Vivan Westbrooke {FW:BT}

Last Login: April 06, 2019

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Age: 31
Sign: Leo

Country: Guatemala
Signup Date: August 07, 2017

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The Birth of Viveca Lust.

More than an hour after feeling her body start to change, and prepare herself for the birth of her daughter, Vivan was finally ready to give birth. Archie had been in and out of the bathroom, where she had laid in the warm water, waiting for is mother to reply to his urgent calls or show up. She didn't know how much longer she could wait, the little one was more than ready to come, and didn't plan on waiting much longer.

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The Past Returns. --Story Line between Vivan and Elle--

--A time ago in Spain--
The day was a beautiful one, it was warm, the air was fresh and clean throughout the meadow. 5 girls sat in the meadow, surrounded by the coven's Elder Vampires. Each of the five girls where special each in their own way. Elle, Mind Reading. Kloe, Emotion Manipulation. Vivan, Fertility. Selene, Animal Manipulation. Celestia, Ansestrial Magic. Each had their own reasons that the coven kept them on a tight lockdown. Vivan knew that she was different than all of the other girls. They all were trained and highly skilled in their gifts, but for Vivan that was impossible. No matter how many times Vivan was paired with others, she refused any type of comunication with him.
Time after time of not cooperating, the coven made a horrid choice. They came to the conclusion that if the Conven drank Vivan's blood themselves, they too would recieve her gift. Against her parents will, Vivan was thrown into a sarafice, in which Celestia led.  Vivan was held down with Charmed chains that no vampire could break out of, unless you were an ancient one. Celestia, marked Vivan and began the sacrafice. Soon after it started, the mark on her forehead started to burn and pain ran through her viens as her eyes started to bleed. Vivan's wrists were cup open and her blood was poured into goblets and passed around the coven. Little did they know, Vivan would survive that night and her parent's would die becuase of it.
The sun shined brightly through the window, illumintaing the sleeping bodies tangled together in bed. The young vibrant, purple haired woman sat up slightly and hissed in pain as the sun hit her skin, burning it slightly. She looked at her skin and studied it, before hopping up as swiftly as she could, snapping the blinds shut. Her skin was slightly red from where the sun had it her, but it wasn't horrible. It would heal soon. She already knew the reasons why this was happening, the growing fetus inside of her. She turned and looked at Archie, who was sound asleep in the bed. She smiled, softly before getting dressed, covering all of her exposed skin, except for her hands and face.
Walking out into the sunlight was harsh, but she had things to do before her love woke. She had wanted to surpirse him with a food and some other things.  As she slowly made her way around the corner,  Vivan spotted a fimilair figure with short blonde from her past, one she hadn't seen in a long time. One she had hoped she wouldn't see ever again. A low and threatening growl rose from her throat as she approached, the womans name slowly making its way out of her mouth "Elle."Before Vivan knew it, they were in the middle of the forest, her hand crushing the woman's throat as she had her pressed up against a tree, fangs bared. "What are you doing here Elle?" She asked in a low threatening voice. She knew the answer to the question, but she needed confirmation.

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The Return to Spain

It had been about 11 years since Vivan had been come back to Spain, ever since her parents had been murdered and she had become an orphan. She had left everything behind to rid herself of the memories haunting her.

Vivan had finally decided to come back, for how long? She didn’t know.

As Vivan walked out of the sliding doors of the Airport she spotted a two familiar blue haired and blonde headed girls. Immediately she recognized them as Thalassa Peirce and Paradise Rhias, whom both she had went to school with.

Thalassa, an immortal water Nymph and one of the many daughters of Poseidon had shared the same trait of having been born with an unnatural hair color. Her’s was to symbol the connection she had to her father, and the ocean. Unlike Vivan, she could change it whenever she wished.

Paradise, was a vampire just like Vivan, graced with special abilities to read and see into people’s minds. She had been there for Vivan when she had needed someone the most, after her parents had been murdered and when she went on a bloodlust craze.

The three of them, plus five other girls had gone to a private academy called The Serenity Academy for girls. They had been lucky to go there, since mostly Royals went. Thalassa amongst those Royals.

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