Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

Last Updated: Fri 01 Jan 2016, 22:16:57

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Age: 36
Sign: Gemini

Country: Iceland
Signup Date: November 30, 2014

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Seeking Knowledge
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Setting her babies down was the easiest thing Amora would do that day and that worried her greatly. She had a few hours to accomplish what she needed to do and the stress of that was wearing on her. Walking down the hall towards the room she used purely for her spell work which was locked off from her children, Amora peeked into doors and made sure all was right. Alva was spending the day with Thor in his office because she was keen to follow him that morning and he didn’t have the heart to tell her no. The new nanny was reading silently over her youngest children, watching for them in case they stirred in their cradles. Normally that was Amoras job but today she shoved open the thick door to her would be office and sighed heavily.

The Amora of old wouldnt be working this hard, but the Amora of old was a bad person. She cared nothing for the price magic cost, she took what she wanted and then some, with Sven at her side egging her on and promising her more. While she had been born with magics Amora had grown her arsenal in the darkest of ways. There were people with long memories who even today would like her head for the atrocities she had committed. Whole villages had fallen at her hand, blood prices for darkness she had used to grow even more deadly. She had massacred, stripping people of their own natural powers and bartering lives for more still. She had never thought of a right or wrong. She did as she wished in the moment and never thought of the one to follow it. It was liberating and terrifying. Finding the error in the hatred she lived in only came with motherhood, wanting safety for the smallest and most fragile, the people she would put in danger by the mob of hate she cultivated in her wake.

Now Amora had a large family, and her children needed protecting from Sven and his ilk. And she lacked the powers to help properly. Going about it the old way wouldnt do. The guilt she felt over her past was immeasurable, and it only got worse the longer she thought on it. She could help orphans for the rest of her days and never make up for the blood she had spilled. Still she needed some way to garner her abilities back, bolster the only way she had to truly protect those she cared about. As much as Thor tried to hide it she knew war was brewing. All the signs were there and before they were under attack she had to find a way to help even it was merely playing the shield for those who mattered most to her.

Pulling a vial down from a shelf just above her head she went about dipping the dust into the floor. On the floor she drew an ornate circle with runes worked into the edges. It was time consuming but she needed this to travel without the help of a god or Heimdall. And for now thats what she needed, to move alone. Once the circle was complete she slid the vial into her pocket and started to murmur the incantation she had learned along ago. It used to be her way to sneak out of her fathers home in Alfhiem, but now she was seeking knowledge not trouble. She knew only a few places that might help her and so she settled on the first to come to mind. She ended in a dark room, with high book stacks that cleared her height by two easily. Since she was looking for something not easily gained and therefore not easily taken she thought the best place to start was a source of ancient knowledge. 

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