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said... on 04-05-2022 6:30:22
Natreā€²s from the Asian horror movie "Shutter" and can be a ghost or human. She's an abused young woman who no longer desires a serious relationship with anyone, unless it just so happens to be the right person who will love her unconditionally. Despite having a sad and tragic life, Natre only wishes to put all of that behind her as soon as possible, while at the same time still punishing the guilty who truly deserve to suffer for their horrible crimes.

"My name is Natre. I was a young woman from Thailand who had a troubled and uneasy life. I never could seem to fit in or identify with anyone, which caused problems for myself and others around me. All of that changed when I met Tun, who at first seemed to truly care deeply about me. He was the only person who accepted my rather strange behavior, yet the more we got to know one another, the further we grew apart. This was especially the case when around his friends. Tun never told anyone about our relationship, and one day they started harassing me while Tun stood by and did nothing. But that paled in comparison to that awful moment when those cruel men raped me and Tun took pictures with his camera to keep me silent about it! If he truly loved me, could he have not at least helped matters out by coming to my aid? All of this weighed heavily upon me, and more than once I sought to commit suicide, and finally succeeded by throwing myself off the hospital building. After dying, my spirit returned and started haunting Tun's friends. One by one I made them kill themselves in the same manner in which I died. Tun was a photographer, and along with his new girlfriend Jane, began to see strange images in the pictures taken by his camera. At first he was skeptical and did not believe anything was unusual, but Jane was more open to the idea that something weird was going on. Eventually I went from revealing myself through pictures to actually manifesting my spirit in their presence. I took great pleasure in haunting Tun and making his life a living hell! All the while Tun complained of neck pain and weight gain, but no one could ever explain what was happening to him. But the truth was I was with him the whole time yet he never knew it! In time, Jane found out about the hidden pictures Tun took regarding my rape, and she left him in disgust because of it. What happened next is something of a personal vindication for me! All I will say is that Tun has paid the ultimate price for his actions!"

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