Níðhöggr{Aria Saphira}{Mother of Dragons}{Malice Striker}{Norse Dragon}{Dragon Of Hel Fire, Overseer of Náströnd }{Mated to Seath the Scaleless Dragon}{TNR}{LOD}{RODS}{ROME}

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Aria and her first love Fafnir (Side Story)
Category: Uncategorized

When Níðhöggr and her kin roamed the lands with the Gods, their lives became the stories of the Norse. Although the Norse had many insights there were many stories that never came to be in their lands so they were unknown and lost to the people. They knew of the beasts created by the gods, and the fate of most, but they never knew of Níðhöggr, the name the Norse also referred to as Aria, and Fáfnir or how they were connected to one another. They knew of the story of Fafnir and his creation, even his downfall but not of the love he shared with Aria.

The story of Fafnir says Fafnir was a dwarf that was known for having a strong right arm and a brave soul. Fafnir was the son of the dwarf king Hreidmar, and he had two brothers Otr and Regin. When he was young and lived in his father’s house he helped by protecting their property as a guard. The reason why it was Fafnir that was chosen for the job was that Fafnir was the strongest and most aggressive of the three brothers. Because of Hreidmar being the king of the dwarves he had a good amount of wealth and their house was made from gleaming gold and blinking gems. But over time his greed caused him to transform into a fearsome dragon who breathed poison into the lands around him to keep others from seeking his treasure.

Aria felt a new dragon come into being in an unusual way and this caused her to seek him out to find what he was. She used her dragon form to get to his lands and entered them in her human form and succumbed to the poison he had spread and when Fafnir came across the dragoness, he could recognize her scent similar to his own and he brought her outside his lands and helped aid her healing process over the span of a few weeks, not trusting her to bring her to his home where he hoarded the treasure. He questioned her when she awoke aggressively about why she was in his lands and she answered it was because of him. Over the course of a few weeks as she regained her strength, Fafnir became more comfortable around her and he even began to believe she had no desire for his gold.

Aria asked him why he let her live and he answered because he needed to know if her kin would come for the treasure as well to prepare himself but when she explained her curiosity, Fafnir knew it was unheard of for a dragon to come into being through a transformation as he had. He explained to her what he had done. Aria thought it foolish to transform into her kind just to protect a hoard and warned Fafnir that it would be his downfall. Fafnir was arrogant and sure that he would not, having spent so much time protecting his hoard and brushed off her concern.

Once Aria was healed she stayed near Fafnir fearing his safety and it was lucky she had because not too long after she left his lands, someone had come for him. The poison had no effect on the demigod and he found Fafnir and his treasure and a battle ensued. Fafnir was brought down on his dragon form by a net and Aria rushed to his aid, slaying his captor in her own by reducing him to dust with her Hel fire before he could steal the treasure. She turned human to remove the net and saw the injuries Fafnir had been inflicted with and took him to his home while the poison was affecting her again.

It was the first time in his life that Fafnir was saved by someone else and needed aid much less by a woman that seemed to first plant the seeds of affection within the greed ridden dragon. Aria tended to his wounds although the poison was in her system, slowly killing her, and to return her kindness for saving his life, he drew upon her in his blood a symbol that imprinted onto her dragon form in the same symbol on her cheeks something that would make her immune to the poison. Fafnir and Aria became close after this and their affection for one another grew, although neither spoke of it.

Aria could have left after Fafnir healed, and Fafnir could have chased her away but any time talk of her leaving came up, he was reluctant to tell her to go. Aria did not want to leave his side either, the more she learned about Fafnir the more she saw more than just greed in his heart. Fafnir was the first to speak of the love he felt for Aria, over a year after all the time they spent with one another, and he had never felt fear before doing so until he waited to hear what Aria had to say about his proclamation and the time stopped as he waited for her to speak. Aria expressed her love for him as well and they became mates through a bond only a Dragon could give that allowed Fafnir to sense where Aria was and how she felt and the same would be opened to Aria.

Aria was with Fafnir for six years as his mate, although she bore him no children, until the day came when Sigurd came and slayed Fafnir for his hoard. It was the one-time Aria had not been with Fafnir or within distance to get to him and when he was killed the pain from their bond made it feel as though her heart was just torn in two. Aria made it to Fafnir too late and found his body cold as ice on the ground. Aria held her beloved and wept for hours over him before sending his body away in flames as was the custom of the Norse. Since that day Aria vowed never to fall in love again because the pain of her loves death was too unbearable to withstand and almost killed her and she knew she would not survive the pain a second time. Aria kept that vow, building walls around her broken heart, and lived an isolated and lonely life watching over her kin before the wars on them and going into her slumber for centuries.

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