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said... on 05-03-2018 2:04:41
Lilith is a female demon of the night, one that flies about the countrysides while searching for newborn children to either kidnap or strangle to death. This vampire seductress also sleeps with men in order to seduce them into propagating demonic sons. Thought of as a blatant harlot of her time, Lilith thoroughly enjoyed the company of both men and women and still does today. Lilith is always in command over them, disposing of these worthless humans if and how she wishes.

Lilith was Adam′s first wife before Eve. Adam married her because coupling with animals being boring and tiresome. Adam tried to make Lilith lie beneath him during sexual intercourse, but Lilith would not meet his demand of male dominance. She cursed Adam and hurried to her home by the Red Sea. Adam complained to God, who then sent three angels to bring Lilith back to Eden. Lilith however, rebuffed the angels by cursing them. While by the Red Sea Lilith became a lover to demons and produced hundreds of children a day. The angels said that God would take these hellish children away from her unless she returned to Adam. When she did not return she was punished accordingly. God also gave Adam the docile Eve.
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