on me in my own status when some of you say you want to discuss things in a calm manner. 
Well, according to sources and rules, and my own knowledge, we don't own the rights to characters, pictures or initials. 
But, I find what you started distasteful. 
I call them loopholes so you can have deniability. 
And that's fine. 
I've discovered loopholes too.
You're the one who called it a war.
A Secret War if you will. 
I'm here to tell you today that I'm playing your game now. And there will be no negotiations of any kind. Stalk me all you want. You can even scream. I do hope you get your sleep though. Cause you're going to need it.
I've never done anything to you to get this behavior from you. But, I'm not tolerating your bullshit any longer. 
Maybe next time you'll all think before you bully someone in his status. 

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The return of

The Cosmic Avengers!!! Recruiting new members. Other CA members from Crimson Avengers need not apply. 

Thank you all and good day!!

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