Empress Aneska Carielle Silvermoon-Darksoul {Dark Elf Sage}{M_L Emperor Etherus Darksoul}{ROME}{TDG}{RODS}{ROE}

Last Login: April 22, 2024

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Age: 34
Sign: Sagittarius

Country: Iceland
Signup Date: February 13, 2022

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The Dark Elf Sage Begins Her Journey(Starter)

When Aneska was but sixty years old, around fifteen in human years, she lived in a small village in the Forsaken Forest with other Dark Elves. She had a younger brother and sister only around four and seven in Elf years that she constantly picked on or told dark stories to them until they couldn't sleep. She did love them though it was just in the nature of her and her kin to be known as very brutal and cruel by nature. They also were known for starting wars with their own kind and one decade there was The Great War that divided all the villages and encampments started by a self declared King of the Forest who would put on display where his "Palace" sat in the middle of the Forsaken Forest as warning for trying to attack him and his people were the corpses of those he captured and tortured on pikes by his raiding parties. It was one such day that the hoof-beats gave notice that some of his forces where on the move to Aneska and her village.

Her mother hid her inside with her siblings as her clan prepared for an attack and she was handed a dagger. "Don't let them be taken, there's no telling what they will do to them if captured, then run." She went to argue but her mother was stern and shook her head as she left to take up the very little defenses they had. Just looking out to her clan, she knew it would only end in a blood bath, but she stayed hidden as the attack happened and when she saw her clan eradicated before they could check the huts and tents, she told her siblings she loved them as they were all holding back sobs as tears stained their faces. She then quickly slit their throats and laid them in their beds, kissing their foreheads as she slipped out a back entrance to the hut and took off into the forest with the darkness of night protecting her from being seen. Years later the King and his Palace where obliterated by humans he started a war with and she had been alone ever since in the forest.

Aneska had a vision one night as she was asleep in the Forsaken Forest under a shelter she had built for herself since there was no village or kingdom around since the Great War that caused her people, Dark Elves, to be slain and then the war a hundred years later that left the King of the forest dead as well as his people. It was so vivid that she thought herself awake at first but then once her vision ended she snapped awake and jerked up as she looked to the shadows of the forest. She sat pondering until the dawn before packing up her belongings and whistling to the sky a few moments later she had a saddle on her black Dutch Draft horse who had her mane in braids and she climbed into the saddle.

She gave one last look behind her to the one place she had always known, having stayed there all these years until she was two hundred and fifteen years old and now said her goodbyes to the spirits there and ancestors before her horse reared back, its front legs up as it neighed and stood on its back legs only to land back down and take off in a run that made Aneska smile. Her horse could sense their new adventure and seemed as ready to follow her vision as she was. You can't live in the past forever and so now she wanders the lands heading to the East where the vision showed her, stopping to make camp and feed and water her horse for their long journey at nightfall.

Meanwhile the Vision:

One night when Aneska had been sleeping she had a vision so real and so vivid she thought herself to be awake. Then she saw a journey, one to a new Kingdom in the east and an male Elf. Then it changed and she saw herself happy and standing next to him just past his shoulders with a child in her arms feeding from her as another played in front of the fire of their home, her belly big as she was pregnant with their third child. She had never felt a Vision so vivid it startled her awake and she knew what she had to do. She would follow the path shown to her and see if the future held any truth in what she was shown for she had never loved anyone before and couldn't imagine the life she saw herself in.

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1. No Drama will be tolerated. It will be blocked without discussion.

2. Messages are for RP, RP Discussions, and OOC talk. I do not do comments.

3. I am a para and up writer. Sometimes I am mobile and can't always do long replies or if the reply is mostly conversation between the characters than may be shorter than a para.

4. I am not here for Erotic RP.

5. Be respectful. Do not rush. I have a life out side of here and RL always comes first.

6. Do not Auto play my character unless given permission.

7. No God Modding, this will lead to immediate end of RP.

8. I reserve the right to block and unfriend people who make me uncomfortable whether it be by their actions or company they keep.

9. I love status banter. Status banter is separate but may contain RP elements depending on what is said.

10. Aneska is my own creation. She isn't based on any known lore or any other sources, strictly from my mind. Therefore she is my property. Her face I do not claim as strictly mine since she can be found on another source. This means do not add me in hopes of stealing anything from her.

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