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Saya Otonashi
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said... on 06-15-2021 1:11:53
An undead creature from the anime film Blood: The Last Vampire, Saya hunts chiropterans using a katana. It is implied that she is the last remaining vampire and called "the only remaining original." Saya has no weakness to sunlight, although it is unknown if she has any of the other vulnerabilities often attributed to dangerous blood drinkers. She does, however, become distressed when she encounters religious paraphernalia and angry whenever people mention God in her presence. Saya displays superhuman senses and strength, as well as cunning, resourcefulness, and skill. The manga series suggests she was a human-vampire hybrid. Her age is unknown, but a picture of her with nine other people is shown in the film with the date 1892 and the word "vampire" attached to it.

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