Emma Chase

Last Login: April 10, 2024

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Status: In a relationship
Age: 28
Sign: Scorpio

Country: United States
Signup Date: October 17, 2020

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Cordelia Chase had been too young to raise a child, and the father, a pirate name Jack, was always off on adventure. So Cordelia did the only thing she could at the time and gave her daughter up to be adopted. A family took her in and named her Emma Becker. But that happiness did not last and over the next eighteen years of her life, Emma bounced from foster home to foster home, never feeling like she belonged anywhere. When she was old enough to start driving, Emma began looking into who her birth mother was, and found out her name was Cordelia Chase from Sunnydale, CA, and later Los Angeles, CA. And more importantly, that Cordelia had fallen into a coma and recently had died. This saddened Emma deeply. Now she would never get the chance to know her mother. In an attempt to have something to bond with her birth mother, Emma legally got her last name changed to her mothers, to be known as Emma Chase.

A few years later, Emma had a few strange encounters, including a alien invasion which led to her meeting Steve Rogers, who most knew as Captain America. A few dates later and the two were quickly in love. Though his avenger status kept him very busy and often gone for long periods. Missing him, her memories often went back to the mom she never got to meet and curious as to who Cordelia was. In a rather irrational moment the young woman packed a bag and moved from New York to Los Angeles, in another attempt to get close to her birth mom, and hopefully learn about who she had been.

During her first year in the city of angels, Emma began to notice strange things happening and how often people went missing. There were whispers of demons and vampires. Emma didn't believe any of it until one night when she and a friend of hers were walking home from work and a vampire came out of nowhere and killed her friend. Emma ran to her apartment, freaking out and not knowing what to do. Then she noticed a card for Angel Investigations laying on her table. A few days earlier a customer had given it to her when they paid the bill. She never took it seriously until now.

Emma quickly dialed the number. A woman picked up. "Angel Investigations, Cordelia speaking." Emma immediately hung up the phone. She didn't know what to think. She thought her mom was dead. Emma knew she had to go to Angel Investigations in person and see who this Cordelia was. If it was her mom or someone else. Possibly even something else. Honestly, she wasn't sure which option she wanted most. If Cordelia was alive, then there was so many emotions tied to that. Not to mention the questions. And of she wasn't, it would be like losing her all over again. She needed some time to think about if she really could go to this hotel and find out the truth.

A couple of long sleepless nights later, Emma made the decision to go to the hotel and get answers. Good or bad, she had to know. By the time Emma reached the Hyperion Hotel, the place was empty. At first glance it didn't even look like anyone actually worked there. Taking a chance she walked inside, "Hello?". She called out as she headed for the concierge desk and rang the bell. "Anyone here?"

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