The Lord of Crows [TFA]

Last Login: November 26, 2021

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Age: 119
Sign: Capricorn

Country: Russia
Signup Date: November 02, 2021

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Rules (Read & Sign)



1: Do not try to god mode or autoplay my character without my permission, doing so will result in automatic delete.


2: Do not continuously try to obtain a love affair or pet position with this character, if you are wanted for a role, I will ask you.


3: Do not come onto my page and try to start any real-life drama, this is a rule I imagine you see on every single profile. It isnโ€™t hard, so donโ€™t do it.


4: My character will change as his storyline progresses, as well as the connections that he has. Obtaining a connection now, does not mean you will have one with him later, especially if youโ€™re not around.


5: Lord Ashen is part of The Fallen Asylum group, we keep our group small, If I want to join your group I will ask, donโ€™t continue to pester me about it.


6: I am a novella writer, many of my storylines will be dark, if you can not handle dark based storylines with vivid detail, donโ€™t engage with writing with me. I refuse to mop up any tears.


7: Ashen is a warring character, which means if you piss him off in story, he will most certainly come after you and the people you care about, itโ€™s nothing personal, it is all story driven. If you want to avoid this, donโ€™t piss him off.


8: I can not respond to one liners, and I am not going to bother trying, if you can not gather up enough detail to make more then one sentence, then you are doing something wrong.


9: I have no problem helping those who wish to learn how to write dark, or increase their level of writing efficiency, however, you need to ask me ahead of time and specify what it is you are hoping to achieve.


10: RP is all about fun, and though Ashen is a psychopath with no feelings, that does not mean he can not have fun. So please donโ€™t feel discouraged after reading these rules. If you want to write, then please reach out.


11: I keep my role plays to status and message only, and this character is always considered in character unless notated with out of character marks.


Thank you for reading and signing my rules.

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