Genevieve Lucia{Ashen Grey Horseman}{Pestilence and Famine}{Dhampir_Archangel Hybrid}(TDG){Grigori}

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Pestilence Devours Famine Starter
Category: Uncategorized

Since the beginning of time, the Four Horsemen have been linked to signs of an apocalypse coming and have been responsible throughout history for plagues, decaying crops, and even death. What is not known about the Four Horsemen is the sibling rivalry that happened often between the Four. Genevieve believed she to be the greater Horseman aside her brother death and that Famine was nothing but a waste for all he could do was stop crops and cause food shortages.  

With his power combined with hers, Pestilence or the Black Rider would grow in power daring not to try and think of crossing her brothers War and Death but one day she decided she was going to devour her brother and become him. Part Pestilence and part Famine. If she did this, she could do so much more than he, never having been capable of. The black Rider managed to defeat her brother in combat when she attacked him and upon her win, she absorbed him now being the pale rider and black rider in one. 

Genevieve now rides a dark ashen grey horse having taken the pale rider's place. There are still four horsemen of the apocalypse as she technically is divided into two. One being pestilence the black horse, and the other famine the pale horse. She casts plagues in every city she passes through, her touch causing boils and misshapen beings that bubble until they explode.  

Anything they covered becoming the most infected individuals, the ones that need to be burned alive for they will spread the diseases she inflicts like wildfire. She also causes crops to dry up, plagues of locusts in waves across the land and revels in the torment she causes. She lives in this time not to be a savior but a being with devastating power. Her brother Death grew amused at her use of her powers and his collection of souls becoming quite easily and plentiful. 

Genevieve passes through cities and towns, just waiting and seeing what offered her the most fun. She could often be seen drinking in a bar, her human form a vibrant emerald shade of locks and fangs with incisors as well as two lip piercings, one on each side and a bar going from side to side on her tongue and green hues. She was in fact sitting in a bar now checking out who to infect and watching the spread of that sickness like wildfire through the whole place.  

Some left not feeling well, which means that she would soon have the whole town she decided to rest in with consumption, making it hard for doctors to treat the infected as they became infected themselves when near the ones they wanted to help. She gave a demented giggle as she drank from her glass some whiskey and wandered outside to see people coughing up blood and collapsing on to the street then those driving to get away from the infected, ran over the people who had fallen, squishing their heads into mush, and breaking the spines of others. It was a, immensely enjoyable show for her, and she could not help but smile with joy at one of her many Masterpieces and waited on Death to arrive.

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