Emperor Duriarch Kosseth {IOK}

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"We are the shadow of the night come to enslave your souls"
119 years old
Freetown, Saint Philip
Antigua and Barbuda - Whip for H
Last Login: February 20 2017

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   Contacting Emperor Duriarch Kosseth {IOK}

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And then the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
The short and sweet
Full Name: Duriarch Aldarin Kosseth
Nicknames: None at present
Aliases: The Dark Emperor, Lord of a Thousand chains, Herald of the Coming Night
Age: Unknown but has ruled for over three thousand years.
Place Of Birth: Kalidon
Current Residence: Kalidon
Ethnicity: Shadow Elf
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Height: 6′2
Build: Muscular
Birthmarks/Scars: Far too many to note
Mother: Alstariel
Father: Lolindir
Sister(S): None
Brother(S): Valdarin (Deceased)
Other Family:
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Married
Current Relationship(S): Adirah Kosseth
Past Relationship(S): Too many to note
Era" 10th Millenium
PositionEmperor/ Head of House Kosseth A wild patience has taken me this far...
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Emperor Duriarch Kosseth

Emperor Duriarch Kosseth is the the head of House Kosseth and Emperor of the Imperium of Kalidon. What once started as a small kingdom upon the world has expanded to consume that entire world and stretched beyond to consume a thousand world′s. Duriarch is one of the Valeshharim that were once one of four elder or elven races to inhabit Kalidon. Duriarch first ascended to power during an event known in history as the ′Sundering′ this was when the once united elves people were shattered when Duriarch the eldest son of Lolandir was passed over for his younger brother to inherit. Furious to learn of this Duriarch slew his own father and after being burned in the fires of Ascension he fled his homeland with his supporters and formed his own Kingdom . Over the centuries that followed under one King they became an empire that spanned first the entire continent then the entire world. Over the next ten thousand years this Empire expanded into the stars bringing blood, death and the shackles of slavery in their wake.

I came to explore the wreck The words are purposes The words are maps I came to see the damage that was done and the treasures that prevail

Nulla facilisi. Aliquam accumsan nunc erat, sit amet bibendum diam interdum at. Nunc vel gravida nulla. Vestibulum porttitor sed urna ornare dignissim. Nullam vitae erat a odio sollicitudin rhoncus. Pellentesque vitae risus id nisl interdum aliquet eu nec felis. Sed elit nulla, convallis vitae quam sed, faucibus rhoncus neque. Quisque porta magna vel purus sagittis, quis ultricies ligula fringilla. Sed pretium libero laoreet sapien fermentum eleifend. Mauris tincidunt faucibus velit nec aliquam.
Bold Italic Emphasize Underline strike strong standout

Maecenas sollicitudin justo est, a laoreet nisl ullamcorper id. Nullam vitae ligula non felis elementum efficitur. Morbi augue urna, porta ac posuere non, scelerisque non nisl. Nullam pretium diam vel nibh pellentesque gravida. Sed tincidunt mi id massa iaculis, et fermentum massa maximus. Suspendisse placerat blandit aliquam. Nulla porttitor metus metus, eu rutrum dui ullamcorper et. Nulla cursus nunc ut orci egestas, eget lacinia nisi lacinia. Pellentesque viverra risus et convallis blandit. Mauris eros erat, pellentesque et aliquet non, accumsan non sem. Nullam et nibh lacus. Donec in sodales erat, sit amet sagittis lectus. Curabitur elementum lacus eget nunc rutrum varius. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam convallis cursus nulla et maximus. Aliquam eget faucibus felis, eu fringilla magna.

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Personality Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one′s courage.

Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras eu velit nec erat maximus fermentum. Mauris vitae vestibulum dolor. Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Novelty seeking Impulsive, exploratory, fickle, excitable, quick-tempered, and extravagant. Associated with addictive behavior.
Psychoticism Psychoticism is a personality pattern typified by aggressiveness and interpersonal hostility. High levels of this trait were believed to be linked to increased vulnerability to psychosis such as schizophrenia.
Obsessionality Persistent, often unwelcome, and frequently disturbing ideas, thoughts, images or emotions, rumination, often inducing an anxious state.
The personality traits listed above are samples from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trait_theory#List_of_personality_traits
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Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

**Important** You will note the line above starting with "param" and ending in "opaque" has been added in. When you switch players with one of your own, make sure to add that line to your music player code. While the code is not needed in this layout, it′s best to get in the habit of adding it in. Firefox does not always properly hide a ′hidden′ object without a code like the above.
Verses War - Erotica - Dark Writing Style Multi-para to Novella Dues Starters 0 | Comments 0 | Messages 0
Emperess Adirah Kosseth

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 2 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 3 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 4 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 5 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 6 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 7 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 8 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 9 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 10 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 11 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 12 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.


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