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Billy Loomis (Biography)
Category: Blogging

Early Life

Billy was born to Hank and Nancy Loomis on Thursday, September 19, 1979. At some point started dating Sidney Prescott as well as befriending Stu Macher. Hank had an affair with Sidney's mother, Maureen, and upon discovering this, Billy's mother left. The maternal abandonment caused a serious disruption to Billy's life.

After learning about the affair, Roman Bridger showed Billy video footage of Hank having an affair with Maureen, his girlfriend's mother. Roman convinced Billy to murder Maureen because she was the reason Mrs. Loomis left Hank and Billy. Roman told Billy to get an easily controllable accomplice he could pin the murder on if it went wrong and to frame another of Maureen's lovers. Billy and Stu followed the plan perfectly.

In August 1996, Billy slept with Christina Carpenter and conceived their child Samantha Carpenter while he was still with Sidney, and later on, Christina gave birth to his daughter, in May 19th 1997. Billy never knew his daughter and Samantha spent most of her life not knowing he was her real father until she found her mother's diaries which confirmed this to her.

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