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Nozomi Sunako
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said... on 11-30-2018 8:11:49
Nozomi is an original character who can be a demoness or human.


Nozomi always relishes any opportunity to stalk then kidnap those filthy and degenerate Sapporo prostitutes, before taking them back to her secret location in the deep woods far away from town, where she next proceeds to torture and sexually assault them over and over again, until finally dismembering their dead bodies to be eaten raw later. This human looking creature can actually reveal her true demonic form whenever she so desires, but for the most part Nozomi is more than happy remaining completely normal in appearance, however this mentally deranged female also enjoys murdering Yakuza members in cold blood as well, giving these vile and disgusting males the exact same brutal treatment normally reserved for city whores. Human flesh may satisfy her ravenous appetite, but Nozomi will not rest until her beloved hometown is completely rid of all despicable scum.


This young Walking Dead female is the fiercely proud and utterly ruthless leader of the Transgressors, who are a savage but also intelligent group seeking to make a name for themselves by wiping out all the competition in Montana and Wyoming. Laying claim to this vast and seemingly endless territory, they go about murdering people in cold blood before skinning their corpses and hanging them on trees, fences, or anywhere else as a dire warning to others, reminding everyone that Nozomi′s powerful group of men and women will do whatever it takes to instill fear while at the same time, intimidating the surviving locals into complete submission. Taking full advantage of the many natural predators around them, the Transgressors know that nature will often finish off whatever they couldn′t, and for once the walkers are few and far between, indeed almost extinct in Montana and Wyoming, thanks to wild animals and brutal winters which have greatly reduced their already low numbers.
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