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Arthur Morgan
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said... on 04-05-2022 8:34:09
Arthur Morgan is the central character and main protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2. One of the Van der Linde gang’s most prominent members, Arthur is Dutch's strongest, most reliable, and most versatile disciple. Dedicated and commanding a broad skill set, he is always willing and able to do whatever is needed in a given situation to help the gang as a whole or its individual members. Arthur is widely regarded by allies and foes alike as the single-most dangerous member of the Van der Linde gang, and he is recognized and feared as its primary enforcer. By 1899, his reputation is such that fellow gang members and enemies regularly comment on his ability and stature in the gang. On multiple occasions, he is the target of attempted ambush, assassination, capture, or bribery, with Pinkerton and rival gang leaders hoping to eliminate him or turn him against Dutch and the gang. His proficiency, versatility, and ferocity, combined with his natural strength and toughness prove him to be a peerless combatant. From antiques such as the Volcanic Pistol to modern Mauser Pistols, his competency with a variety of weapons and fighting styles in itself makes Arthur an invaluable asset. Furthermore, along with Charles, he is the best melee fighter in the gang. One of the most notable displays of Arthur's physical dominance comes during the infamous Valentine bar brawl. Here, in a matter of minutes, he rescues Bill and Javier, knocks out three opponents in succession, and single-handedly defeats the colossal Tommy (reputedly the town's toughest resident) by nearly beating him to death. This incident in itself establishes a lasting reputation of formidability for Arthur in the town. Even when afflicted with advanced tuberculosis, and near death, Arthur is still able to hold his own against Micah. Although occasionally susceptible to surprise, when fully healthy he scarcely encounters a physical contest that he cannot overcome or, if necessary, escape. He repeatedly leads Van der Linde gang members in defeating vastly numerically superior forces of law agents, soldiers, and rival gang members. Arthur's skills go beyond those purely necessary for physical confrontation, however. A skilled interrogator, he proves capable of using not only intimidation and force but also charm and charisma in order to elicit payment and information. He often displays a working knowledge of - or quick ability to learn - how to operate machinery or transportation, including steam locomotives. Although there is no evidence that he ever received any formal training or education, his journal entries demonstrate a natural talent for writing and art. Although Arthur is usually humble about his mental prowess, he is in many ways quite intelligent. He consistently demonstrates strong leadership, a cunning aptitude for strategy, and an accurate intuition for how plans will succeed or fail. He also proves to be a keen judge of character, often correctly assessing the actual intentions, deceptions, and capabilities of those around him. Hosea remarks that he believes Arthur's modesty hides a sharp mind that is far more acute and observant than Arthur tends to convey. Furthermore, Arthur's temperament is another key asset. He rarely loses his cool and prioritizes the situation at hand rather than get caught up by his emotions. This is demonstrated multiple times when he witnesses friends being killed, or himself betrayed, but carries on dealing with whatever tasks he has. However, Arthur is willing to show his ruthlessness when necessary, quickly putting down people who try to threaten or insult him. This leads to him being seen as an imposing and intimidating figure. Arthur demonstrates an enormous capacity to acquire wealth and material for the Van der Linde gang through hunting, scavenging, fishing, crafting, gambling, robbing, looting, loan collecting, and various other means. The gang's ledger serves as ample testimony to Arthur’s resourcefulness, as he can prove able and willing to produce far greater quantities of money, food, medicine, herbs, pelts, stolen items, contraband, and other goods for the gang than all other gang members combined. Arthur is proficient in wilderness survival. Though he claims that he never got the hang of shooting a bow during a conversation with Charles, he nonetheless picks up the skill quite quickly. His time riding with the gang has taught him how to live on the fringes of society. Arthur is able to track, hunt and skin animals with the skill of a seasoned outdoorsman. Unlike John, Arthur knows how to swim, and is also a master equestrian.

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