Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

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After Goodbye
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Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

Watching her husband and sons ride off was one of the toughest moments of Amoras life. True this wasn’t the first time, but last time had been so drastically different. When the frost giants had tried attacking the royal family Thor and his brothers had rode out, Odin was still king and they had not yet been married. They had no children then and so her worry had been about Thor and Thor alone. Now she watched her husband and three of their sons riding off with no assurances they would come back. She never said as much, to Thor, to them or the others who remained behind, but that worry was very real when your family was one of warriors.

Alva had tucked her head into her mothers shoulder, it was a defense to not have to watch daddy leaving, but Amora welcomed the closeness. She turned after wiping her own eyes dry and motioned for her girls to go ahead, “Come on, its cold and will only be getting colder.” Her boys who stayed behind to protect helped them inside and she brought up the rear with her guards. Alva watched over her mothers shoulders to see if she could still catch sight of her father but she couldn’t and the realization brought her to tears.

Amora wasn′t the warrior her husband was, her fighting wasn′t brute force and so she was little help now. But she had done what she could before they left and she would continue to make sure Asgard kept moving forward while their troops were away. She had ensured the childrens home in the city center was well staffed and stocked. Then she had seen to the wives and children of the soldiers going away with her husband, making sure no family within her kingdom would be hungry or lacking in anyway. The troops that remained to protect the cities walls were well supplied as well and she was confident they would be ok. Confidence was the only face anyone would see from her. She would cry at night, when she was alone in bed and nobody could hear her. But to Asgard and everyone in it she would show nothing but confidence, because no matter her worry for her family she knew they were elite, they would prevail, there was no other option. 

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