Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Blackthorn Town/ Temp'elar Family Event: Mittens and The Vanishing of the Temp'elar Family. 2017-05-16 Mittens didn't like this. Mittens didn't like this at all. It had been nearly twenty minutes since she had woken from her afternoon nap that had in fairness turned into an evening nap, and despite mawing and meowing her loudest nobody had come to feed her!  With the grace of a panther she pounced up onto the window ledge of Cal's Wishseeker Episode 3: Chasing Shadows. 2017-01-23 Episode 3: Chasing Shadows."We are the Borg... Resistance is futile".The Free World Starship 'Wish-Seeker' glided effortlessly through the black river of space. It had been several weeks now since they had left the Free World System and headed out into the unexplored expanse of space. Free World had sent out countless probes to the nearby systems b Wishseeker Episode 2: Test Run. 2017-01-23 Episode 2: Test Run."I'm not entirely convinced Captain" said Alexandra, eyeing the small shuttle cautiously. Captain Kim Temp'elar smiled, understanding her hesitation. So much of their first month aboard the wish-seeker had been routine. They checked out a few local anomalies, took some readings and scans to send home and once or twice layer down Wishseeker Episode 1: Wish Upon a Moon. 2017-01-23 Episode 1: Wish upon a moon.From here Free World seemed so small. It's surface seemed almost exclusively blue with only occasional pockets of green or brown where the island nations sat. In orbit the new star base glistened, so sparkling and new. Initially both it and the Free World a Fleet had been a closely guarded secret with only the leaders of Kingdom Dragonia/Osiris Family Event- Founding of Dragonia 2017-01-23 Anubis Osiris: Dogs and Dragons.(The following takes place during Anubis's reign as Emperor of HOS). The sun shone down on the Osiris mansion with an intensity that reminded Anubis of his youth in Ancient Egypt. Standing on the balcony, Anubis looked out over the lush green lands surrounding his home. From his arms came a gurgling sound as his Temp'elar Family Event: Seven Meets Luna. 2017-01-22 Temp'elar Family Event: Seven Meets Luna.Into the Light.Dear diaryWhere to begin? I suppose by acknowledging that I don't normally write in a diary. At least I Don't think I do. I guess that could be a lie. Either way it's been such a roller coaster the last few months that I need to get things down on paper. Maybe that will help me make sense of i Temp'elar Family Story: Remembering. 2017-01-22 Temp'elar Family Story: Remembering.The Temp’elar estate looked peaceful in the early morning sun, with not a sound to be heard. However despite the outside image, within as always within family life there was mischief. Calcifer alongside the blue haired Neko Luna, crept into the attic. Seven, head of the family and Calcifer’s father had asked Temp'elar Family Event: The Funeral of Melissa Temp'elar/LaMara. 2017-01-22 Temp'elar Family Event: The Funeral of Melissa Temp'elar/LaMara.The silence was as deafening as it was peaceful. Even the customary bird song in the trees around the memorial garden seemed to have faded into silence out of respect. The grounds of the free world memorial gardens were covered in the lushest green grass with the ocean in the distance JkotoanT Event: Crowning Lucinda. 2017-01-22 JkotoanT Event: Crowning Lucinda. King Philip walked through the halls of the palace and down towards the chambers of his daughter Lucinda. While he and his wife had other children, none had embraced and defended the kingdom and culture of Japan in all of its times and periods more than Lucinda. The first in the temp'elar family line to be bor Temp'elar Family Event: The death of Krauss. 2017-01-22 Temp'elar Family Event: The death of Krauss.Live when let die. Krauss Temp’elar woke with a sudden start, sweat dripping from his hot brow.  The dreams had always haunted him but recently they had grown worse, more intense. Now when he woke from them he felt as if he was falling into a dream of reality rather than waking from one. His han