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Eugene Porter
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said... on 01-16-2020 3:18:37
Dr. Eugene Porter, portrayed by Josh McDermitt, is a survivor of the apocalypse and a member of Abraham Ford's survivor group and later a minor antagonist after he unwillingly begins working for the Saviors. He comes across as timid and socially awkward. Initially when encountered by Rick's group, he appears to be a scientist that knows of a cure to the outbreak located in Washington, D.C., with Abraham and Rosita assisting him. Later, Eugene is forced to reveal that he lied to Abraham to gain his protection back when they first met, leading Abraham to punch him unconscious and creating a rift in their friendship. When the group makes it to Alexandria, Eugene assists the community with his technical knowledge to repair their solar power system. This helps to boost his confidence to learn how to defend himself, reconcile his friendship with Abraham, and help the community find a way to make more bullets. When Negan discovers that Eugene makes bullets, Eugene is taken to work for the Saviors. Although Eugene accepts the offer to become one of the Saviors, he still helps Sasha kill herself but lies about it to Negan. He is an important player for the Saviors in the All Out War arc, but is tormented with conflicting loyalties, especially after he discovers that Dwight is playing both sides.
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