Amora The Enchantress {Queen Of Asgard} {Wife Of Thor} {Yggdrasil Kingdom}

Last Updated: Sat 26 Dec 2015, 9:55:29

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Age: 36
Sign: Gemini

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Signup Date: November 30, 2014

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Amoras Chrustmas Gifts
Category: Uncategorized

Amora managed to face every holiday with a wild excitement that was rare in her. While she had always liked the cold and snuggling inside hiding from snow with the birth of her children it took on a whole new meaning for her. Now it was an excuse to spoil, have her babies tear into bright wrappings and ribbons and make a complete mess seeking surprises inside packages. 

With so many of her children older she found a harder time spoiling them, for her babies it was simple, bright colored toys for Arkin and Sassa, dolls and loads of pink for Alva. For her older girls she worked on charming jewels, protections that they would wear around their necks or wrists. The same for her granddaughters, something pretty and practice enough it made Amora feel like she did some small thing for her family. 

For her sons she had chests delivered to each of them, blades and shields charmed like the girls but for a different purpose. Nobody but them could use the weapons for harm, a foe couldn't pick up the blades and use them for harm, no blows would land. No doubt something that would amuse her children in the training yards but again make her feel like she was helping them in some way.

For her husband who was ruler of everything in their world it was near impossible to find small tokens. So she worked on a plan, when they were away between Christmas and the new year. She would do something special for him one evening on the side of the snowy mountain they would relax on. She would plot and plan and make the evening perfect for them, and with that in mind she managed to boast a smile through the entirety of the holiday. 

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