Red Skull HYDRA

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War begins Atlantis Vs Westphalia

War begins Atlantis VS Westphalia 

Johann Schmidt the prime minister of Westphalia. He was a tall muscular man with blond hair blue eyes and a militant stance that let you know he meant business. He was dressed in a green military out fit with a smoldering cigarette suspended at the end of a long black filter that had gold trim with his hands clasped behind his back. The smoke produced from his cigarette a cherry tainted tobacco smell that penetrated and lingered in the air. The scowl on the prime minister's face made it apparent he was not hearing news to his liking. The minister sibilated his disappointment “I requested the presences of the Knight Chaplain, not some mewling child to answer my concerns.”

Standing before the prime minister was a regal and young Royal knight of Westphalia fully dawned in ceremonial plate Armor. The young man tried to show pride. “I am Sargent Alfons Hoffman of the Holly Royal order of Westphalia knights. I was entrusted to be the voice of the brotherhood. I was briefed on all the answers his Eminence the Knight Chaplain would wish for you to have. Our holly brother is currently detained with his duties and does not possess the time to play politics with you, heir prime minister.” The young man responded. While spoken with elegance their was just a hint of defiance in hidden underneath his proper words.

The Prime Minister's teeth clenched and the muscles on his face tightened blatantly showing his dissatisfaction to the message conveyed. Leaning forward looking down at the young man the prime minster responded in a slow but discordant manner “I ordered your knights to help exterminate Otto and the abominations posing as members of your knight hood. These foul creatures our right now marching towards our very capital with foreign soldiers from Atlantis.” The prime minister then began to poke the chest of this knight firmly as he continued to chastise Alfons. “Your brotherhood is sworn to protect Westphalia from all external threats yet you and your brothers have failed to do so even under direct command.”

Alfons maintained his stance but his eyes narrowed revealing strong discontent. “We are sworn to protect the interest of Westphalia and its royal family above all things.” Alfons corrected. “Par Wilfred Godswin has been absent from our lands and has even given up the name of his birthright. It is true that you as the elected Prime Minister of our great Saxon nation has been entrusted with leadership while we wait for the return of our king, you are not and never have been the commander of our holly order.” Even as the Prime Minister clasped his fist in frustration ready to respond Alfons cut his off continuing. “We have taken a vow to never fight with other loyal members of our order. Otto Godswin Orcus came into our lands accompanied by the royal order. By your instructions the Knight Chaplain meat with these soldiers and found them to be loyal brothers with their mental faculties still intact. They were still loyal to our people and the crown. He has determined and decreed Otto as the rightful heir to our country, a true member of the Godswin blood line. It is therefore decided your orders where in fact treasonable and thus ignored.”

The prime minister smirked and took one step back. “That is quite a pity” he whispered with a sigh. “I had hoped it would not come to this.” With surprising and sudden speed the Prime Minster pulled out a Mauser pistol and fired several shots into Alfons' chest. The bullet drilled through the Knight's armor like a hot knife through butter and exploded once they pierced his flesh. Alfons oozed out of his chest wounds as his lifeless body fell to the floor like a rag doll. The other men gathered in this room gasped at this rash action but none of them spoke fearful they might be next.

Prime Minister Johann Schmidt leered at the remaining men assembled men. “These knights are all here by branded traitors to Westphalia! Orders are to execute every one of them and seize all their holdings for the state! Further any one giving them any aid will also be considered criminal negligent and the penalty will be death!” Their were gasps of shock. “Further I have already commanded the officers of our defensive armies to open fire on the intruders. Orders that were ignored. These orders are to be reissued and to include open fire on any of the Holly Royal Knights of Westphalia. Any soldier or officer that disobeys these orders are to be executed immediately. Our nation is under attack and we will not negotiate with any of these intruders no matter who they claim to be! ”

The Prime Minster paused and once more regained his regal and calm posture. “I know some of you feel that our people support this invader. This has caused a question of our ability to defend our homeland.” Johann inhaled deeply then continued. “To address this issue I have invited my allies from Mount Wundagore to help reinforce our national defenses. Even now they and their machines of war are entering our great nation through Austria. My allies will here by be taking direct command of all our nations military forces. They will further be enforcing a curfew to protect our citizens from invaders from either Atlantis or the Wastelands of LIAR.” As the news sunk in he continued. “The forces in question are known as HYDRA and from this point forth their words will be considered law by the power entrusted to me by the people of Westphalia. Any acts to deter their progress will be considered an act of terrorism against our state.” He raised his clenched fist. “Let it be known we prefer order to anarchy and strong leadership to abandonment and the random whims of kings and gods! From this day forth let all men of Westphalia exclaim with pride” Johhan then extended his open right hand palm down “HAIL HYDRA!”

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