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Deanna Monroe
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said... on 05-01-2019 9:51:06
Deanna Monroe, portrayed by Tovah Feldshuh, is a former Congresswoman and the leader of the Alexandria Safe Zone. She is based on the character of Douglas Monroe from the comic books. When Rick′s group arrives in Alexandria, she interviews each member and records their testimonies, believing that the tapes would be important artifacts when Alexandria rekindled civilization. Deanna is very good at reading people, and she eventually finds an ideal job for each of them to contribute in the community. Deanna is the mother of Aiden and Spencer and wife to Reg. She had to deal with the loss of her son, Aiden, who died on a run for supplies and later Reg, who was accidentally killed by Pete, their medical adviser, and these losses change her views on how Alexandria has to be run. She wanted to expand Alexandria wider and gave her plans to Rick. When the herd of walkers break into Alexandria in "Start to Finish" she is bitten, and she tells Michonne she will kill herself when the time is right. Due to Carl and Ron fighting, the walkers end up invading the house they were in, and Deanna sends them away without her. Once the walkers reach upstairs, instead of killing herself she takes out several walkers before being consumed. She is later put down by Spencer and Michonne, then buried in the woods outside Alexandria.
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