Unseelie Dark Empress Amulet Darksoul |M_L High Emperor Etherus Darksoul M_L Empress Cruxifix Cavaleras Darksoul||Younger Sister of Dismal Unseelie Empress Lilianna Amaris||RODS||SOD||

Last Updated: Sun 13 Mar 2022, 8:27:12

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The Wedding and Vow Renewal of Amulet, Cruxifix, and Etherus Darksoul
Category: Blogging

Everything had been planned to the last detail for the marriage and vow renewal ceremony of Amulet and Cruxifix as well as their husband Etherus.The invitations were sent out all over the kingdoms and realms, the location was a place located in the woods of Norway and all had been sent invitations for the three-day event. The first day was spent greeting all the attendees and showing them to the resort that they would be staying at. The honeymoon suite of course taken by the three being celebrated and they spared no expense for the long-awaited reunion and betrothal of Amulet and Cruxifix.

(Resort for Guests)

(Honeymoon Suite)

(Honeymoon Suite)

(Brides Maid Dresses)

(Brides Maid Boquet's)

And the groom's men were dressed in fine crushed velvet tuxedo’s all of them waiting at the altar as the guests arrived.


The ushers were at the beginning of the trail to the forest and as they walked, the setting came into view. It was a nice cool day not too hot and not too cold, and the sun was shining. There were black seats with purple ribbons and flowers on the back and plenty of room for well over a hundred guests as their family was large and they were not too sure how many may attend as they walked down a black aisle.



As soon as everyone was settled a quartet played the wedding march and Etherus was first to walk to the altar wearing a fine suit and looked as handsome as always and dignified as he walked to his place.

First he would preform the marriage of Amulet and Cruxifix then one of their dark preists would step foreward and do the renewal of the vows of the three, Amulet and Cruxifix returning their vows to Etherus as their husband.


Once he joined the other men it was Amulets time to walk down to the altar and her dress was a beautiful purple and black with lace and a train and she carried the same bouquet her wife would be of purple roses.

(Amulets Dress)

She also had her hair and makeup done up for the occassion hoping her bride and husband would approve.


(Crown and jewels)

Galaxy Eyes | Halloween Tutorial - YouTube
(Make Up)

(Bride’s Boquet's)

When she reached the end, she stood beside the bridesmaids while they waited for the guests to arrive and smiled lovingly at her husband, but her heart was racing to see her bride having been away from her for too long she wanted to make up for lost time and show Cruxifix she would never push her away again. She tried to breath steady, but she tightened her grip on her bouquet as the music continued and soon Cruxifix would come into view.

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Morris S Michaelis {RODS}


As Morris watches Destiny and then followed by Snow and behind her the two brides. In their faces, the happiness he had not seen in such a long time that, it makes him smile. Soon as they step before him, and their husband, he began to speak.* On this day ladies and gentlemen, is a great evening to celebrate the bounding of not two but three immortal souls. On this evening, I hold the power to unite these three lovely people and to make sure nothing was going to happen. I have seen Etherus grow into the man he is today, and I have seen both Cruxifix and Amulet grow as well, with kindness and love to their families and friends, and on this evening I will place my power bested in me to unite them. * He smiles and holds a book open and with one hand forward and open he blessed all three.* Blessed be thy names, blessed be thy marriage, and blessed be thy love. I blessed this marriage to be bountiful and perfect, love, understanding, when you know when to listen and when to speak, when to hold and when to let go. I witness sufferings within all three of them and endure them with love and understanding. I will bless thy family and the future children. Etherus, my lord, my son, my emperor. Will you, married once again to the loves of your life, forever hold them in death and life, never falten against them, and always be at their site beyond death? to rise your sword and shield to protect them? *He waited for him to reply.

Posted by Morris S Michaelis {RODS} on Wed Mar 30, 2022, 05:03

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Unseelie Dark Empress Amulet Darksoul |M_L High Emperor Etherus Darksoul M_L Empress Cruxifix Cavaleras Darksoul||Younger Sister of Dismal Unseelie Empress Lilianna Amaris||RODS||SOD||


Amulet kissed Cruifix back deeply and smiled. "You are perfect and with you beside me there's nothing we can't do. I love you so much we have needed this day for such a long time and here we are." She lit both their candles and put her arm out placing her wife's under and over it locking arms and they walked behind Snow and to their husband looking handsome as ever. She then smiled to Snow and Destiny, whispering to Cruxifix "I also told Destiny I'd adopt her and was hoping you would approve too." She knew she'd wait till after the ceremony for her answer as they now stood in front of everyone at the altar with their husband.

Posted by Unseelie Dark Empress Amulet Darksoul |M_L High Emperor Etherus Darksoul M_L Empress Cruxifix Cavaleras Darksoul||Younger Sister of Dismal Unseelie Empress Lilianna Amaris||RODS||SOD|| on Wed Mar 30, 2022, 04:03

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Princess Snow Rose Darksoul M&L King Christian ROD


Snow walked down the aisle ahead of her mother. As the music was playing as she smiled at everyone. Once she reached the end she stepped off to the side while waiting on her mama to come and join next to her. Looked out seeing her husband as she smiled at him.

Posted by Princess Snow Rose Darksoul M&L King Christian ROD on Wed Mar 30, 2022, 02:03

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Empress Cruxifix Cavaleras Darksoul RODS SOD DH EDF (M_L Etherus _ Amulet)


Cruxifix smiles at her daughter and gave her a hug as well, then told her.( I love you darling. ) after that she stand by her soon to be wife and kiss her gently.( im nervous my love, but at your side im well and happy, now let not make every one wait for us shall we?) then listening to Morris announcement and the music play, she took her wife while her daughters lead the way slowly walking into the middles of the floor with a small giggles.

Posted by Empress Cruxifix Cavaleras Darksoul RODS SOD DH EDF (M_L Etherus _ Amulet) on Wed Mar 30, 2022, 00:03

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Princess Snow Rose Darksoul M&L King Christian ROD


Snow smiled at her mama Cruxifix helping her out. Hearing her mama Amulet telling her it was time. Making sure she had everything she needed before giving her a small kiss on the cheek. I love you mama and I can't wait to watch the wedding.

Posted by Princess Snow Rose Darksoul M&L King Christian ROD on Tue Mar 29, 2022, 05:03

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High Emperor Etherus Darksoul RODS


Etherus felt morris's hand over his shoulder as he looks back and smiles to him. Then as the music play, he saw his daughter looking beautiful spreading the roses across the floor and Destiny herself sporting a princess crown of roses. He look to his daughter and smiles at her. Then took his attention for his wife to come forward.

Posted by High Emperor Etherus Darksoul RODS on Tue Mar 29, 2022, 04:03

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Unseelie Dark Empress Amulet Darksoul |M_L High Emperor Etherus Darksoul M_L Empress Cruxifix Cavaleras Darksoul||Younger Sister of Dismal Unseelie Empress Lilianna Amaris||RODS||SOD||


Amulet watched with a smile as her daughter walked gracefully down the aisle with petals dropping from her hands as she carried the basket and went to Cruxifix's door, knowing Snow was helping her inside and talked from the other side. "It is time my darling for us to walk together, I have a candle for you as well so we can each carry our own but I'd like to have your arm in mine as well." She smiled as butterflies filled her stomach as it was finally time to join together as more than sisters or lovers but soul mates and a wife to the other.

Posted by Unseelie Dark Empress Amulet Darksoul |M_L High Emperor Etherus Darksoul M_L Empress Cruxifix Cavaleras Darksoul||Younger Sister of Dismal Unseelie Empress Lilianna Amaris||RODS||SOD|| on Tue Mar 29, 2022, 04:03

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High Deadly Princess Destiny Hope Bloodraven Darksoul RODS EDF SOD


She giggles at the look at their mothers, at least Amulet is taking her in as her daughter and will speak with Cruxifix if she wants to be one as well. Anyway, her stomach growled in excitement as he took a giant basket of flowers and slowly began to spread the rose petals all across the floor made over to her father and give a smile., then sat by the rest of the sisters.

Posted by High Deadly Princess Destiny Hope Bloodraven Darksoul RODS EDF SOD on Tue Mar 29, 2022, 02:03

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Morris S Michaelis {RODS}


Morris finally gather everything he needed to place on the altar-like table, a table made from Mammoth Ivory and adorn with purple and black ribbon. As he watches everyone sitting and some getting together with the rest of the family at least to get to know each other at first glimpse. He knew everyone, the new and the not so new in the family, some go to greener pastures and so left as their life as a married couple was not fit for them. But then, there was this group of beautiful ladies standing by their husbands and giving their undying love and devotion to their husband, as he gave the same back to them. Morris places a black garment like similar use by wizards in demonic court. The tapestry is in gold and purple to match the ceremony colors chosen by the brides. With the wave of his hands, a dark organ plays, everyone finishes off sitting on their benches and places his hand on the etherus that was already waiting for the brides. He looked forward and look at destiny giving her the signal to come forward and spread the rose across the floor.

Posted by Morris S Michaelis {RODS} on Tue Mar 29, 2022, 02:03

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Goddess Cetrion {AODD TDG DH}


Cetrion is wearing a green chiffon dress of sheer fabric layers, delicate and elegant. Every step into the chapel brings shimmering motion to the shapely form of the goddess. Her hair was done up in a beehive style, piled high upon her head. Cetrion walked with regal poise, stiletto heels cushioned by the earthen pathway as she followed the forest guide to the ceremony site, and then paused to glance around at the vacant and occupied seats.
"Thank you", she said to the guide, dismissing him with a smile. There was a lot of chatter among the other guests. Cetrion chose instead to sit somewhat next to the two pregnant women, Ravenna and Sapphire, where it was less noisy and congested. She nodded pleasantries at the two, adding a "hello", and a smile to each as she sat down to wait for the weddings to start.

Posted by Goddess Cetrion {AODD TDG DH} on Sun Mar 27, 2022, 03:03

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Aspen Bloodraven ( AODD RODS EDF )


Aspen walks in wearing a teal dress. She had followed the path down to her husband wedding to his wives. finding a place to sit down. Her long brown hair fell down her back.

Posted by Aspen Bloodraven ( AODD RODS EDF ) on Sat Mar 26, 2022, 17:03

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Prince Christian Darksoul M_L Snow Rose (RODS)


Cristian gave a kiss to his wife Snow and let her go in first before him, there was tons of gift in the car and he wanting to make sure the gift was properly handle. as he walk over making three trips back and form he look at his watch and saw the wedding is about to start. He headed there rushing over to seat with his wife Snow, waving to his sisters and his mothers now getting married. He ask his sister Xansa where his wife was, and he was told her mom call her and not know what it was fort. Cristian kind of figures out what it was so he sat by his sisters. Looking at how beautiful everything is design, and by the colors this was choose by the two brides.

Posted by Prince Christian Darksoul M_L Snow Rose (RODS) on Wed Mar 23, 2022, 03:03

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High Princess Dusk Darksoul ( RODS )


Dusk flinched finally made it to the venue in her antic gold dress. Realizing that things were getting ready to start she quietly found a seat near her twin Huriel and Icelus, Huriels husband. She reach over and greeted her twin with a squeeze of hands. She looked to the front and nodded a greeting to their parents with a soft and apologetic smile.

Posted by High Princess Dusk Darksoul ( RODS ) on Tue Mar 22, 2022, 23:03

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High Princess Huriel Darksoul Dreamweaver M+L Icelus (RODS)


Huriel was excited about her parent's vow renewal and wedding, she had a elegent royal blue skirted dress and diamond-studded silver lace top. She made her way early to the venue to find seats amoung her family with a seat beside her for her husband. She smiled warmly seeing them both before looking around at the family members surrounding her.

Posted by High Princess Huriel Darksoul Dreamweaver M+L Icelus (RODS) on Tue Mar 22, 2022, 23:03

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Princess Snow Rose Darksoul M&L King Christian ROD


Snow got up and went to find her mama's Cruifix room to see if she needed any help. She was excited to see her two mama's get married and to watch the rest of the wedding with her Husband Christian. Knocking on the door. Mama its me Snow do you need any help with anything. Smiling from ear to ear. As her long blonde hair fell down her back.

Posted by Princess Snow Rose Darksoul M&L King Christian ROD on Tue Mar 22, 2022, 20:03

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