Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain The True Abraxas 2018-11-08 As Jade stood in the middle of the throne room of the Kingdom of House Of Nightmares(HON), she waited to find out what this message was that the head guard said she needed to hear for her self.  She was not sure what the message could be but she knew one thing this person needed to move their ass a little faster she had so much to do since Abr Jade's trip to Darkmoor 2018-01-30 as Jade made her way from seeing her good friend Queen Chaun Valo she headed down the road on her way to her to where ever the road would bring her. she was not sure where that would be but only time would tell. she snow started to fall as she stopped for a minute to fix her trench coat and make sure that it would keep her as warm as it could. Breaking ties with a heartless family 2016-06-26 Breaking ties with a heartless family * as I sat in the meeting room of my family. They talked about me as if I was not even there. I was not like them. They were vampires and im just a human. They stated I was a disappointment and disease to the family. They made comments about what to do with me. My own family were talking about death. They