Jade Prime©(HOP)

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Age: 43
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Country: Bahamas
Signup Date: April 07, 2016

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The True Abraxas
Category: Uncategorized

As Jade stood in the middle of the throne room of the Kingdom of House Of Nightmares(HON), she waited to find out what this message was that the head guard said she needed to hear for her self.  She was not sure what the message could be but she knew one thing this person needed to move their ass a little faster she had so much to do since Abraxas decided to disappear many months ago.  

Abraxas told her six months ago to the day that he was going to go for a ride and would return in a few hours.  Abraxas still had not returned and Jade had been running his kingdom since his disappearance that morning.  

As Jade waited for this person to arrive she started to thank about the past. This was first time she had been able to have a second to herself since she got to the kingdom.  Many thing went through her mind.  She even questioned why she was still there running a kingdom when the king seemed to not even care about the kingdom himself, f if he did he would be there running it his self.  

As A steps could be heard coming closer to the door of the throne room from the hall way Jade turned to the door as two guards walked in with a poorly dressed middle aged man walked in the middle of the guards.  The man seemed to be holding something tightly in his hands.  

As the guards and the man got close to Jade hey stopped as the man took one more step closer to her. He spoke in a deep thick french voice. " Hello Jade y name is Alex. I come to tell you a dark tell of a dark man you thank you know." He held out the scroll he had in his hand. " I come to tell you of the true person behind the name Abraxas." He stood waiting for her to take the scroll from him. " Might we set and speak a few? I am tired and have traveled afar, as my king wished of me."

Jade looked at the man as she took the scroll, seeing the kingdom's symbol she knew just where he came from. She had sent many messages to the king of the kingdom and he had even helped her in her time of need. " come let us g to my study and you can speak to me there. There will be food and wine for you. You must be so tired after your long travels." 

As they got to the study Jade walked over to her desk and sat down. The head guard walked in after the man and stood at the door. Jade looked at Alex. " Drink and eat all you wish." Jade broke the seal on the scroll and started reading it, taking in every word that was on the scroll. As she came to the end fire started to dance within her eyes. The scroll was not good news, yet it was news that she needed to know. 

she took a deep breath as she placed he scroll down and looked at Alex. " Alex I thank you and your king for taking the time to let me know that Abraxas is not the person we all thought him to be. Now I understand hy he was so fast to want me as his wife. All he wanted was the blade I hold ot my love. As for the Device news  shall leave at once to let him know the news that has pasted my ears. You are my guest and shall stay as long as you need to rest. Do let your king know I shall travel his way as soon as I am done dealing with Abraxas." 

Jade got up and made her way out the study and to the main doors of the castle. " ready my horse and two men. I travel to Darkmoor at once." She stood on the steps for sometime until her horse and two guards road up. She looked at her head guard. " keep the kingdom safe until my return I shall be back as soon as I can. I must speak with Device and the matter at ahnd can not wait." Jade took off and after two days ride found herself in Darkmoor. She road right up to the castle and got down from her horse. She made her way to the doors of the castle were she was meet  by one of Device's guards. " I need a word with your king at once. It is very important." The guard grabbed Jade by the arm and walked to the throne room. " Sir Jade is here she said she needed a word with you and it could not wait." The guard eld Jade up off the ground as to show Device that she was there. " What would you like me to do with her?"

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