Empress_*Olivia Talos*

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Status: In a relationship
Age: 43
Sign: Aries

Country: Portugal
Signup Date: May 06, 2015

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Secret Daughter ~( Rosa knows her father)
Category: Uncategorized


Secret Daughter ~( Rosa knows her father)

The years had passed and Olivia had kept on hiding a big secret. She never knew when it was the right time to reveal It. A few years back Olivia had left her Kingdom many things led to her departure ,things she wished to never speak about again. While she was away is when her secret begin. Olivia had been feeling sick a few months after her leaving. After taking some time to really think about it she knew what it was she was with child. Olivia couldn’t go back she had to go through this pregnancy alone. The months had past and she was in labor. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl safe in the refuge of a loyal Spanish coven. Olivia named her daughter Rosa she was the biological daughter of Cain Romanicus. Olivia wanted to keep this secret for as long as she could but with Rosa growing up so quickly and the other children ready to spill the news Olivia knew it was time. She finally told her who her father was and Rosa was determined to meet him and learn more about who she was

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