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Featured member of the Month (6/17): Arethusa Fresh Water Nymph

Arethusa is the Fresh Water Nymph of Springs.

 photo 30886be1-2fad-45ba-bae3-a42b54efca34_zpsjboiyafm.pngArethusa is part of the KOED kingdom and an especially vital character in the Library of Lyonesse, where she is teaching and taking care of the House of Transformation.

Arethusa means "the waterer". In Greek mythology, she was a nymph and daughter of Nereus (making her a Nereid), who fled from her home in Arcadia beneath the sea and came up as a fresh water fountain on the island of Ortygia in Syracuse, Sicily. 

She has changed much from what we know about her in ancient Greek mythology since she has come to unite with her sister Galatea in KOED. She is also part of the Everlasting Deities.

Arethusa is most likely best know in the kingdom for her cheerful and kind ways, but also for a fist of steel and the heart of a warrior, which she more than once displayed in matched at the fighting club - Club Scarab.

She is currently engaged to the Egyptian God Aten. She also has taken in an adopted son, who has undergone similar changes as she has.

Parents: Nereus, Doris

Husband:  soon will be Aten


Appearance: Stunning blue hair, which is just a physical manifestation of her powers.

Skills/Trademarks: control over springs and ice. Skilled and experienced fighter. Master of Transformation.

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KOED Membership Application

KOED Individual Member Application

1. Name:
2. Species:
3. Gender:
4. Describe your Char:
5. What organizations do you now belong to or have belonged to in the past?
6. Why do you wish to leave that organization, or why did you leave your past one? 
7. Names of the leaders of your past or current Organizations:
8. List any positions you held in these Organizations:
9. Type of Rp writing (Para, one line, novel):
10.Type of Rp style (normal, horror, erotica, paranormal):
11.Why do you wish to join our Kingdom?

Our kingdom is mostly Erotic Horror, but we do normal RP also. We are mostly demons, angels, gods and other evil things that go bump in the night. This being said yes there are some taboo things that happen in the kingdom, but it is up to the members if they do such things or not. It is not required to do such things to be a part of this kingdom.  It is Required that you respect the choices of others in this kingdom, and do not bad mouth things that go on within this kingdom.  If you respect others, they will respect you.

12.List any concerns you may have that you wish us to know.

06: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Lyonesse Library Index:

Lyonesse Index:

1.       Houses of Lyonesse



2.       Looking for Fallen Angels (KOED Fallen)



3.       Featured member of the month: Aphrodite (Goddess of Love) KOED: http://www.fandomain.org/view_blog.php?id=0000001461


4.       Featured member of the month 09/15: Elpis Riddick-Lust (KOED-LY)



5.       Featured member of the month 08/15: Richard B. Riddick (KOED-HyB)



6.       KOED realms: MAES GWYDDNO (KOED/TAK-MG)



7.       Rules for Playing a Child or Teen in KOED:



8.       Featured member of the month (6/15): Frank Lust (KOED-HyB)



9.       KOED-LY: Fighting for Control



10.   KOED members by name, family, realm



11.   Featured member: Wraith (KOED-UGH)



12.   KOED realms: MUSPELHEIM



13.   Featured member: Our Queen – Desdemona Lust









16.   KOED realms: POVEGLIA






18.   KOED realms: FENGDU






20.   KOED realms: SHEOUL



21.   KOED realms: XIBALBA



22.   KOED realms: LYONESSE



23.   KOED realm: HY-BRASIL



24.   KOED realms: LEMURIA



25.   RULES and Mission Statement of KOED by Desdemona Lust


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The Houses of Lyonesse

When Lyonesse was rediscovered and the great portal reactivated the „Houses“ of Lyonesse sprang back to life with arcane magic and ancient technology. Initially Elpis and her librarians uncovered the existence of 8 Houses and mainly named them after the elements they seemed to represent, especially as each House held a “Book of Power”.

Only after the traitorous Furyans and Elders were rooted out and their plans overcome to take control over Elpis and the power contained by The Librarian and the gathered knowledge of Lyonesse, it came evident that there were more Houses. Revan and Elpis were able to access this from the Book of Fire they got a hold of after the main battle.

Not all of the Houses they were able to reveal seem to exist at the moment. Elpis has a strong feeling that they just lie dormant or were hidden away from the world to protect them. Therefore not all Books of Power are yet found. Maybe even some Elders have been awoken either. Though Riddick is sure that he now is the last of the Furyans and all remaining Furyans are dead after he killed his mother in the final battle over Lyonesse, Elpis harbors some doubts and fears about it.

Here is the record of the Houses of Lyonesse:

1.       The House of the Secret Fire: One of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, House of Lyonesse. It sometimes called the House of the Crown, as it is said that those of the Line of the Lionesse will rule over it.

Scarlett was head mistress of the House of Fire and maybe it explains why she wanted to take control over Elpis, who now has control over this house until one of her line is ready to rule over it.

The Book of Fire seems to contain nothing when you open it. Its cover is black as night, as if scorched. As a matter of fact it only reveals its content to a few chosen. Those that can read it see beyond all things to see the secrets behind the secrets, the most hidden of all hidden things. To Elpis it revealed the existence of the other Houses.


2.       The House of Understanding: This House was discovered after the Scarlett’s fall. It had been called “The Palace of Mirrors”. As one of the hidden houses it still is without an Elder to tend to its affairs and students. It is the house of wisdom and processed understanding through contemplation. Those studying the darker side of understanding often train in the skills of confusing their enemies and shattering the power of others by their own knowledge.

The Book of Power found in the Palace of Mirrors reveals the intuitive understanding and can only be read with the left eye of the beholder. Its knowledge is directly absorbed and understood by the heart, rather than the mind. If looked upon in the wrong way and without the desire to seek knowledge the book will cause a shattering oft he observers mind, leaving his knowledge scattered like light that is broken in a mirror.


3.       The House of Wisdom:  Formerly classified as the House of Air. The students and Elder of the House of Wisdom wear grey clothing only and have dedicated their life to one goal. Find wisdom by all means. They follow the rule that only the conscious mind is able to penetrate light and darkness to find wisdom. They train to never sleep so that their conscious mind is never dulled by dreams and that remains always alert to conscious perception. They can conceal their wisdom though as well as their power.

To stay alert and awake they are extremely creative and repair all the mechanical devices that channel the arcane energies and magic at the Library, like the guarded portals.

The Book of Fear is the book of power found in this house, because you should fear ultimate wisdom as it is a force of creation. To receive wisdom the students of the House of Wisdom need to face their darkest fears.


4.       The House of Knowledge: The location of this House was revealed to Elpis, but to this point no one has been able to get to it and enter it. It is unclear whether an Elder is in charge of it at the moment or if the House is altogether hidden away. It seems the chasm in which the House is hidden absorbs and destroys anything that enters.

Elpis stood over the abyss in which the House of Knowledge is hidden many times and stared into the blank, endless emptiness there without the power to reach it yet.  The key to getting to it could be linked in secrets still hidden in the House of Understanding and the House of Wisdom. The Book of Fire revealed this to Elpis.

The Book of Power that should be protected there should be the Book of Secrets.


5.       The House of Judgement: Actually the House of Judgement is almost like a regulatory instrument. Here the essence of all things are judgement and limitations. The Elders and students of this house wear red (or something representing red) at all times and worship the eternal fire burning in the Lioness, Elpis.

They are in charge of laws, order and the judgement of crimes committed in Lyonesse. The students oft he House of Judgements are excellent fighters.

Angel, is one of the teachers of law and crime in this house.

The Book of Judgement is the book of power here.


6.       The House of Love: The Elders and students of this house are known for their kindness, mercy and pity upon every creature and visitor. They value all aspects of love highest and will go to the extreme to make heal anyone hurting. Surprisingly though their Elders and students follow one oft wo paths. Either they vow celibacy as they understand love as absolute compassion and grace or they give themselves up to orgiastic love, which devours them completely.

Mr. Legion has taken over teaching and guardianship over this house.

The Book of Mercy is reveals the power to heal and repair any hurts inflicted. It is even said that this book can bring the dead back to life.


7.       The House of Balance: Also called the House of Adornment, which greats the visitors with one sentence engraved into the gate: “Let there be Light”. Therefore the house was first called the House of Light.

The center room holds a glorious throne which is set there for the Lioness to sit in upon visits. The house pleasing in every sense of the word and the architecture extremely balanced and light, allowing light and air to flow in at any point.

The Elders and students of the House of Balance study the secrets and skills that allow magic and technology to become one. They are fascinated by all things contradicting and want to achieve a balance between opposites. They get so wrapped up in their work and skills that they will exert every bit of energy around them, sapping the life force of others if needed to achieve their goals.

Rosaceae, Elpis' niece, studies the Book of Balance here.

The Book of Balance is the book of power guarded by the Elders of the House of Balance. It is intricately carved and a true beauty among the books. It is dangerous none the less to read the book for a weak mind will find that it saps all energy out of the reader and leaves them raw and emotianally drained. Elpis enjoys reading this book as it always her to balance out her powers.


8.       The House of Magic: In the House of Magic the study of magic is just one goal. Incantation through poetry, music and dance are studied to develop and perform the most difficult and complex spells that Lyonesse can provide.

The Book of Magic doesn’t just contain spells but binds the force and power to balance intellect and emotion, consciousness and unconsciousness. Those who read it fall into a deep trance and start chanting and sometimes dance. For unstudied minds this book is extremely dangerous and end in insanity and death from exhaustion.  


9.       The House of Victory: Maybe the members of the House of Victory are the most sturdy and enduring of all houses. They afflict pain and suffering upon themselves to learn endurance and patience even in the most difficult of situations. Not few of the students are skilled masters and slaves on the sensual level.

Revan, Elpis' most trusted friend and librarian, is Elder of this house. He is gathering students around him who wish to master the art of endurance and fighting.

The Book of Endurance is kept safe in this House and empowers those who read it to lead people through hard times, battle and makes them charismatic leaders. Herein lies the danger of this book should it be studied by the wrong people with the wrong intent.


10.   The House of Transformation: The members of this house worship the holy trinity. They believe in the trinity principle in all things. All things are in flow just as water is. Water resembles the perfect trinity element as it can be solid, liquid and vapor. It consists of three atoms and the geometrical structures it builds always contain the number three in some form. This is just one reason why the house was first called the House of Water. The Elders and students wear blue.

Arethusa, Galatea’s sister, is the Elder oft he House of Transformation. She is teaching water bending in this house.

Moira, Elpis' daughter, studies under Arethusa.

The Book of Water is kept safe in the House of Transformation. The cover is light blue and in constant flow. The unworthy and too willful will find destruction and nightmares springing to life when they open the book.


11.   The Foundation: Formerly called the House of Earth. All members of this house are very down to earth and rather “unspiritual”. They prefer logic and science over anything unsubstantial. They trust in what they see and touch.

Psamathe, Galatea's sister, is teacher at the Foundation.

The Book of Earth is kept safe here.

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Posted By: 
Date:Sun Jul 24 2016 8:32:26 MDT
Body:KOED is looking for members to join "The Fallen". If you wish to join them with an existing fallen angel or want to make a new character then please read the following.

 photo fb188a2c-f2b1-484d-98c9-ab5e84f32ba5_zpsl9x8xfg3.jpg

The following are the base lines for those who are making chars for our kingdom.  Those who already within our kingdom are grandfathered in to this, but this is for mainly those who are making angels, arch angels, fallen angels (both Hell bound and earth bound) and other chars like vampires and such.  so lets begain.

Do you want to role-play a male, female, or a non-binary character? There are advantages to either. This is mostly a personal choice. Most people tend to stay with their own assigned gender - at least for their first character (!), although there are many people who cross-gender roleplay. Note that non-binary genders aren′t exactly well known in the RP community, and you may get disapproval in the form of harassment - be careful.

There is also now a name, here is some sites to help you find a good name for your char.

The following are useful sites:

http://www.20000-names.com/ (Searches names)
http://www.babynamesworld.com/ (Searches meanings)
Fantasy names:


Fallen angels:  

Fallen angels have two forms.

Hellbound- fallen who have went through the gates of hell, doing so made their powers stronger, but it also made their powers turn corrupted. 

Eatherbound- Fallen who have just had their wings clipped, but have not enter hell, they still have a chance to get back into heaven. These fallen or Earthbound, they possess the powers of both fallen and Angelic.  They′re powers are muted though, the powers they gain for being a fallen angels are not very strong, yet their powers of angelic are twisted, they may still be able to heal someone, but in doing so as a earthbound, they end up taking the life of another.  Or if they try to help someone it may end up hurting that person another way. A lot of earthbound fallen angels are very depressed, they have lost their wings. In this form they will not have any form of wings, other than the nubs that still are on their back.  They will feel like they have lost their will in a way, many still have nightmares from how their wings were taken from them.


For earth bound fallen angels the following are a list of powers for them.  for the sake of making your char, please pick 2 pimary, one fallen, one angelic, and you may have 4 secondary, any side you wish, if you were a arch angel before your fall, you get three primary you get to chose if it was fallen or angelic for your third one.  

(fallen angel powers:)

(you can find detail of each powers at http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Fallen_Physiology)
Body Manipulation
Body Modification
Corruption Manipulation
Corruption Empowerment
Corruption Inducement
Dark Arts
Dark Element Manipulation
Dark Energy Manipulation
Dark Aura Manipulation
Dark Chi Manipulation
Dark Side Aspect Manipulation
Darkness Manipulation
Darkside View
Deal with the Devil
Death Inducement
Demon Physiology
Demonic Force Manipulation
Transcendent Demon Physiology
Double-Edged Power
Eldritch Physiology
Evil Embodiment
Evil Empowerment
Gestalt Form
Heresy Embodiment
Heresy Empowerment
Impossible State Survival
Malefic Force Manipulation
Morality Manipulation
Survival Empowerment
Taint Generation
Torment Inducement
Treachery Inducement
Addictive Contentment
Artificially Enhanced Physiology
Corrupting Madness
Cursed Physiology
Cursed Resurrection
Dark Form
Death Aspect Manifestation
Intoxication Embodiment
Loneliness Embodiment
Nihilism Embodiment
Disease Manipulation
Double-Edged Power
Emotion Manipulation
Emotion Tranformation
Emotional Attuned Physiology
Fallen Angel Physiology
Fallen Transcendent Angel Physiology
Disability Compensation
Insanity Inducement
Mental Manipulation
Monster Physiology
Mutated Physiology
Soul Mutilation
Necrosis Inducement
Poison Manipulation
Prayer Empowerment/Worship Empowerment- users may gain power and strength from the prayer and worship of mortals or the dark powers they worshiped.
Pseudoscience Manipulation
Psychological Manipulation
Psychosis Inducement
Satanic Incarnation
Sin Embodiment
Sin Empowerment
Soul Manipulation
Taboo Embodiment
Taboo Empowerment
Taboo Inducement
Temptation Embodiment
Vice Inducement
Weakened Form

(angel powers:)
(you can find details of each power at: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Angel_Physiology)
Enhanced Condition or Supernatural Condition
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Durability/Invulnerability
Enhanced Strength
Weapon Creation
Wing Manifestation/Elemental Wings Manifestation
Cosmic Awareness
Energy Manipulation
Enhanced Condition or Supernatural Condition
Malleable Anatomy/Shapeshifting
Spirit Physiology
Illusion Manipulation
Ethereal Angels
Ethereal Physiology
Non-Corporeal Form
Extrasensory Perception
Quintessence Force
Life-Force Generation
Supernatural Condition
Mana Manipulation
Elemental Manipulation
Energy Manipulation
Life-Force Manipulation
Common Powers
Following powers are among the most common ones angels may have:

Death Sense
Decelerated Aging or Semi-Immortality
Divine Element Manipulation
Dream Manipulation
Elemental Mimicry/Energy Physiology
Gravity Manipulation
Health Optimization
Holy Fire Manipulation
Mental Manipulation
Space-Time Manipulation
Infinite Supply
Temporal Healing
Psychic Navigation
Weather Manipulation
Angel Lord Physiology
Angelic Sorcerer Physiology
Angelic-Undead Physiology
Archangel Physiology
Cherubim Physiology
Devic Physiology
Fallen Angel Physiology
Ophanim Physiology
Seraphim Physiology
Transcendent Angel Physiology
Given the vast variety of powers Angel have available and the variety of their duties, some of the possible and known positions/variations include:

Angel of Death - Grim Reaper Physiology, Death Inducement
Angel of Destiny/Fate - Destiny Manipulation, Future Manipulation
Angel of Healing - Healing, Flawless Restoration
Angel of Knowledge - Clairvoyance, Nigh-Omniscience
Angel of Life - Life-Force Manipulation, Biological Manipulation
Angel of Light - Light Manipulation, Light Generation, Light Mimicry
Angel of Power - Almighty Link
Angel of Time - Time Manipulation
Angel of War - War Manipulation, Enhanced Combat

Hellbound Angels 

(you can find detail of each powers at http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Fallen_Physiology)

Body Manipulation
Body Modification
Corruption Manipulation
Corruption Empowerment
Corruption Inducement
Dark Arts
Dark Element Manipulation
Dark Energy Manipulation
Dark Aura Manipulation
Dark Chi Manipulation
Dark Side Aspect Manipulation
Darkness Manipulation
Darkside View
Deal with the Devil
Death Inducement
Demon Physiology
Demonic Force Manipulation
Transcendent Demon Physiology
Double-Edged Power
Eldritch Physiology
Evil Embodiment
Evil Empowerment
Gestalt Form
Heresy Embodiment
Heresy Empowerment
Impossible State Survival
Malefic Force Manipulation
Morality Manipulation
Survival Empowerment
Taint Generation
Torment Inducement
Treachery Inducement
Addictive Contentment
Artificially Enhanced Physiology
Corrupting Madness
Cursed Physiology
Cursed Resurrection
Dark Form
Death Aspect Manifestation
Intoxication Embodiment
Loneliness Embodiment
Nihilism Embodiment
Disease Manipulation
Double-Edged Power
Emotion Manipulation
Emotion Tranformation
Emotional Attuned Physiology
Fallen Angel Physiology
Fallen Transcendent Angel Physiology
Disability Compensation
Insanity Inducement
Mental Manipulation
Monster Physiology
Mutated Physiology
Soul Mutilation
Necrosis Inducement
Poison Manipulation
Prayer Empowerment/Worship Empowerment- users may gain power and strength from the prayer and worship of mortals or the dark powers they worshiped.
Pseudoscience Manipulation
Psychological Manipulation
Psychosis Inducement
Satanic Incarnation
Sin Embodiment
Sin Empowerment
Soul Manipulation
Taboo Embodiment
Taboo Empowerment
Taboo Inducement
Temptation Embodiment
Vice Inducement
Weakened Form

08: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Featured member of the month 10/15: Aphrodite (Goddess of Love) KOED

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation. She is mother of King Randy Wells and grandmother to Queen Desdemona Lust.



  Aphrodite is part of the KOED kingdom.

According to Hesiod's Theogony, she was born when Cronus cut off Uranus's genitals and threw them into the sea, and she arose from the sea foam (aphros). According to Homer's Iliad, she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Because of her beauty, other gods feared that their rivalry over her would interrupt the peace among them and lead to war, so Zeus married her to Hephaestus, who, because of his ugliness and deformity, was not seen as a threat. Aphrodite had many lovers—both gods, such as Ares, and men, such as Anchises. She played a role in the Eros and Psyche legend, and later was both Adonis's lover and his surrogate mother. Many lesser beings were said to be children of Aphrodite.

Aphrodite is also known as Cytherea (Lady of Cythera) and Cypris (Lady of Cyprus) after the two cult sites, Cythera and Cyprus, which claimed to be her place of birth. Myrtle, doves, sparrows, horses, and swans were said to be sacred to her. The ancient Greeks identified her with the Ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor. Aphrodite had many other names, such as Acidalia, Cytherea and Cerigo, each used by a different local cult of the goddess in Greece. The Greeks recognized all of these names as referring to the single goddess Aphrodite, despite the slight differences in what these local cults believed the goddess demanded of them. The Attic philosophers of the 4th century, however, drew a distinction between a celestial Aphrodite (Aprodite Urania) of transcendent principles, and a separate, "common" Aphrodite who was the goddess of the people (Aphrodite Pandemos).

One of her children with Hephaestos is Randy Wells, who later married Desdemona Lust. Who was Aphrodite’s granddaughter, out of one of her adventures.

Aphrodite has many daughters and sons. Some are part of KOED, some are just known from legend while others are yet to be discovered. So Aphrodite holds true to being the goddess of procreation and love. She is one of the foundations that made KOED possible by giving life to the rulers of the kingdom. And her heritage as goddess of love, pleasure, beauty and procreation has left its mark on all her heirs, many generations into the Lust bloodline.

But being the goddess of love is not being the goddess of marriage. So Aphrodite was often faced with the problems that hail from an arranged marriage. Finally she asked her father Zeus to pay the bride price back. So Aphrodite is no longer married to Hephaestos. And despite their trouble, she has loved him. She allowed herself time to mourn the failure of the marriage and that Hephaestos vanished into the void.

Aphrodite says about herself:  "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." 

Parents: Zeus, Dione

Husband:  none at the moment

Former Husband: Hephaestos

Children: Randy Wells, Ambrosia Deus, Lorelei Jade, and many more

Appearance: Extraordinary beauty, golden hair. She is said to be the perfect beauty and there is no flaw on her body.

Skills/Trademarks: control over love, desire and pleasure, can induce these emotions upon others, divine, immortality.

aphrodite from Desdemona Lust on Vimeo.

aphrodite from Desdemona Lust on Vimeo.

08: PM 0 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


Featured member of the month 09/15: Elpis Riddick-Lust (KOED-LY)

Elpis Riddick-Lust is the eldest daughter of Michael and Galatea Lust of Hy-Brasil. She is considered the Goddess of Geysers and Hotsprings.



  Her residence with her family remains in the Northern territories of Hy-Brasil who are greatly influenced by her being – here geysers and hot springs make the ground fertile and active with volcanic activity.

She has special skill sets as she bears a physical and emotional link to her father, as a living proof of his love to his wife. In her the contrasting concepts of water and fire, heaven and hell, demon and angel unite and struggle. Her flaming red hair and blue eyes reflect the opposites she unites in herself. Maybe that is why she loves the calm silence of libraries and books. She gets lost in them and her curiosity is one thing most people notice about her first. Therefore is her personality is usually very controlled. She is a contradiction in herself, yet unites them too. She has a stubborn streak at times. Having the responsibility for a child and age have made her softer and more careful with her temper, but she still is a rebel. Even though a succubus, she never gave in to hunting and is a one-man-woman.

Her appearance was that of a child for a long time, even if her mind was not that of a child except for a natural curiosity. She displayed a great love for knowledge and books from early childhood, along with magical despositions so strong that she managed to steal one of the most powerful book from the Halls of Elders. This Book of Time gave her the ability to stop aging. Only later did she learn how dangerous meddling with time could be and that the effects would not wear off over a long time.

From the moment she took her first breath her older adopted brother Frank imprinted on her. They grew up as siblings but when she finally renounced the spell she had woven and grew up he was there for her. These two soulmates gave in to their bond and married.

Elpis was pregnant with their first child, Ricard Lust, when Frank was killed. The grief almost killed her. Even her closest family couldn’t get through to her. Elpis and Ricard were at the risk of dying. She barely fought to stay alive and would deny to feed, just keeping her strength up enough for her unborn child.

This was when Richard B. Riddick entered her life. Sent by Frank and wanting to pay a personal debt he became her shadow. Eventually they became lovers and Riddick kept his promise to become a foster father to Ricard.

Riddick and Elpis married, having three children of their own so far.

But life takes odd turns and Frank returned from the dead with an unknown mission. There is no denying that Elpis and Frank are still soul mates. But Elpis loves Riddick and their bond as husband and wife remains unbroken.

After becoming Head of the order of Elders and already taking care of the family ancestry charts she was appointed to the position of The Librarian- the official ruler of Lyonesse.

This has made her headmistress of the Halls of Elders in Hy-Brasil and helps her perform her duties as The Librarian – the ruler – of Lyonesse.

Parents: Michael Lust, Galatea Lust

Husband:  Richard B. Riddick

Former Husband: Frank Lust

Children: Richard Lust, Kira Bijou Lust, Fortuna Riddick, Benjamin Riddick, two unborn children

Appearance: Her hair colour usually is a fiery red, but can change to a more golden tone like her mother′s or a darker shade like her father′s. Her eyes usually are blue, but they turn red in times of turmoil. She is fair to look at, having an almost angelic aura about herself. Her innocent look can deceive for she unites heaven and hell.

Skills/Trademarks: control over fire and water, transmutation of fire into water and vice versa, very intelligent, affinity to magic and skilled magican.

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Featured member of the month 08/15: Richard B. Riddick (KOED-HyB)

Richard B. Riddick, The Guardian, is husband of Elpis Riddick-Lust. One without a home or a family has become a lion.



  Richard B. Riddick was a Furyan orphan, who has started his life fighting against the odds.  A seer had told Zhylaw the Lord Marshall that a Furyan would be responsible for his downfall. He had all male children on Furya strangled and massacred. But Riddick survived. His childhood and past are something the quiet man doesn’t speak about often if at all.

Richard is not a man of many words anyway.

Riddick came to Hy-Brasil just after Frank died to grant a dead man’s wish and pay of his debt to Frank, who had saved him by watching over Elpis and the unborn child. Quickly he became Elpis’ shadow in every sense of the word, partially because at that point his implants made him extremely light sensitive. Always there where she was, quiet and standing aside but always ready to jump in. For the first time in his life he stayed in one place without being hunted.

A bond grew between them which grew into love. For Ricard, Frank’s son, he became a caring father, even if he never left a doubt who Ricard’s true father was. For the first time he had a family, especially when Elpis became pregnant with their first child – Kira Bijou.  Once a feared and hunted outlaw, he now found his home in Hy-Brasil were he took Elpis as is wife.

Along with their marriage came change for him, as he was granted immortality. The potion he was given restored his eyes and healed his scars and other signs of aging. He remains human though and just posseses his Furyan skills.

Still feared for his strength and merciless training, he is no longer a hunted man, but a respected man. A loving husband and father, a fierce fighter and protector in Hy-Brasil who gained his immortality.

Like in any family there are quarrels: Elpis and Richard are known to fight as passionately as they make love. Richard has the strength to stand and speak up against the strong-willed and temperamental goddess.  If Ricard has any weaknesses then it is the love for his wife and family.

Richard even killed a woman who claimed she was his mother to protect Elpis and their unborn child from being possessed and controlled by the Furyan Elders who tried to take over Lyonesse. If Scarlett of the House of Fire was truly his mother will likely never be fully revealed now.

He is The Guardian, also called “the lion” who is a very important person in a place full of knowledge and power. He protects and advises The Librarian. All guards in every house, school and library are under his command.

Parents (adopted): father unknown, mother could be Scarlett of the Fire house (deceased)

Wife:  Elpis

Children: Kira Bijou Lust, Fortuna Riddick, Benjamin Riddick, two unborn children

Skills/Trademarks: superhuman strength, agility and reflexes, enhanced healing skills, enhanced sight and hearing, resilience to pain.

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Maes Gwyddno is being ruled by Atalanta Lust-Rios and Adam Rios. The realm  lies between the kingdom of TAK and KOED, of which Atalanta and Adam hail.

The Rebirth of Maes Gwyddno - The wedding gift for Atalanta Lust and Adam Rios.... from the kin

Beneath the waters of Cardigan Bay there lays a stretch of fertile land that was once teeming with mammal life. Now this same sunken land houses another vast species of life; crustaceans hidden in the entanglement of lush kelp and colorful coral. According to the Black Book of Carmarthen, this land is referred to as Maes Gwyddno and was lost to the floods when a well-maiden named Mererid neglected her duties and allowed the drinking well to overflow. Sailors claim that during their late night voyages, the church bells of Cantre′r Gwaelod are said to ring out in times of danger from far beneath the depths of their watery grave. Also known as Sarnau, the natural ridge formations stretch several miles into the sea at right angles to the coast, and are located between each of the four river mouths in the north of Cardigan Bay. The lichen covered rock foundations of the ancient city can be seen from the highest tower in Atlantis, surrounded by a palisade of ledge. The vista of 5,000 year old petrified oak, pine, birch, willow and hazel tree stumps preserved by the acid anaerobic conditions in the flooded soil is revealed at low tide as a haunted reminder of its past. 

Nyghtwolfe often found this scenic view inspiring as she stood in the solitude of her castle. She marveled at the archeological importance of its ancient history. Prehistoric civilization thrived there once to rival that of Atlantis. Whereas both mystical Islands had been sunk to the bottom of the ocean, Atlantis had been raised in revival, while its twin Island remained submerged. The Gangrel goddess hadn’t thought much else about it until she received a text message from her dearest friend Desdemona of the KOED realm. It was a bit of a surprise to learn that Adam had finally gotten hitched to the stunningly beautiful Atlanta. Those two had been in a whirlwind romance for quite some time. Nyghtwolfe texted back to Des how happy she was for the both of them, and a bit disappointed to have not been invited as a guest at their wedding. Des conveyed an interest in obtaining a wedding gift of some great significance to bestow upon the newlywed couple. This text conversation continued back and forth until it was decided that the two women friends would set up a luncheon date and meet with each other in person. 

Nyghtwolfe showed up at the appropriate time and place. She ordered a glass of wine and a small platter of appetizers as she waited for Des to arrive. Greeting her friend with a smile, the goddess had on her mind an idea that was formulated during one of her solitude moments of meditation, overlooking the ocean. She would present this idea to Des and get her opinion on it. 

She took a sip of the wine and spoke, “Since I was unable to attend their wedding, and trust me, it would have meant so much to me. I was thinking of a twin Island to Atlantis that was sank to the same cataclysmic fate that which Atlantis was once sank. This piece of land was once an ancient kingdom, splendid in its time. It would be fabulous if we could raise it together, like similarly Misos had raised Atlantis to its glory.”

Nyghtwolfe smiled in a haunting manner, like a wicked banshee, “Think about it. With my goddess powers and your succubus powers, together we can lift this forgotten land up between our kingdoms. I’ll let you present it to them as a gift, since the whole gift giving idea was yours. We can hire a work crew to restore the ancient castle and its expanse of land to a copious state of fertility.”

Des had arrived earlier as she stood now within the grand kingdom of her two best friends, Nyghtwolfe and Misos. Dressed in a soft pale blue sari, Her hair was braided and pinned up, Desdemona Lust, looked more like an Indian goddess than the succubus she was. She had sent word to set up this little get together for the two kingdoms as it wasn′t every day that their kingdoms joined like this.... She came walking up to her dear friend and stood next to her as she listen to what her friend had to say. Des ordered a glass of wine and then turn to look at her. A smile on her face.

"Sadly we both didn′t get a chance to see the two marry either."

Both of them had been looking for a perfect gift and it came to them over night it seem. The two love birds were now part of both kingdoms....their children would carry the banners of both... so why not give them a little piece of land that connected the two? She had helped raised Lemuria from the depths before she gave it to her daughter Morgana to rule that land. She knew they could raise it and such. She tapped her finger along the rim of the glass as she listen to the plans of the Empress. Des was getting delighted by the moment about the new addition to the family and the kingdom, and the stronger ties to her friends. 

"since both our kingdoms do blood wine...and my little granddaughter does run the winery for my kingdom...how about we put a small vineyard near the castle and also let them both come up with a special wine for both the kingdoms too? a join endeavor in you will?"

She smiled at NW, facing the other woman fully now. She took a sip of her wine.

"hmmm I think it will be a fine addition to both our kingdoms... and I have a feeling that the two will grow a very strong family upon it.... in turn... building even stronger bonds between our families and kingdoms.... "

She finished her wine.

"I think we should get started upon this... don′t you?"

Nyghtwolfe nodded with a sparkle of eagerness in her amber eyes, “Definitely yes, vineyards. I can almost see it now!” 

The goddess drifted off in her words as her thoughts became filled with images of a successful wine enterprise being shared between both Kingdoms. Setting down her glass, the Atlantean goddess snapped her fingers. A scroll of vellum rolled down from her hand, written upon with a penned list of preparations needed to be done. She handed this list off to a servant who was always waiting nearby for the Empress to have need of something. Bowing respectfully, the servant hurried off to do her biding.

The Empress and Queen then went for a stroll together to the shoreline of Cardigan Bay. Nyghtwolfe lifted her hand high in the air to summon the divine powers of her heritage. The clear blue sky crackled with electricity. These jagged bolts of living energy stabbed down into the waters above Maes Gwyddno.

Des turn herself as NW started her power to raise the island. Des′s eyes turn fully black, no white remained. She felt the black powers of her own heritage caressing her skin like an old lover. She felt the winds starting to rise up, pulling some of her long dark hair free from their pins. 

She felt like a spirit like tree had grown roots within her and as her own powers sunk deep within the ground... moving along the earth below under the island. She could see bubbles start to brake the surface of the waters almost like someone had tip over a glass full of air under the water. She could feel the great land mess almost as if she was feeling it herself. It would take a lot of her power to help push it up....but thankfully with NW they would be able to lift the land without over extending either one of themselves. 

Black little pops of magic snapped around Des′ fingers as she wiggled them slightly at her sides almost like she herself was trying to wiggle her fingers under the jagged edges of the island to get a better grip. Under her breath she chanted softly, and dark spell long forgotten by those of today....

The ancient land heaved up from its watery grave. Columns of its fortress pierced the surface and were propelled outwards to a towering height as water cascaded down from it. The old castle was covered in coral, starfish, snails, and lichen upon its stones in an interesting natural design. Nyghtwolfe liked the appeal of it and decided to permeate it as it was. She threw a powerful wave of enchantment to wash over the risen land, and in short time the entire castle and its accompanying towers were preserved with the oceanic ornamentation intact. These creatures of the sea would become the living personification of themselves upon the stones, frozen in time, eternal. Nyghtwolfe laughed, clapping her hands like an excited child, “Gosh it’s so beautiful!”

Des couldn′t help but smile at her friend clapping with childlike excitement. She felt it growing within her too. She looked at the beautiful creation her friend had designed within the castle. She used her magic to push the island up more so it now was sitting upon the water. She watched as the waves beat at it′s shores like an angry child who lost it′s toy. 

She wanted a little touch of darkness within the island, to call out perhaps to her granddaughter demonic nature. One of the few water demons of the kingdom, She waved her hand as the sandy beaches of the island darken a bit, to bring it a bit of black sand. Des smiled as she like that it would be one of a kind, among the lands between both realms. Des let her eyes slowly go back to the normal amber color as she looked over at her friend.

"I think after your works get the rest of the lands ready.... it will be the perfect gift from both kingdoms to the two.... don′t you? I kinda feel a bit jealous, it is truly a beautiful creation, "

"Truly it is a masterpiece!", Nyghtwolfe exclaimed with admiration in her voice as her eyes beheld the awesome beauty of the reborn Island. She took Des by the hand as they flew together over the rippling waters with their wings and landed upon its shores. Nyghtwolfe sang a sweet melody of the dryads, awaking the spirit of the forest that was preserved here. The trees came alive with fresh tender new leaves, creating an oasis paradise for birds and wildlife to flourish here. The dryad friends of Artemis and the water nymphs took great care of the rest of the restoration, making the Island a more habitable place for life.

1.   1.     Atalanta Rios- Lust: Lady of Maes Gwyddno, twin of Phoenix Lust, daughter of Michael and Galatea, married to Adam Rios: http://www.fandomain.org/view_profile.php?member_id=858

2.      2.  Adan Rios: ruler of Maes Gwyddno, married to Atalanta, father of Angel and Letty: http://www.fandomain.org/view_profile.php?member_id=2015

3.     3.   Angel:

4.  4.     Letty:

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Rules for Playing a Child or Teen in KOED

Rules for playing a child or teen in KOED:

1. No sex til the rp age of 16, at the least, I say this due to a few of the younglings who gotten married at 16... 
2. No sex rp will be allowed from anyone with a child in this kingdom. It does not matter if some are sex demons...they are not of age. 
3. No youngling will be able to go into heat to have their children til they are the rp age of 18.... at least. As demons we go into heat for children and the girls will decide with its time...not the men.

These are the main rules of the children... I feel that in time I will have to add more....but this is the rules of anyone who will take up the reins of having a profile of one of the children in this kingdom... 

Thank you Desdemona Lust
Queen of Kingdom of Erotic Desires

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