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said... on 06-15-2021 10:03:06
Jun can be a human, vampire, or walker, so feel free to pick whichever version you'd like.


Jun is a highly trusted member of Rick′s group, and would do anything to protect his dear friends from harm, even if it means eventually dying for those he deeply cares about, because he knows that every single one of them would no doubt return the favor as well. Being a former computer hacker who worked for the United States government, Jun′s main job was doing whatever it took to disable as much of the bad guy′s highly advanced technology as possible, thus giving his own country a much needed edge over everyone else out there, but after the apocalypse began he simply had no choice but to quickly flee Washington, D.C. for hopefully safer ground. Eventually running into Rick′s group in Georgia, Jun soon became good friends with not only Rick but the other Prison members too, however an upcoming showdown with the vile, notorious Governor is now approaching, meaning Jun must do his part in order to ensure the continued survival of those who′d adopted him as family.


This sensual, yet dangerous blood drinking creature is often in the mood for intimate encounters with women and men, especially after killing yet another unfortunate victim before draining them completely dry, leaving nothing but a bloodless corpse rotting away under an afternoon sun the next day. Lowly Korean peasants will hardly ever be missed either, so Jun never needs to worry about running out of a permanent food supply, thus leaving him with more than enough free time to indulge in his sickest and most depraved fantasies. Jun-sang can be violently raped, tortured and even dismembered alive too, but his formidable vampire powers will always regenerate severed body parts, and he′ll quickly become whole again. Jun can also be a heinous and ruthless sadist as well, so needless to say this undead male is an atypical representation of his species.


This blood thirsty creature has an overwhelming desire to eat raw human flesh, having been turned into an undead walker after first being brutally beaten, then at last murdered in cold blood by Negan and his heartless group of psychopathic thugs called the Saviors. Chances are that sooner or later someone will finally be putting Jun down for good, however in the meantime no one is safe from this extremely vicious individual, and even Negan himself might need to start keeping an eye on the former human before all is said and done. Several Saviors have already been violently slaughtered by the vengeful Jun, who seems to possess an unusual ability for purposely targeting those particular men and women, despite him seemingly not being much different from every other walker out there.

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