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Free World Story: War of the Dead spin off.
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Free World Story: War of the Dead spin off.

Seven sat in his office chair rubbing his temples in confusion. He looked up again at the two pretty smiling faces grinning enthusiastically at him. Regina and Maddy had tried to explain in there enthusiastic nature to Seven the same event three times but he had struggled to get his head around it. "Okay..." He said, standing and walking around the desk "let's go over this slowly one last time". He let out a deep breath glancing over to Cal and Shanks, students at the academy in Blackthorn, Cal his son. 

"Cal, Shanks and others including Cinder, Mizzy and Luna told me how my brother attacked the academy. That he tried to use some sort of power to kill everyone there but that the genie twins... They died, sacrificing themselves to make a little pocket dimension where everyone was saved". The students nodded sadly. "But now you two are telling me that you some how saved them?"

Regina nodded with Maddy almost bouncing excitedly. "But they are not here? Correct?" Seven added "they are alive but in some other universe or something?" He could feel a headache forming "okay then ladies, explain again. From the top".

Two weeks earlier, during the war of the dead: battle of Blackthorn Asylum...

Hattress waited on the other side of the mirror, making sure Seven had gotten through okay, before kicking in with her foot. Breaking the time whole. The Zombies won’t be able to go in now. She laughed softly, making her away through the Asylum . At one point, she almost felt like she was back home in Wonderland. As if this place… No she shook it off. She won’t be the insane woman she was back home. The Hattress had worked hard on trying to remain in control of the madness within.  

Within a few hours she was able to find her way out of the crazy Asylum through a secret tunnel leading her to another building, she noticed that was.. a school? Was that the word for  it? Hattress  almost run to it. As she didn’t know the inside of the building she couldn’t use her mirrors to get in, so through the door it was. She stepped in, it was dark, but noises were all over the place. People screaming, and talking. Whisper’s of hidden people. As she walked, her boots echoed off the floor. She pulled her top hat closer to her head. Trying to remain clam. People scared her in ways. As she neared a large room, which looked like a place for eating, she saw a woman. A woman she knew all to well.’ Your highness!" Hattress almost run to her. She bowed  afew feet from Regina, Queen of  Snow forest.

Regina turned when she heard 'your highness'. No one here knew that. Sure, they could guess it, but only someone from her world would know. Regina’s eyes widened seeing the top hat, boots, and long tale coat of the hattress. The Hattress had been known throughout the lands, for her magic mirrors. At a time, Regina had needed such mirror’s for spying and for keeping a Genie in one. "Hattress… what a .. surprise.." regina turned to face her fully.’ You can rise, we are not in my world here..’ Hattress rose, the smile on her lips.’ Why have you come this far your highness??" she asked soflty.’ I came to help.. I know Seven.. he lives here. I come to make sure people where well taken care of my magic and help a little..".

Hattress face turned confused. Helpful;? Regina? What had happened to the Evil Queen." How many are ill or sick?" she asked.’ A few…" regina answered.’ Many are sick or hurt. Some have died. One a pair of Genie’s. They were friends of Sevens. Jeenee and Jeannie". Regina shook her head with sadness. She had not met them, but she felt the pain fo their lost. Which was odd for Regina . " I can help..’  Hattress smiled returned. Bright and full of hope.’ I can get them back.. well.. maybe… I can use my mirrors.’ Regina laughed and shook her head.’ No, the time travel spell never worked and it takes to much time."" No spell.. if you remember them.. when they died.. I can go back. With help from your magic, your highness.’ Hattress bowed again for good measure." Can you?" Regina asked.’ Fine… we should do this.."" take me to the spot of their death.. it’ll be better there..’ 

And so they were off. Regina lead the way through the empty halls to the place were most of the fighting took place.’ Here.. I don’t know where in this room.. but this room". Hattress nodded and stood away from regina. Hattress rose her hands into the area. A light shot through a wall. It grew and grew taking up the wall center. Creating almost a door. A shinny surface took form, that of the mirror." Your highness if you will please touch the mirror.." Hattress looked right into the center of her mirror. Regina touched the side of the mirror. 

The sliver changed into a twisted colored vortex.’ Think of them your highness.. think of their last moments.. use your power to help guide me.’ Regina was a little worried about this, but if it saved two people. The twisted color’s changed into the scene’s that came of the fight. The Genies were locked in to the fight of their lives, and just as they were about to be dealt the death blow" NOW pull them through!" Regina used her magic like a vacuum to suck them through.  They watched as the genies was sucked through time and space, but they were stuck. The mirror won’t let them through..’ no.. no this is bad.. it’s time locked..’ " what does that mean.." Regina asked looked at the mirror.’ It’s a set time now.. I can’t bring them through.. not here.. but I can.." Hattress stepped closer to the mirror.’ I can put them somewhere else.." she used her mind to think of another world, a world she’d been before. And opened the mirror there. The genies were sucked through and landed in a new world for them to live.’ It’s done..’ Hattress said smiling, as if she’d won something. Regina let go of the mirror. They were alive.., but a what cost?no one would see them again.

Regina could feel her magic weaked." we need to go..' Hattress nodded and clapped her hands together, the mirror turned into a cube." a new trick I learned.' she picked it up and through it into the air." in case Seven needs them again.' she smiled and followed the Queen out of the room. but magic would always stay within that room.. and what would come of it... would be left open.

Present time...

Seven sat at his desk looking out of the window contemplating what he had heard. They lived. Somewhere out there. He gestured to the students to leave before turning his gaze to Maddy the Hattress and Regina. "You two have done so much to help this town, and me personally. I remember meeting you both during my travels, ending up in your world of fairy tails" he smiled standing "I won't pretend to understand what brought you here to my world, but I'm glad it did". He took a hand from each of them "thank you both, for saving my friends".

The students stood in the main hall. With the aid of magic repairs had been quick. "Do you think it's true? Could the Genie’s be in here somewhere in some magical mini universe?". Nobody answered. Cal turned to follow the others noting sprinkles of glitter on the floor. 

The end. Written by the writers behind Regina and Hattress with additions from Cal and Seven with consent from all others involved.

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