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Asami Yamazaki
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said... on 06-15-2021 3:52:24
Asami suffered much abuse as a child and young woman, but always gained revenge in the most violent and sadistic ways imaginable. She's now more focused on finding true love with the right person to make her tormented life complete, yet every so often her dark side rises up to torture and dismember those who deserve such terrible fates! Asami knows the guilty must be punished without remorse, and she can be a human or ghost as well.

Version One: Asami alive

"Most people may know me from the Asian horror movie "Audition". I helped start the J-Horror craze that so many of you seem to love. But I have not gotten the respect and appreciation a woman like myself so justly deserves. For too long society has ignored and neglected me, but no more! I've returned to take my vengeance upon those who have wronged me. I still suffer the trauma from the abuse I endured as both a child and young woman. Every new day reminds me of the physical and emotional scars from my youth. None of you will ever understand and know how I feel! The only way to truly become human is to experience agony and pain beyond your imagination. Only then can anyone truly understand me. Welcome to an existence of pure insanity. Enter into my world of torture and suffering, Kiri Kiri Kiri Kiri!!! I love making people who mistreated me pay in blood with their lives. Sawing off body parts, decapitating heads from torsos, severing arms and feet with lovely piano wire as well, all of which are valuable lessons anyone can learn from and truly appreciate! Sharp pretty needles are my most prized possession, for they allow me to go deeper, ever so deeply, inside someone's tongue or stomach, making them scream in sheer agonizing torment!"

Version Two: Asami dead

"Words create lies, pain can be trusted. That is not merely the statement of one who is a false dreamer, but rather the phrase of a woman who has experienced much misery and cruelty. True, while alive I had also dealt such pain upon others, but only because it was deserved! My heart has been hardened to emotions of love and happiness, one betrayal after another has turned me into a bitter and callous woman. The time has arrived for retribution. Make no mistake, I am dead. The breaking of my neck at the end of "Audition", has made it so. But the hate and anger which reside in my spirit shall be satisfied with the death of many who caused me great agony. Avenging my abuse and torture, both mental and physical, is the first step. I chose the true ending of "Audition" as my base for this journey into insanity, rather than the fake happy one which only promises lies and false hope. My death shall be the beginning of the downfall of all whom I've known!"

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